When did you become aware of you ?

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Jan 26, 2015
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It seems that from a certain moment in our lives, we recognize ourselves, our personality, our consciousness.
From then,I think we 'only' feel our body is aging, but that consiconsciousness, personality, stays the same and just gets upgraded
with experience and knowledge but in the essence, it is what it is, and thats why we feel even in old age like our spirit is still
like that one from our kids ages.
What would you say, when did you recognize yourself ?
When you think about it ,probly sometimes before the teenage age ,right?
In 4th grade, so like age 9 or 10, when I got jumped by a group of older kids and absolutely man-handled the biggest one and threw him down an enbankment into a creek.
but in the essence, it is what it is

My entire family growing up was very passionate and had tons of interest/hobbys with strong emotional connections to. Pretty much every single person in my family loves the same things at 16 as they do now.

The most aware I ever became of myself was actually this most recent summer which was the last full year of being married (funny enough I filed the divorce petition today). My wife became a legitimate psychopath and started to develop both depression and anxiety. The person she became and the person I became with her (staying home every night all pouty watching old people game shows/local news, talking shit to others behind there backs, not going out and doing stuff) was the complete opposite of myself.

I wanted to spend quality time with my family and friends, pursue hobbies that I've been doing for over 20 years, use my childhood love of science and health to better society. It wasn't until I lost all of those things until I realize who I actually was and what actually drives me. What gives me fulfillment, joy, and purpose. The classic cheesy hallmark saying of "you don't know what you have until you lose it"
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I still wonder if im even human or is any of this real

"Agents are coming pops up on screen"
That's pretty heavy, man. Go find happiness.
Thanks man, absolutely ! 2024 has been a completely different year. Fulfilling job, spending quality time with family and friends again, taking lessons for both golf and guitar, started a volunteer PC hardware club at my local university. I'm 10x happier now.
after my first orgasm, I looked up at the blue sky, the birds fluttering in the sunshine, the wind wafting about I thought to myself "Im in for a treat"