Your top 5 on the mic?

Terry Funk, Jerry Lawler, Ric Flair, Freddie Blassie, Dusty Rhodes.
Didn't know who Phil Hickerson was, but I do now. Thanks for the heads up. The brother was only trying to make a living!
Not a problem at all. Hickerson is one of my favorite wrestlers and I found out about him well after my investment into wrestling had peaked; I still enjoy wrestling, though -- at least the older stuff. There really isn't anything like it.
Not a problem at all. Hickerson is one of my favorite wrestlers and I found out about him well after my investment into wrestling had peaked; I still enjoy wrestling, though -- at least the older stuff. There really isn't anything like it.
My friend gave me a book by Jim Cornette and Mike James called Tuesday Night at the Gardens which is about wrestling out of Louisville and the surrounding areas in the 1970s. Phil Hickerson is all over that book. Now that I know who he is, I can say, "Oh yeah, that guy." I'll check out some of his in-ring work on YouTube. Phil was a big deal in the South according to Corny.
1. The Rock
2. Ric Flair
3. Dusty Rhodes
4. Stone Cold
5. Roddy Piper

I think Hulk Hogan is the most overrated mic guy in history. He stunk.

People say his mic skills got him over. I disagree. I think the gimmick was over and people just tolerated his mic work.

  1. MJF
  2. MJF
  3. MJF
  4. MJF
  5. MJF
It's so hard to narrow it down to five but I'll try:
1. Flair
2. The Rock
3. Dusty Rhodes
4. Mick Foley
5. Raven

Obviously guys like Jim Cornette and Paul Heyman were great but this is sticking to just wrestlers and I still had to leave out great talkers like Stone Cold, Piper, Kurt Angle, and DDP. I always felt like the Raven was underrated in cutting promos. He really had a way with words.
Excludng managers

Kenny Omega
Eddie Kingston
John Silver
Cody Rhodes
Was listening to the Oapie and Anthony episode on botched wrestling promos (which is fucking hilarious) from the Vader thread and Patrice O'Neal who used to write for the WWE gave his top 5 on the mic and I was kind of surprised The Rock didn't make it to his list. Made me think about who did the best promos, shoots, etc. My list would look something like this

1. The Rock
2. Stone Cold
3. Ric Flair
4. Mick Foley
5. Ultimate Warrior for the sheer ridiculousness of his promos.

1. Flair
2. Austin
3. Rock
4. Savage
5. Rhodes
Gonna likely leave a few folks out, almost impossible to narrow it down to 5. Gonna try to pick from different eras and promotions. Anyhoo:

The Rock
Jim Cornette
Arn Anderson
Chris Jericho

There are soooo many others, I could be here all day listing name or posting clips. Promos are probably my favourite thing about wrestling.

Somebody needs to be bumped for MJF. He is that damn good.

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