White Supremacist Protest v.2: Ethno-Nationalists and their Apologists

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Sure. But shit, man. Awkward and off balance old man kicked in the knee and railed on what's probably a teenager.
Not cool.

As far as punishment across the board: yep, all these fuckers who seem to be doing their level best to put free speech at risk deserve to be roughly hauled off and locked up.

Look at the pictures of these so called 'white supremacists' mainly weak looking fuckers. its no surprise they're looking for easier targets.
Look at the pictures of these so called 'white supremacists' mainly weak looking fuckers. its no surprise they're looking for easier targets.

Not sure which faction assaulted him. The nazi-wannabes and antifa all look physically unimpressive.
Guess that's what happens when you dedicate your life to rage-spazzing.
lol at all the Richard Spencer haircuts in these photos
So, independent from implications for the US, you're both supportive of ethnonationalism in Japan based on the nation's historical demography?
Clearly, he was talking about ethnicity, not Japanese citizenship.
I won't judge, just asking for clarification.

I don't particularly care what the Japanese do in Japan. Just like I don't care what the Germans do in Germany or the Chinese do in China. I care about using these extremely different countries as parallels to the U.S. As JVS correctly pointed out, the discrepancy is that the U.S. is not the ethnic equivalent to those nations and never has been.
This is what, your third attempt to minimize the white supremacist rally and derail the thread by bringing up a bunch of stuff several hundred miles away?

One deranged white person kills another white person and you losers think because of that a huge conversation about the threat of "white supremacy" needs to be front and center. Bunch of media head no-thinkers.

Dude was a loser. Anybody marching with the notion of "our race vs your race" is a total loser. A fat white loser killed a white person in a manslaughter type situation here, and they are protesting it in Detroit; literally. It's a scam. They are desperate to have their blame target, and the reaching is comical.

This event happened, I understand talking about it, so carry on. But have some damn perspective and live in reality about the problems America is actually facing.. Don't indulge in media fantasy about b.s. problems that will only become real of they keep lying about it.
So, independent from implications for the US, you're both supportive of ethnonationalism in Japan based on the nation's historical demography?
Clearly, he was talking about ethnicity, not Japanese citizenship.
I won't judge, just asking for clarification.

Can't speak for Pan. I wouldn't say I'm "supportive" of ethnonationalism anywhere. "Indifferent" would be a better word. Works for them, with some problems. Our situation is very different.
I don't particularly care what the Japanese do in Japan. Just like I don't care what the Germans do in Germany or the Chinese do in China. I care about using these extremely different countries as parallels to the U.S. As JVS correctly pointed out, the discrepancy is that the U.S. is not the ethnic equivalent to those nations and never has been.

This is true there are almost no equivalents to USA outside of Canada and maybe Australia? I've been looking into the ethnicity statistics of random countries around the world and most are somewhere around 85-90% homogeneous ethnicity (not race, ethnicity) and even those with different ethnicities had very limited diversity, while the largest ethnicity in the states was something like 30% with German heritage I believe and the list of ethnicities was exponentially longer than most others.
Can't speak for Pan. I wouldn't say I'm "supportive" of ethnonationalism anywhere. "Indifferent" would be a better word. Works for them, with some problems. Our situation is very different.

Also, you ever notice how their support for ethnonationalism never extends to African countries?
Also, America as a whole is obviously not for any group of white people. We know this. The Japan analogies are apropos to Europe, and are not far-fetched. It's not outlandish thinking, and those in power should listen to their people about what they want for their countries more than they listen to outside money interests. I still think the europeans who think europe should remain the homeland of Europeans would lose at this point, but an individual isn't crazy or racist for having those feelings.

White people in America should just admit we have a melting pot and more readily deal with it.. in my opinion. Did white people create the law of the land and get things rolling here? Yeah, of course they did and don't even lie. But America is a melting pot experiment now and has been for a while. That's reality. Why Europe is forced into the same position, I'm not sure.
Also, you ever notice how their support for ethnonationalism never extends to African countries?

>Ethnonationalism works over there! We should do it!
> Nah, just because UHC works over there doesn't mean we should try it.
Agreed and disagreed.
But my gut feeling is like Burr on that football player who kissed his boyfriend when he got picked.
"That's what ya get for watching the draft. He shoulda blown him."

Go to a protest where you know there's gonna be anti protesters, ya get what you knew was coming.

Excepting some asshole driving into the crowd like a lunatic
Also, you ever notice how their support for ethnonationalism never extends to African countries?

Who are you talking about?

Africans have taken whites land, whites who were feeding africans, because they weren't of a heritage of that nation. Nobody makes a big deal about it. INSANE MEDIA BIAS MUST BE ADDRESSED.
I wonder how people would react? I don't know, maybe calls to remove all the people from that group out of the country? Maybe not let them in?

I'm sure there will be a heap load of hypocrisy from some people on the board. They'll say (and have already said) it's Obama's fault, it's BLM, it's Antifa's fault. Not that there's been a group of people in this country that hate all races and religions except white Christians (only certain christian groups on top of that) . These are the groups Trump courted and who endorse and believe in him. They would not have risen up like this if it wasn't for Trump. Supporters of him, even those that despise what happen in the last week need to own this.

Anyone who does something like this should be destroyed in my opinion. The groups that organize it should be destroyed. No matter what the race or religion.
That's as good as saying "buckle your chinstrap" or "update your virus protection"

Here are some samples posted by the vice mayor.



Not sure which faction assaulted him. The nazi-wannabes and antifa all look physically unimpressive.
Guess that's what happens when you dedicate your life to rage-spazzing.
Yeah i get confused too. Both groups in all honesty are out of touch with reality.

But nazis is crazy. Why the fuck be nazis.
I don't know any Trump voter or conservative that supports this guy's actions. I would say Trump courted the working class of America. That is how he won.
If that was his name it would have been a case of workplace violence.

I kid i kid
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