Who is on your ignore list?

Gaddafi was kind of arguably a cool international gladfly in some quarters, and those shades are killer.

Gaddafi's sense of style was impeccable, especially by the usually low standards of dictators and strongmen.

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Gaddafi was kind of arguably a cool international gladfly in some quarters, and those shades are killer.

But his final act was literally getting sworded in the rectum. That's no way to leave the stage.

I would go with Sadat.
His story is interesting, how he managed to take over Libya in the first place, and the attempt to overthrow him early on which fizzled. Theres a decent read on it, The Hilton Assignment, I think it's called, would make a good movie except the ending flops because they dont pull it off, but offers decent insights to that moment in history.
Gaddafi was kind of arguably a cool international gladfly in some quarters, and those shades are killer.

But his final act was literally getting sworded in the rectum. That's no way to leave the stage.

I would go with Sadat.

Lol I watched a documentary about the Yom Kippur War of 1973, and the commentary talks about critics of Sadat calling him Nazer,s black poodle.
Gaddafi sense of style was impeccable, especially by the usually low standards of dictators and strongmen.


He is like a real life Video Game Villain! I heard they have exhumed Qaddafi you ever heard about that?

You know what they found out?

Gaddafi's sense of style was impeccable, especially by the usually low standards of dictators and strongmen.

I also thought it was funny that Saddam, who was never part of the military, liked to parade around in a uniform while Gaddafi, who was a captain in the military, preferred to wear these eccentric outfits instead of the uniform.
I put one guy on there in the boxing forum. Nothing personal, he just posts a ton of gifs and it slows my phone down when I'm not on wi-fi.

Besides that, I can just not read what people have to say if I want to ignore them. But I even like reading the really batshit crazy people on here, too. It's just good to know that they exist rather than trying to avert my eyes from their existence. The punch you don't see coming is the one that hurts the most and all that.
I also thought it was funny that Saddam, who was never part of the military, liked to parade around in a uniform while Gaddafi, who was a captain in the military, preferred to wear these eccentric outfits instead of the uniform.

The military uniform thing is way overdone by your average strongman. But if you're going to do it, it doesn't hurt to look sharp as hell doing it:

Qaddafi was the best looking dictator since Joe Stalin imo, but he dressed better than Uncle Joe.

Also, I loved the all female bodyguard thing.
I didn't even know you could 'ignore' people until this thread

but i'm also a grown adult so ya
I didn't even know you could 'ignore' people until this thread

but i'm also a grown adult so ya

I don't understand this perspective but a reiteration of this argument is very common here. Why would it be childish to ignore trolls, some of who act like literal children? It's like a group of adults sitting at a table having a conversation and a child sits in and starts making fart noises. I just don't see how removing someone like that if you have the ability is not adult-like. It's the perfect solution. They are still able to make fart noises, and I don't have to hear it.
I don't understand this perspective but a reiteration of this argument is very common here. Why would it be childish to ignore trolls, some of who act like literal children? It's like a group of adults sitting at a table having a conversation and a child sits in and starts making fart noises. I just don't see how removing someone like that if you have the ability is not adult-like. It's the perfect solution. They are still able to make fart noises, and I don't have to hear it.
you could simply read/scroll pass also....

Why give that person that type of power, to control your own actions?
I don't understand this perspective but a reiteration of this argument is very common here. Why would it be childish to ignore trolls, some of who act like literal children? It's like a group of adults sitting at a table having a conversation and a child sits in and starts making fart noises. I just don't see how removing someone like that if you have the ability is not adult-like. It's the perfect solution. They are still able to make fart noises, and I don't have to hear it.
We all go through our edgy phase..
you could simply read/scroll past also....

Why give that person that type of power, to control your own actions?

Informally ignoring people is another alternative, but the sentiment behind this is the same reasoning I have used; there are people that aren't worth listening to.
I don't understand this perspective but a reiteration of this argument is very common here. Why would it be childish to ignore trolls, some of who act like literal children? It's like a group of adults sitting at a table having a conversation and a child sits in and starts making fart noises. I just don't see how removing someone like that if you have the ability is not adult-like. It's the perfect solution. They are still able to make fart noises, and I don't have to hear it.

I could ignore @Wet Blanket @HomerThompson @M3t4tr0n and the other progressive trolls that tag me often but I just continue to persevere and post the truth. It's fun watching their meltdowns.