Would powerlifters/bodybuilders be able to hit hard with correct technique?

Because they're body BUILDERS.

What the fuck, man.

These guys are building their bodies up to be impenetrable, indestructible fortresses.
So it makes sense to choose them.

Strongmen? Oh great.... someone who can pry off the lid to the pickle jar after I already loosened it with my efforts, while the 'strongman' takes the praise.

A strongman is just trying to be strong. They're not building up their bodies to literally be mobile fortresses (think Metroplex from Transformers).
An indefatigable, merciless, supremely powerful MetroPlex.

You enjoy your pickle jar lid removers.... I'll take a bodybuilder ANY day over that.

I second all of this. & I see your Metroplex & raise you... Uh... Trypticon?

With the proper training, Trypticon would definitely have one-punch power greater than a similarly (Godzilla-size) boxer (but not as great as Godzilla itself, natch). It's indisputable, based on modern science & training techniques & the evolution of t̶h̶e̶ ̶l̶i̶f̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶ giant fuckin' robot Tyrannosauruses since the days when they didn't understand nutrition.

In fact, McGregor probably hits harder than an allosaur, too, because of the above noted points. Just not as hard as Trypticon.

Scientific fact, innit?

PS: Am I even fucking spelling Trypticon right?