Why is playing video games so frowned upon?

I'm in my late 30s and still love to play video games like Battlefield, Gran Turismo etc...but my friends and family always give me a bunch of crap when they come over. The gf usually brings it up which gets followed by "how old are you?" "What a total waste of time" or some other smart ass comment. No one bats an eye when they talk about binging the real housewives for 8 hours straight though.

End rant

Tldr: Got teased on Thanksgiving for playing videogames in my 30s.

I think it depends on everyone own unique circumstances. No one I know frowns upon me for playing video games. But I think gaming is getting more accepted as probably the #1 choice of entertainment. I think it's way more accepted now than ever before.
Its a time waster but i dont see it as any different than watching a movie or tv. If your like my coworker whos whole life revolves around gaming every weekend you might have a problem but its still better than being a druggie or alcoholic. Also fuck what anyone thinks in your own house.
Wtf are you talking about with the nerve system?
I'm saying as you get older you won't be as competitive in online games as you were earlier.

I work in IT. A few years ago I put in 3500 hours plus on Overwatch. I was decent at it and online games in general. But sitting 8 hours at a desk job at a laptop and then coming home and gaming really takes its toll. It started to become more of a chore. You'll find as time goes by your reflexes will become slower. That's all a byproduct of aging, that's all.

So enjoy gaming while it lasts. It won't last forever.
I don't really give a shit if someone plays video games as an adult, but it's hard for me to imagine having enough time to do that. I played Fortnite when my son first got into it last winter, and an hour would pass by really quickly. I just have too many other hobbies and responsibilities to zone into a video game for that long.
My wife hates video games but loves movies and her terrible television shows. I thing it’s hypocritical. I’ve basically completely stopped playing because I don’t want to hear it.
My wife hates video games but loves movies and her terrible television shows. I thing it’s hypocritical. I’ve basically completely stopped playing because I don’t want to hear it.

Why she whines at you for playing?

I’m in my 20s, and haven’t played any video games close to four years now. Because I fucking grew up, that’s why.
Only man children play video games and are in denial if you disagree.

Indeed. People need to grow up and watch trashy reality shows or get blackout drunk while watching football on the weekend.
I've never been criticized for playing games in my 30s.. i dont see how spending 2 hours playing a game are different than watching a movie.. of course thats all assuming the 30 year old has a full time job, pays bills, and isnt just living off the parents and playing video games all day.. if thats the case, of course the criticism is valid
Your life to live however you want. Most peoples snide comments and ridicule are just them projecting. They probably spend most of their time doing shit they don’t want todo, like taking care of their unwanted children, or shopping at Walmart cause they Are poor and work jobs they hate. Etc etc
5-10 years ago I would of said gamers where portrayed as neck berd nerds, now a days its so mainstream I am actually surprised people even raise an eyebrow at people gaming.
I don't judge, but personally I think we could all do better limiting ourselves from these sort of time fillers. It certainly doesn't help people who are high in anxiety or procrastinate often, and its been linked to limiting social skills.

That being said I do play video games 3 or 4 times a week. But its balanced with conventional work and daily physical workouts.

My younger brother does nothing but play them, he's like a drone. Still lives with my grandparents. Whenever he starts a job he just end up stressing out so bad over people and just quits. Its sad to see
Didn't know it was much nowadays. It's entertainment and the least passive form compared to other screen time. Just judge theirs back. Oh, you watch TV every day and/or are on social media for hours? Goes to bars all the time? Etc. Tell me more.

Video games peaked in like 2008

been so downhill since then
think it really depends who you talk to. i think there is increasing acceptance of video game playing at all ages.

when i was in grade school, playing anything other than the most main stream games meant you were a nerd. but i think in that age group, games are far more celebrated and socially acceptable now than theyve ever been.

i stopped really playing games after finishing my undergraduate studies, but ive been considering picking it up again once
1. my life hopefully stabilizes a bit in the next few months
2. the motha fuckin semiconductor supply chain is functional and gpus arent at a 200%+ mark up from msrp

the business model of free-to-play yet not pay-to-win but profit from things like cosmetic sales seems to be fairly successful with quite a few games which makes me want to try things out again

I’m in my 20s, and haven’t played any video games close to four years now. Because I fucking grew up, that’s why.
Only man children play video games and are in denial if you disagree.

Lmao guy who just turned 20, takes life advice from Gavin mcinnes, stopped playing video games because he's a bigboy adult now who has it all figured out.

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