Your Top Five FPS Games of All Time.

I love the games made by the Rare team that also went on to form Free Radical, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters 1, 2, and 3. I've put more hours into those games than any other fps'. I still play Timesplitters 2 and 3 regularly.
1)Half Life
2)Halo 2
3) Condemned
5) Battlefield 1
6)Black Ops 1
Perfect Dark
Tribes 2
Greatest FPS Games I'd love to play again right now -
Doom 2016

Greatest FPS Games that advanced the genre, but are of their time.
Doom OG
Perfect Dark
Half-Life 2
Rainbow Six Vegas 1&2

Never played the Timesplitters games. If they ever get a rerelease I'll pick them up.

Also haven't played CoD-BlackOps2, but I've heard great things about the campaign.

And I'd LOVE to get my hands on No One Lives Forever 1&2.
Perfect Dark
original Halo
the first modern warfare
Unreal wayback in the day


Battlefield Bad Company 2. my god if they gave us full servers of that game with the same graphics i'd pay more than full price. I've played most BFs since and none of them have felt as good to me.

also, console for life.
Perfect Dark
Red Faction 2
Call of Duty: World at War
Modern Warfare 2
Modern Warfare 3
Edit: I originally said TS2, I'm going with Future Perfect. I'm also swapping out Day of Defeat with Red Faction.

Timesplitters* Future Perfect
Doom 2016
Red Faction*
Half Life 1 & 2

I've wanted to play Deus Ex and No One Lives Forever for awhile meow but haven't gotten around to it

Honorable mentions:

Quake 1-3, Unreal Tournament 2003 (there might be better ones but it's the last one I played), COD: WaW, Perfect Dark, AvP, Day of Defeat

Tribes and Timesplitters 2 are probably the most fun I've ever had playing FPS games for very different reasons. I absolutely adore both of them

Edited my post, I don't know why I got TS2 confused with FP, nor how the hell I forgot the first Red Faction! Red Faction was ground breaking, literally :)p), and I loved that game. It was great on PC because people made their own levels for multiplayer. The single player had everything: A good story, cool weapons and vehicles, and a fully destructible environment. I'm surprised it didn't spawn more games where nigh everything could be destroyed, that mechanic was AMAZING. The game wasn't perfect but my god it was fun. I played the second one and was massively disappointed, although it was still fun. None of the sequels have interested me. I think they need to reboot it for modern hardware (i.e., go back to the original story), it makes me gleeful to think what they could do with it now. I think the sequels got too ambitious in ways, and needed to stick with but expand on the formula of the first.

The only problem with Red Faction is that, story wise, there's not a lot of places to go after that story wraps up.

As an aside, I'm happy to see the Timesplitters games and Perfect Dark get so much love. I wish more people felt that way about Tribes.
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in no particular order

counter strike
serious sam
left for dead
Battlefield 3
BF : Bad Company 2
Surprised to see no love in here for any of the Crysis games.

5. Crysis Trilogy
4. Halo series in general (Reach is my favorite though)
3. Bioshock (1 & 2)
2. Dishonored (1 & 2)
1. Destiny (1 & 2)

As for games that really had an impact on me as a gamer due to how influential they were at their time :

5. Duke Nukem 3d (Atomic Edition)
4. Quake II
3. Halo CE
2. Half-Life 2
1. Quake
At first I played Doom on 386/33, most of the time fps was probably in single digits but little did I care!

Oh and the choice of having either Doom or Wing Commander installed, no space for both of 'em!

I remember my brother’s computer before his 486 was a 386 operating at a whopping 25 MHz. I remember playing the first Wing Commander on that behemoth which must have run at like 8 FPS lol,
1-Half Life
2-Golden Eye
3-Medal of Honor Allied Assault and Frontline
4-Call of duty
5-Battlefield 2
CS: whatever



Battlefield 1942

Starwars Battlefront II (2005)
Halo 2
Unreal Tournament
Enemy Territory Quake Wars
Left 4 Dead

Honorable mentions
Modern Warfare 2 (Single Player Campaign)
Best multiplayer fps is easily Soldier of Fortune 2.
In order of appearance..






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