Movies What's the defining movie quote for a particular actor.

My contribution

RDJ's I am Iron Man line was unscripted.. and it defined more than RDJ's career..
It's sad that any of these qualify as defining quotes when the actor didn't write the line.

Sure, they delivered it well, but the writer deserves credit too.
"Hasta la vista baby" and "I'll be back" defined Arnold for sure.

The single most amazing display of acting in cinema history delivered by the consensus best actor in the history of mankind.
Seagal bless
Arnold has so many good one liners that Austrian death machine wrote 3 albums using his 1 liners as song material

"Hasta la vista baby" and "I'll be back" defined Arnold for sure.

The single most amazing display of acting in cinema history delivered by the consensus best actor in the history of mankind.
Seagal bless
Lord Steven is an undisputed diety, a God among men
Tears in rain monologue is an improvisation
Most of it was written but Rutgar came up with the Tears in Rain line himself.

Not sure there's ever been a character which sums up an actors career so well, I spose because despite being onscreen for what 30 mins he's so diverse emotionally.
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