Who is your favorite 205 lb champ of all time?

Favorite 205 lb. champ?

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When I first started watching MMA the light heavyweight division was hands down the most stacked and entertaining division in mma to me. Fighters like Shogun, Rampage, Wand, the Iceman, Randy, Vitor, Tito, Arona, Lil Nog, Overeem, etc made 205 one of the best divisions.

Some of the biggest names and best champions off all time in mma come from the 205 division, so my question to you, who is your all time favorite champion from the 205 division?

Feel free to post pics and gifs of your favorite champs and discuss your favorite fight of theirs.


@scorpipede @Homeless Infant @ortizgnp @DS7
Who did you vote for BC?
Jones, Rampage, Rashad, Cormier....don't care about the rest of them
I voted Shogun Rua, not only is he my second favorite Light Heavyweight to Quinton "Rampage" Jackson, but he's honestly one of my favorite fighters ever - probably top 3-5.

I voted Mauricio because I think he was a better champion than Rampage - I never felt that Rampage was unbeatable, I genuinely felt like that when I was watching Shogun.

I know he wasn't quite the same when he fought Griffin and Coleman, but when he turned that corner and got back to health he was unstoppable. The demolishing of Chuck, the great battle with Lyoto and then eventually the KO of Lyoto in the rematch - the whole thing was a great period in MMA. Shogun solved the unsolvable puzzle that was Machida, and that alone is just a great memory.

Forever Shogun!
This is extremely hard to only pick one here. I would go with Wanderlei, Rampage, Machida, Liddell.
I am biased for Randy Couture since I was at Team Quest
Rampage. Brings the fun in and out the cage. SLAMS.
"Might" is the operative word there fella. If Cody walks out and blasts Dominic Cruz then I imagine some folks will start watching. This is precisely how Conor and Chuck got noticed. Knock outs.
Nobody went for it like Chuck, he had a really dominant run for a couple years too

One thing for sure though, you were never gonna tune into a boring Chuck fight
Shogun, Machida, Wand, and Chuck.

I was all in on Chuck when he was the UFC guy. Loved him. When Shogun fought Chuck i was really torn, but during the fight i found my self going for Shogun. So he wins. 3 or my favorites.

These are my top 4 though. Everyone else is behind them for sure.
Rampage / Wand / Shogun (tie for third)

LHW used to be the GOAT divison, now it's pretty crappy.
When I first started watching MMA the light heavyweight division was hands down the most stacked and entertaining division in mma to me. Fighters like Shogun, Rampage, Wand, the Iceman, Randy, Vitor, Tito, Arona, Lil Nog, Overeem, etc made 205 one of the best divisions.

Some of the biggest names and best champions off all time in mma come from the 205 division, so my question to you, who is your all time favorite champion from the 205 division?

Feel free to post pics and gifs of your favorite champs and discuss your favorite fight of theirs.


@scorpipede @Homeless Infant @ortizgnp @DS7

Tito Ortiz has 9 votes...I see @ortizgnp as 9 accounts <36>

Any vote other than Jon "GOAT" Jones is behind retarded and should be punished with a ban.

How can you like all those guys, with that much no love between them?

lol note the one common denominator between all those guys he listed...

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