Would you marry and have children with a pornographic beauty?

The thing is the gene most commonly associated with homosexuality in men is actually found in even higher rates among promiscuous women, so essentially being a gay man is not caused by a gay gene, but by a dick loving gene. Basically if you marry a porn star theres a high chance your daughters will be sluts and your sons will be gay. For me this would be a deal breaker.

Lol, source on that please
That most of the members here are full of shit. youre going to tell me you will spank your monkey to her but wouldnt marry her? I say hell yes. Having sex with this hot babe everyday? Count me in.
Not full of shit. I’ve had enough smoking hot bat shit crazy girls.

I’d rather jerk off to them and keep my life from being fucked up more by them thanks.
I'd marry a porn star, they get fucked at work so I don't have to do it and can play more League of Legends.
When she got home, she'd no doubt demand really long back massages with incredibly specific demands and all the sorts of stuff her coworkers don't do for her. So no League of Legends for you.
Most of the No's are bullshit. This woman is smoking hot and is the type of woman you losers jerk off to.

Have you seen porn stars with their makeup off? Most are not smoking hot. Plus whatever she looks like, you’ll get used to it.

Second, unlike most Sherdoggers I’m not 6’4, 245, with an 8 inch carrot. I think I’d have insecurity issues.

Third, hell naw man. Hard no. Most women are crazy, but that’s like back up the Brinks truck level of crazy.
When she got home, she'd no doubt demand really long back massages with incredibly specific demands and all the sorts of stuff her coworkers don't do for her. So no League of Legends for you.
Sounds like her problem, she can meet me on Summoners Rift if she wants to talk.
Imagine marrying a porn star. You get kids with her. When your boys turn 13 they start watching porn. They’re watching a Classic, a girl is getting f’ed in the a-Hole by a black dude, the boys are jerking off. At the point of no return, they see the face of the porn star. It’s mom. And then they explode in pleasure, but it’s weird. It’s like having done it with your mom. You want to traumatize your kids? Go for it.
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No but I'm never getting married or having children. Fuck that. I'd date one who wasn't active, provided they were actually hot, and not a bimbo with silicone and filler.
I would not marry one but it might be possible to have a bastard child by accident.

Why would you put your kids through that. Imagine a boy or girl at high school getting the 'your mum was a porn star, I saw her get gangbanged by 10 guys last night' etc or 'can I come and stay this weekend and fuck your mum?'

Or 'you're dad must be some kind of super-simp'
How would it be, flipside and Tyler Knight was in the equation and he was the porn star and the woman was being impregnated and having kids with him?
That this shit has been normalised says something about how far standards have fallen in the West. I'm not much a moralist but if you see this as normal then you're a degenerate, there's no other real conclusion.
If I loved her, I guess I’d be a cuck.

realistically, I’d have to be a total bitch.
Really in a perfect world no, but what if you meet someone doing normal job and fall for her. She then reveals she used to do porn? Everyone has a past. If the woman was older it would be easier because The young girls today do extreme shit for not a lot of money. 2-500 a scene to get gang banged, bukkakied, double entries, rough oral....most of them also escort on the side, STD city.