Who won Edgar vs Munhoz

Who won ?

  • Edgar

  • Munhoz

  • Draw

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I won a bet on Edgar but felt like Munhoz won because his shots were more impactful. Either way, very impressive by Frankie who showed everyone that he isn't washed yet.
I just wanna know where people get their damage meters for their tvs/computer screens.

I need them. "x landed the harder shots" when I watched X's head snap numerous times from the shots landed from y. Both have bloody faces....

Commentators are great at skewing viewer perception. This fight was a prime example.
The fight was inconclusive. I don't know why judges feel like there must be a winner. If there is no finish, then judges should be thinking "I am going to score this a draw, unless one fighter clearly shows he is one step ahead of his opponent."
It was super close and I can see argument for either but I had Edgar edging it barely 48-47
This was not a particularly close fight or hard to score.

1: Munhoz
2: Edgar
3: Munhoz

If you don't agree with this so far, stop here.

4: Munhoz
5: Munhoz or Edgar

4-1 Munhoz is probably my scoring, but 3-2 makes sense.

Awarding Edgar 3 rounds for getting the shit beaten out of himself is ridiculous.
Edgar is my fucking boy but I thought Munhoz did enough in the 5th to take it 48-47. They both put on a hell of a fight tho.
it's was so contentious that it should be a draw

neither guy deserved to win
Thought Edgar won the 1st and 2nd.

This was not a particularly close fight or hard to score.

1: Munhoz
2: Edgar
3: Munhoz

If you don't agree with this so far, stop here.

4: Munhoz
5: Munhoz or Edgar

4-1 Munhoz is probably my scoring, but 3-2 makes sense.

Awarding Edgar 3 rounds for getting the shit beaten out of himself is ridiculous.
Edgar, but Sherdog is likely to say Munhoz due to their aversion to scoring takedowns/takedown attempts + overscoring of loading up on shots

If by 'loading up on shots' you mean beating both of Frankies eyes closed who literally limped out of the Octagon on his destroyed leg.

Munoz look like he had a hard sparring match. Frankie got beaten up badly.
edgar 1,2, and 4
Munhoz got jobbed. Frankie got the proverbial " mercy win".
On paper, numbers might be even and thsts why Cruz should just stop doing this commentating thing. One guy was hurting the other guy and the other was not. I'm happy for Frankie ( but sucks for pedro) and we didnt have to see edgar throw a temper tantrum after a fight he lost..... and he lost that fight.
This was not a particularly close fight or hard to score.

1: Munhoz
2: Edgar
3: Munhoz

If you don't agree with this so far, stop here.

4: Munhoz
5: Munhoz or Edgar

4-1 Munhoz is probably my scoring, but 3-2 makes sense.

Awarding Edgar 3 rounds for getting the shit beaten out of himself is ridiculous.
Edgar outstruck munhoz in total and significant strikes in every round except the 1st. That has to be taken into account too. Also munhoz through the the first 4 rounds was wearing it way more.on his face which also might away judges.

I wouldn't have complained at all if munhoz got the decision but it was razor close. I had it for Edgar
This was not a particularly close fight or hard to score.

1: Munhoz
2: Edgar
3: Munhoz

If you don't agree with this so far, stop here.

4: Munhoz
5: Munhoz or Edgar

4-1 Munhoz is probably my scoring, but 3-2 makes sense.

Awarding Edgar 3 rounds for getting the shit beaten out of himself is ridiculous.
Agree with this not sure how people are seeing differently.
I won a bet on Edgar but felt like Munhoz won because his shots were more impactful. Either way, very impressive by Frankie who showed everyone that he isn't washed yet.

I'm not so sure Munhoz' shots were THAT impactful, but more that it was a case of Frankie willingly moving backwards with them to disengage. You'd see him get hit and retreat back 3 feet with the blow, which would make it seem like they were really powerful, despite Frankie otherwise not being any hurt. But the Cody fight would've made clear not to stand there when Pedro starts throwing heat as he literally will plant his ground and throw specifically in the range the first punch landed. If you move off of the first punch, the rest will miss.

And it worked.

Meanwhile Frankie landed plenty of really clean, hard shots, that got ignored, even though they were stopping Pedro in his tracks. Pedro, the guy I just said wants a firefight, was getting stuffed out of them by Frankie's counters.
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