Winning Back My Dream Girl - Need Advice Please, Sherbros!

When and If this goes south...
always mail order cuz.
Dudes a TLC show.


I hope it all works out bro.
Less than 3 weeks after Stacey bailed, Jennifer goes insane and dumps me. I felt horribly betrayed. I trusted her completely and she quit on us.

This part is kind of funny to me because of how crazy it is.... I mean you were totally emotionally invested in someone else while you were with this woman Jennifer who slept in a chair while you were in the hospital. You would text this other woman after sleeping with Jennifer.... and somehow in the end you are the one who was betrayed.
This part is kind of funny to me because of how crazy it is.... I mean you were totally emotionally invested in someone else while you were with this woman Jennifer who slept in a chair while you were in the hospital. You would text this other woman after sleeping with Jennifer.... and somehow in the end you are the one who was betrayed.

Not how the timeline went, you read it wrong but that’s okay
Lol this girl is going to fuck you up OP. You are unstable in a world that she has superpowers in.

Enjoy the illusion while it lasts.
Seriously, TL/DR.
You really should. You won't regret it.

First I was all
then I was like
and now I'm kinda like

I quite like this bit:
"We promised each other long ago we’d never lie to each other, so I’m inclined to believe her[Stacey]."
"Seems Stacey has been lying to me a little bit."
Have a great weekend, @Archie Goodwin.
I wouldn't have done things the same way that you did & I may have made different choices but you do you, bud. Be true to yourself & I hope everything works out great for you & Stacey.
I’m in Denver. Both my flight from Houston to here and from here to ND are about a half-hour behind
Someone hurled all in the plane and a cleaning crew needs to attend it. Can I not just get to my damn woman ffs lol
This is an epic 80s movie stuff.
I hope it’s works out.

I see this though.
After a bit.