Which criminal organization could you infiltrate as an undercover agent?


Steel Belt
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
I'm not asking if you'd want to. But, if you did want to for some reason, could you?

I don't know much about mafias but from what I've seen in the movies they tend to stick to their own kind. Italians, Greek, Russian, Chinese.... I couldn't infiltrate any of these because I don't have the right look nor the culture/language.

Maybe I could infiltrate some opioid ring, like buying old people's prescriptions and reselling them for profit.
Brazilian all the way. But they are too violent I do t want to deal w I th those people.
Van Buren Boys.

Probably just some low level drug dealer’s operation. I can look like a homeless heroin addict. But any organized crime, no way. I can’t even speak Russian. I can barely speak a tiny bit of Spanish. And those are the only two types of organized crime in the US that I know of.
The Trumps. Because they are stupid.
Is there some gentle human trafficking ring? Only tens and the ladies get paid handsomely along with free healthcare/therapy. Something like the Sultan of Brunei? I would infiltrate his crew. I would even pretend to be Muslim.
Is there some gentle human trafficking ring? Only tens and the ladies get paid handsomely along with free healthcare/therapy. Something like the Sultan of Brunei? I would infiltrate his crew. I would even pretend to be Muslim.
What you are describing is a high end escort service.
I'm curious if many cops volunteer to infiltrate massage parlors as customers. Years ago in the local news, there were cops busted for extorting free service from ho's.

I was always curious how far undercover women cops would go in the line of duty like if they would get naked on stage at strip joint or have sexual relations with crime boss. I assumed Eva Mendes in 2 Fast 2 Furious had sexual relations with the crime lord.