What do you want from Fallout 4 and TES 6?

They did, the game is called Rage, which I doubt there will be a sequel. It was a very good and underrated game by the way. Doom 4 is apparently more important.
Dont know if Rage was on ID Tech 5.

I really dont understand why some people just cant stand that a game where shooting weapons is a skill you have level up exists. Its not like straight FPS games
dont exist, even post apocalyptic one...

What do I want out of these games...
in general...
I want loot to mean something... a happy middle ground between the loot whoring
in borderlands/diablo and the no loot from dragon age 2 and mass effect 2 and 3.
Good loot should be hard to get and you should feel ecstatic you got it.
I want money to mean something... you go from dirt poor to rich in a very short
period in these games and nothing to spend it on. I like how wasteland 2 has done
this... DA:O also was not bad. You should have lots of choices to spend your money
and all them shouldnt be an option
I dont want DLC... but if they are, make it good... Oblivion and FO3 all had good dlc
FO:NV not so much and I was underwhelmed with skyrim too
I would like to see 2 or 3 or 4 different options for origins, like DA:O that have
atleast some impact on the game
I am a little tired of TES "We need someone to save the world... quick check the prison" as a starting point.

I think FO:NV had a lot of good things in it that need to be continued on in the next
one. The FO3 rule set was broken.
I want the super mutant behemoths from FO3 brought back
Hardcore mode from FO:NV needs to be kept
I honestly want a city that hasnt been hit directly by a nuclear bomb so has a lot of
buildings still standing.

I want magic to be something other then a combat mechanic... I want levitation
back... mind reading... be able to control other people or animals
I dont want to have to wait for a follower to catch up to me 1/2 hour later when
Im riding on a horse.
I kinda want fast travel gone... keep the wagons, or bugs from morrowind and
bring back the recall spell from morrowind.
I want my stats back... I didnt like it being compressed into 3 stats
but I dont want to have to use a spreadsheet to maximize my leveling bonus
I want to go back to having only 1 home/house instead of 1 per city
The hearthstone dlc was a good idea but not implemented well

it was, an rage 2 wasnt canceled its being built slowly due to doom 5.

Rage needed a bigger, much much bigger open world and more weapons an it would have been a solid game