when u watch the show cops...

Last time I watched cops, the cops showed up at the door. I offered them a beer, they thought about it....asked what kind of beer.....and then declined.
I used to make it a drinking game with my friends. You had to pick a race, a crime, and a specific kind of drug and drink any time they showed up. If you got one segment with all three you had to pound your drink.


Also New Zealand has way better cop shows, watch the first 17 seconds of this!
i like watching the episodes from the 90s to mid 2000s, they seem to have the most ridiculous criminals
Original COPS was probably one of the shows I liked the most. This was the time before every single show was a scripted reality show like we have today.

COPS was the original reality TV.
Not a fan of cops but the show was entertaining and had some classic tv moments

I'm watching Cops on Spike right now.

Gotta love it when the perp tells the cop to STFU.

Pure gold.
The last episode I watched involved a police department in Florida setting up a sting where they were selling nickel and dime bags of weed to people and then arresting them. Fucking ridiculous.

Cops is video proof that the war on drugs is an absolute failure.

I actually had a friend get busted on Cops exactly that way, in Florida.

He actually asked the undercovers if the cops were gone, and of course they told him yeah. He proceeded like the fool he is, and got arrested for buying a dub. The funny thing about it was, that they hit his car, and he told them "you didn't have to hit my car", to which the cop then told him that he didn't have to worry about it, since it was now a possession of the county.

It was fucking surreal to see that happen to a friend.
I love cops. It is a blueprint on how NOT to interact with them.
I enjoy Cops, i watch it to see how different agencies differ from mine when it comes to general orders or procedures.

And also to watch stupid criminals.
the aussie version where the guy was "just waiting for a mate" still cracks me up
humorous, then i get angry because i realize that the vast majority of people do not support themselves financially and that money is coming out of my paycheck to support them. then more money is taken out to arrest and jail them
Never seen cops but I enjoy watching alaskan state troopers on natgeo
I like watching Cops a lot but boy do they go for that taser quick.
I enjoyed the one where an undercover dressed up as a clown and went around picking up street walkers.
The crackheads are hilarious. They stay getting caught up with crack on them and all of them say it's not mine I swear.

One of the best shows ever, and the best reality show ever, hands down.
My Top COPS Moments

3) Front wheel drive? That means I can keep driving from the cops with the rear rims sparking off the pavement!

2) Vegas Metro cop: Just have to ask you something. Could you please keep your hands out of your pockets.
Guy Reported to Have Just Been in a Fight at McDonald's: I don't have to do anything you say.
Cop: Just want to be clear on something before we leave. Just want to be able to see your hands.
Guy: I'm no going to show you my hands.
Cop: The reason why I...
Guy: You have no right to *uhrrk!*
The General Zod treatment.

And the all time number one is...

You know where I'll bet those cops will never find me? Under this kiddie pool!
If you go by the TV show Cops, poor people all have dogs that are kept outside that bark non stop.

I look at Cops the way I look at To Catch Predator. Comedy gold.