Opinion Why is Gentrification always a bad thing ?

It’s always a bad thing. First, it revitalizes certain areas and makes them prosperous, thus driving out the people that get prices out of their homes and apartments by greedy landlord who realize they can now charge a lot more money for a one bedroom apartment that no longer has bullet holes in the windows and walls. And it is also bad, because where do those that get displaced move to? Well, with lots of help from Uncle Sam et al, they move to the suburbs and turn them into the slums where they once lived complete with drug dealing and violence.
It's not. It's nearly always a good thing. Brings it more businesses, lower crime rates, better class of citizen and pushes out the unwashed dregs.


And where do those that get displaced move to? Think about it. They end up in the burbs and shit it all up
It’s always a bad thing. First, it revitalizes certain areas and makes them prosperous, thus driving out the people that get prices out of their homes and apartments by greedy landlord who realize they can now charge a lot more money for a one bedroom apartment that no longer has bullet holes in the windows and walls. And it is also bad, because where do those that get displaced move to? Well, with lots of help from Uncle Sam et al, they move to the suburbs and turn them into the slums where they once lived complete with drug dealing and violence.
I think it's a mixed blessing, but you can be sure that leftists will always want it both ways. When white people move out, that is demonized as "white flight", and is supposedly racist. When white people move in, that is gentrification, and is supposedly also racist.
Question for you? Oakland got gentrified. Soaring house and rental prices, Raiders left for Vegas as are The As...house prices remain the same?
It sucks for renters, not so bad for home owners. My grandma sold her house in East LA a few years ago for a shit ton of money. She’s chillin really hard now. I’ve also seen local neighborhoods here protest new businesses opening up in vacant buildings because they don’t want the neighborhood to be gentrified. At the same time they want things cleaned up and less crime. It’s a mess but ultimately a consequence of living in a desirable location like Southern California.