Which celebrity death made you saddest?


Jul 19, 2016
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It could be a celebrity from your childhood or a very recent death of one....It could be a musician,actor,athlete or whoever....Personally I remember feeling saddest when Aaliyah died when I was around 14...Now I wasn't a huge superfan or anything near that but I just remember growing up listening to her hits which were really catchy and quite good and just as she was becoming a huge superstar that terrible plane crash happened...and seeing the final moments in her life on a special of Vh1 made me sadder as well because she seemed like a very nice and loveable person...and it sucked to see someone as beautiful as she was inside and out to go at such a young age...so much promise gone in an instant...
Edit: don't think the people I named really fit your criteria.
Rik Mayall


Idolized that dude since I was a little kid
Past: Cliff Burton
Present: Alan Rickman (don't know why, it just bummed me out.)

I used to root for him on those HDNet fights before he made it to the UFC
Definitely Jacko. I think his death was such a tragic end to a tragic individual who still had more left to give. Compare his death to the likes of Bowie who had lived such a full life and pretty much given his all.
I was born in 1980 so I wasn't alive when Kennedy was killed in 63, but I have been doing a shit ton of reading about JFK and I feel that had he lived the Civil Rights movement would have been expedited and the War in Vietnam would have been prevented so I'm going to go with him.....

"Victory has 100 fathers but defeat is an orphan"

Epic JFK quote...

Gone before he could have TRULY changed the world

There have been a few ...but Patrick Swayze and Steve Irwin made me question things...


Growing up in the 80's and hearing Princes music everywhere... remembering going to the movies to see Purple Rain back in the 80's.... my sister having Prince posters all over her bedroom walls ect... it was hard to believe that Prince was gone.

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Past: Cliff Burton
Present: Alan Rickman (don't know why, it just bummed me out.)
He gave his life trying to save dumbledore man. Ofcourse we all miss Alan Rickman.
I was born in 1980 so I wasn't alive when Kennedy was killed in 63, but I have been doing a shit ton of reading about JFK and I feel that had he lived the Civil Rights movement would have been expedited and the War in Vietnam would have been prevented so I'm going to go with him.....

"Victory has 100 fathers but defeat is an orphan"

Epic JFK quote...

Gone before he could have TRULY changed the world

Thats a fkin great choice !
The fact that he wanted no CIA ,no Vietnam War , and no FED , makes one only wonder on not only how it was, but also how it could have been, doesnt it ?!
I was gonna say "cheers" yet it surely doesnt apply here....
Dunn and Walker. Me and my boys used to do all sorts of dumb shit and that coulda been us hit me like a brick
Robin Williams, having a brain disease is awful
Kurt Cobain. I wasn't in the best place in my life when that happened so that kinda hit home.

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