Who is the action movie GOAT

Who is the action movie GOAT?

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Wow, Sherdog is almost unanimous on something....

That's a first.
It’s Arnold. Cruise is top boy right now, but Arnold paved the way in the 80s.

Pretty crazy to think that Cruise is the top guy now...and he made Top Gun 34 years ago.

I love Arnold but has any action movie of his really been significant since...True Lies? That's aside from shitting on his own legacy with Terminator 5 and 6 and eating poop like everyone else that appeared in The Expendables series as anything but the villains.

Tommy has been at it for 26 years or so of continuous significant material since Arnold made True Lies. At some point, it just adds up...

Since True Lies, Sly still has given us Rambo 4, Rocky 6, Cop Land, Creed movies if those count. And a bunch of dog shit too. But I'm struggling to name something that is worth mentioning for Arnold since 1994 or so.

I really liked his performances in Aftermath and Sabotage, but nobody else cared about those movies, or Maggie where he was decent, but it wasn't an action movie.

For what it's worth, I was fine with End of Days, the 6th Day and Collateral Damage, but again, nobody but me seemed to really like them. The guy was a god from 1982-1994 though.
True Lies was his last legitimately great movie, agreed. But his high watermarks are higher than everyone else’s - Terminator, T2, Total Recall, Predator & Commando really are the best of the best. Nothing Cruise or Stallone (aside from maybe Rocky) can realistically compete with those.

Cruise’s body of work is unfathomable, frankly, but he’s still only able to push out blockbusters year after year because Arnold created the market for them.
True Lies was his last legitimately great movie, agreed. But his high watermarks are higher than everyone else’s - Terminator, T2, Total Recall, Predator & Commando really are the best of the best. Nothing Cruise or Stallone (aside from maybe Rocky) can realistically compete with those.

Cruise’s body of work is unfathomable, frankly, but he’s still only able to push out blockbusters year after year because Arnold created the market for them.

I would say Rocky and First Blood are unquestionably in that tier. And I would have them easily above Commando. And if Commando gets in, I would say the first four Rocky films and the first two Rambos get in.
Well maybe. I’d say First Blood is more of a Thriller than a straight Action movie, though. And Rocky is a drama, really. I suppose by that logic, Terminator is a Thriller, too, so now I’m confused and racked with doubt.
As much as I love the GOAT of life, Arnie:

His action career is just like his Bodybuilding career - all fluff and pump.

Other than his amazing look and charisma, the big lunk at best could throw a half decent looking punch.

Cant do fuck all else, except star in amazing movies by great directors.

In terms of action talent, there is only 1


I guess in terms of best action movies, Arnold wins, but as an actual action star Chan is undoubtedly the best in my mind.
You know he’s a Scientologist?
Not that I care ultimately but I thought they denied that. Or at least his wife did. She says they hang with people from all backgrounds.

I just know people love this guy on social media like he's a guru and publicly he promotes nothing but encouragement and positivity.

I can't say anything bad about him unless I'm talking about some conspiracy theory stuff that I can't prove. Jaden is a strange one but even his parents will admit to that.
you forgot the King of Action movies...

He could break a guys arm like it was a toothpick...

He's faster than a cheetah, and runs with the grace of a gazelle...

Irresistable to the opposite sex, but always kept the romance crap brief, just the bare minimum...

He was a sensei of the highest form of Martial Arts, Aikido... taught the MMA GOAT everything he knows<BC1>

A bastion of great health...
The most lopsided poll I've ever seen on here and rightfully so.
Sly gets extra points for writing or co-writing many of his films, but The Austrian Oak gets my vote. I know Cruise is a weird fuck, but I'd give him 2nd place. His films are usually really well done and the little fucker is a damned good actor.
Pretty crazy to think that Cruise is the top guy now...and he made Top Gun 34 years ago.

I love Arnold but has any action movie of his really been significant since...True Lies? That's aside from shitting on his own legacy with Terminator 5 and 6 and eating poop like everyone else that appeared in The Expendables series as anything but the villains.

Tommy has been at it for 26 years or so of continuous significant material since Arnold made True Lies. At some point, it just adds up...

Since True Lies, Sly still has given us Rambo 4, Rocky 6, Cop Land, Creed movies if those count. And a bunch of dog shit too. But I'm struggling to name something that is worth mentioning for Arnold since 1994 or so.

I really liked his performances in Aftermath and Sabotage, but nobody else cared about those movies, or Maggie where he was decent, but it wasn't an action movie.

For what it's worth, I was fine with End of Days, the 6th Day and Collateral Damage, but again, nobody but me seemed to really like them. The guy was a god from 1982-1994 though.

I dont think Arnold is as much as a film connoisseur as Sylvester is. Sly knows how to create an action film and I'm not sure if Arnold does. I think Sly might have contributed more to the overall genre and definitely is on the Mount Rushmore of Action icons.

Arnold really benefited from working with, what I consider to be the action icons James Cameron, John McTeirnan and, Paul Verhoeven. Who the hell did Sly work with? Nobody really. Sly carried his movies pretty much himself no question.

It is not a coincidence that the last "good" Arnold action film was directed by James Cameron.
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I dont think Arnold is as much as a film connoisseur as Sylvester is. Sly knows how to create an action film and I'm not sure if Arnold does. I think Sly might have contributed more to the overall genre and definitely is on the Mount Rushmore of Action icons.

Arnold really benefited from working with, what I consider to be the action icons James Cameron, John McTeirnan and, Paul Verhoeven. Who the hell did Sly work with? Nobody really. Sly carried his movies pretty much himself no question.

It is not a coincidence that the last "good" Arnold action film was directed by James Cameron.

Yeah, the big six Stallone films would probably be Rocky 1-4 and Rambo 1-2. Stallone wrote all six and directed three of them. And then in the case of Rambo 2, there are the George P. Cosmatos questions that seem to come up...

I think Stallone also has more good films and performances that don't get recognized...Lock Up, Over the Top, Cop Land, FIST, Nighthawks, etc.

Arnold only started accumulating those in the last decade or so. I thought he was very good in Sabotage, though the movie was so-so. He was doing acting things that he never would have done in his prime as a box office draw. And he was good in Aftermath and Maggie. Like Van Damme, he took some time and worked on his acting. But like Van Damme, nobody really seemed to care that he could do that kind of acting now.

And Stallone's capabilities in all of the above areas make shit like The Expandables and the Escape Plan series all the more sad.
Snipes deserves to be on the list. He's not #1 though it obviously goes to Arnold.
number 1 is arnold, number 2 is sly, the arguments start over who's number 3.

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