Youtube Channels about VGs that you enjoy


Plutonium Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2011
Reaction score
In recent months, I've usually been watching more Youtube videos about gaming, than actual gaming. Due to my nomadic lifestyle as a trucker, I just don't have the time to play games. However, I do enjoy listening to Youtube channels about gaming.

Angry Joe

I first learned about Angry Joe in Spring of '12 among the backlash at Bioware for the ME3 ending, and he perfectly summarized my issues with it in his 'Top 10 Reasons Why We Hate ME3's Ending.'

He's a very entertaining reviewer as well, and commentator regarding many issues consumers have had with gaming companies (especially DLC).

Super Bunny Hop

George Weidman started doing this channel as a hobby, and his commentary is unique and insightful for both newer game trends and older games. Highly recommended.


When I'm in the mood to hear vulgarity-laced rants about videogames that make me laugh... AOS always delivers. He reminds me of how I was in high school, being a big metal head and a die-hard Resident Evil fan.

He's surprisingly well spoken and intelligent, which goes against the sterotypes of his appearance and choice of words.

And this video made me laugh, very hard -

Game Theory

MatPat's theories are all over the place. Whether you agree or disagree with them, there's one thing that's undeniable... they're well researched. The editing of his videos are always entertaining.

His theories about Mario being Communist, Princess Peach having stockholm syndrome, and this theory about Toad... wow... I enjoy hearing different perspectives, and this guy always delivers.

Smosh Games - Honest Game Trailers

If you haven't seen these, they never fail to bring the LOLs.

Anyway guys, those are a few I check out on a regular basis. Which ones have you checked out?
Not really a Youtube channel but all his stuff goes on it. I share very similar views as him and hes honestly the only guy I can stand since Sessler stopped doing gaming stuff.

Kyle Bosman - The Final Bosman

Nero's cinema and Drift0r are two good channels but they are mostly devoted to the COD games.
At the moment, just Outside Xbox, the successor to the old Inside Xbox show that used to be on XBL. Waiting for HAWP to come back.
Good thread bro. I love dem youtube channels

This dude's hilarious

This dude too

I love this guy as well
I don't watch any of those channels often, but once in a while I'll check out something from Team Spooky:


Ill watch AVGN's old episodes time to time. just search AVGN and any number 1-100.
BasedVidya, Larry Bundy Jr, Razorfist, HyperbitHero, YellKaos. Some of my favorite channels to watch for video games.
I always watch...

Game Sack: they're awkward, funny, and make informative well edited videos

MetalJesusRocks: He is a genuine guy who used to program for Sierra. He talks about collecting for all systems and loves big box PC games. He has very informed opinions and his videos are entertaining.

TotalBiscuit, Jim Sterling, Angry Joe, SuperBunnyHop, MatthewMattosis, Ahoy, Worth A Buy.
^^^ MetalJesus is alright I like his stuff too.. I mostly used his videos for top games from each console and hidden gems. Was useful for filling out my emulator library.

Zero Punctuation aka Yahtzee Croshaw he has new reviews every Wednesday.

Oh he has a YouTube channel to but it's just his Lets Play and Drown out videos with his friend. He keeps his reviews on TheEscapist cause they pay him, a lot.



Dopelives aka Dopefish (also known as the infamous LadderGoat guy but yes he still makes videos and they are still hilarious)

TotalBiscuit aka TheCynicalBrit
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He gets a ton of hate but I am a big fan of Darksydephil.
Caddicarus - GOAT


The Completionist. Though, they just went through a small controversial stage within the last week.

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