Wrestler vs Wrestler Game

Snitsky was the more memorable. No one watching at the time is gonna forget the baby punt, I dare say.


Tyson laying out HBK


vs Chuck Norris kicking Jeff Jarrett

chuck norris via jj breakdance freeze.

brooklyn brawler or repo man?
Repo Man

Honky Tonk Man guitar smash vs Jeff Jarrett guitar smash
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The Renegade

Hacksaw Jim Duggan's 2x4 vs La Parka's chair
2x4... Hoooo!

Mask vs Mask or Hair vs Hair?
Mask vs Mask

Vlad the Super Fan


brock lesnar guy
BLG (via me not knowing who the other guy is)

More iconic ECW vet: The Sandman or Sabu
BLG (via me not knowing who the other guy is)

More iconic ECW vet: The Sandman or Sabu
That's hard... Has to be The Innovator, Sabu though. He's a lunatic... But Sandman is my guy for interviews!

Greater beer guzzler - The Sandman or Stone Cold?
Stone Cold

better King of the Ring winner

Owen Hart vs Triple H
Stone Cold

better King of the Ring winner

Owen Hart vs Triple H

Owen. Triple H had the better overall career, but Owen is in large part remembered as a KOTR, adopting it as his nickname, The King of Harts.

Better MITB cash-in: Edge's cashing in the first contract or Seth cashing in at WM
Seth, much bigger "Whoah!" given it was in the main event of Wrestlemania.

Edge's is probably more historically important, but I prefer Seth's, anyway.

Better tournament PPV for the vacant title: Survivor Series: Deadly Game vs Survivor Series 2015
Seth, much bigger "Whoah!" given it was in the main event of Wrestlemania.

Edge's is probably more historically important, but I prefer Seth's, anyway.

Better tournament PPV for the vacant title: Survivor Series: Deadly Game vs Survivor Series 2015

Deady Games by a billion. They had a great swerve with Rocky turning. 2015 was set perfectly for them to do something similar with Roman ... instead he stayed babyface that nobody liked and freaking Sheamus ends the night as champion. Yuck. None of the matches stand out as memorable either. Roman/Ambrose, which would have been a great vehicle for Roman to turn, was meh.

Worse unmasking: Kane having paint smudges all over his face and his head shaved all wacky, or Rey Rey being exposed as a 12-year-old?
Savage by a gazillion.

Better celebrity match:

Mr. T vs. Roddy Piper boxing match at WM 2 or LT vs. Bam Bam at WM 11 or Show vs. Mayweather at WM 24
Wrestlemania 2 because its from the territories and because King Kong Bundy tells a hilarious story about it on his recent Kayfabe Commenraries shoot

Better terrible gimmick

Max Moon or the Ding Dongs
Max Moon. So much potential when they could have eventually torn the mask off of Konnan to reveal the man from the future as a cro-magnon. Minds blown!

Too Cool or The Public Enemy?
Too Cool

Scotty Too Hotty or Grand Master Sexay?
scotty due to gimmick hair > goggles

better curly mullet-

barry horrowitz


brad armstrong

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