WTH is happening over at bodybuilding.com misc?

I would only go on those forums to steal some of the gifs they had. An absolute treasure trove. The only other thing I remember from those forums were guy's talking about their stacks.
bb members act superior over of SD members
lol.... can't be any worse than the mods here
yeah they are pretty shit here, its why i barely post anymore - i guess we should have expected that those with a zeal for censorship would want to embed themselves as mods
Still down lmao.

Forum upgrades shouldn't take this long. Hell, it should technically be instantaneous if you incorporate some redundancy.

this may be it.
They can bench 315 but they can't stop the takedown of a bjj practitioner or throw the overhand right correctly.
wtf did you just say to me? I don't even fooking know what those are. Try that in a small town.
these were the best thing to come from misc
