Why do some people have weak jawlines like this?

Weak chins are largely the result of a diet of processed food. You need to use your jaw to develop it. Over generations, like in England, the jaw becomes recessed leading to weak chins and crowded teeth. If you chew a more fibrous diet your jaw is larger. It basically comes down to need. As it does with lip size. If you open your mouth less you need smaller lips. If you open your mouth larger to eat larger pieces of food you get larger lips.

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You should find these poor chinless men and suck their dicks to make them feel better sherbro
Great Khali with the GOAT jawline.



Because of Inoki.............

Muhammad Ali used to mock him and call him "pelican" because of it. Inoki then revealed that when he was young, he was very embarrassed about his jaw and went to a surgeon to get it changed. The surgeon suggested for Inoki to keep the jaw because it makes him look unique.
Things ppl can control hold exponentially more weight. I won’t make fun of someone for having a genetic defect or something they can’t control. More so fat as fuck ungroomed out of shape dumb as fuck retards. Most of murica…..
High body fat percentage can ruin jawline and face shape on a dude