TUF 20: Episode 9 Tonight at 10pm ET/7pm PT on FOX Sports 1 DISCUSSION

Funny, the episode made Felice and Carla look like the bitches, and Randa seem innocent, but I recall seeing others on the show make remarks about Randa's bitchiness

Keep in mind that your evidence for Randa being a bitch comes from women who have been proven ON CAMERA to be petty and disingenuous. To women like that, not socializing with them = being a bitch. Randa, JoJo, Aisling and Tecia are there to win, not establish themselves amongst their childish hierarchy.
She seems like the type of person who doesn't let anything get her down for long, if at all.

Yea see I actually thought Felices post fight reaction was refreshing. Honestly overall I kind of like Felice but she definitely was over the top in her reaction to Randa on this ep. I think Felice and Carla fuel each other and created more tension than there should have been.
Carla in my opinion- her face got all pursed up at that point- just looked like she was seething but trying to hold it in/look composed.

lol, yeah, cool. looked like carla was sucking on a lemon or some shit.

randa looks like she just gives zero fucks about carla and felice. awesome.
Keep in mind that your evidence for Randa being a bitch comes from women who have been proven ON CAMERA to be petty and disingenuous. To women like that, not socializing with them = being a bitch. Randa, JoJo, Aisling and Tecia are there to win, not establish themselves amongst their childish hierarchy.

Keep reading the thread. I corrected my original statement.
damn last thread/episode we were talking about how bec went full retard to get out of the kesa gatame and transition straight into tecias guard

then tonight randa showed why that position is beastmode

i know right, kesa gatame is a great position, ronda won her last fight there. it shows her lack of grappling skill that she wanted out of it. even if she didnt want it for whatever reason, idk why she rolled towards the legs, its easier to switch to side control by leaning onto their head/shoulders to pin them down and face them. then flip your legs under you, its a pretty safe transition, idk why she fully turned her back

just look, all she had do was turn her torso more chest to chest and pull her right leg back behind her left and shes safely in side control

Except Randa didn't seem petty during tonight's episode at all.

Not speaking up when they were having the discussion about what to do with the practice time and just sit there and say, "I don't care", then later show she really did care when she pretty much said 'fuck the team, I'm going to do whatever the hell I want' is petty. Well, 'petty' might not be the right word for that, but she was petty on TUF Talk.

And then for Carla and Felice to both call her a coward while they were the ones who were shook at the thought of Randa training with them... yeah, I can see why Randa would want to shut them both up.

I can see why they would be annoyed. The team agreed upon doing it one way by a vote and then later one person decided that she didn't care what the vote was. She didn't speak up when they were having the discussion about it, which is why they were calling her a coward. Randa went against the team and came off to them like she was only there for herself. Yeah, you can say it's not a team sport, but if you have that mentality, then go train by yourself while everyone else trains with the 'team'. Which, is not to say that Carla and Felice didn't overreact. They did. All 3 were petty about it. Stupid drama ensued, but at least TUF Talk was entertaining.
The season started off pretty rough, but it's been getting good. I can say that a lot of these women I will want to see fight in the future. I don't particularly like all of them, but some I've become a fan of.
exactly, why stay in a room and try to sleep, knowing they want you gone? more stress IMO

Because that whole group was getting away with what they wanted (while losing fights) and were generally aggravating her before she even had to leave. I can totally identify with being in that spot where the easiest thing to do is probably to just get the hell out of the way, but another person (or a group) has worked you down to your last nerve and you're just at a point where you're not going to do a damned thing they want. Especially when YOUR fight is the next day.

That situation speaks more to the callous disregard of someone like Magana who has talked a bunch of spiritual BS but appears to have no empathy whatsoever.
Oh come on. I got dubs for voicing my displeasure at the way the girls are acting in the house same as everyone else in this thread.

Damn. It felt 99% like watching a reality show than watching a tournament for the belt. I realize it's both, but that was nothing but big brother and I forgot the difference in my complaints
damn last thread/episode we were talking about how bec went full retard to get out of the kesa gatame and transition straight into tecias guard

then tonight randa showed why that position is beastmode

My friend who's a much better wrestler and bigger than me gets me in that shit all the time. I can usually fight it for a bit but if I gas out then I'm fucked. Literally he taps me with that everytime he gets a sub. I lol'd hard when Bec brain farted and rolled out of it and then when Randa hit it I was like OH SHIT!!!! and had to show my friend the replay hahhaa
I think Dana should just send a few to train with Gil
anyone else think its hilarious that shelftime is so fragile that they avoided a physical coaches challenge

even they said "well we dont want anyone getting injured"

they were probably still scared he would break his hand on the buzzer LOL
Because who wants to train with a coach with a proven loss record?
Keep in mind that your evidence for Randa being a bitch comes from women who have been proven ON CAMERA to be petty and disingenuous. To women like that, not socializing with them = being a bitch. Randa, JoJo, Aisling and Tecia are there to win, not establish themselves amongst their childish hierarchy.

Eh, I'm pretty sure her constant lashing out and angry, negative attitude on TUF Talk is pretty good evidence against Randa...
I hope that TUFTalk is on Fight PAss. Forgot to keep watching and missed it. The awkwardness of Tecia last week was pretty funny. She definitely looked uncomfortable the whole time and I thought at any second she would flip out
Not speaking up when they were having the discussion about what to do with the practice time and just sit there and say, "I don't care", then later show she really did care when she pretty much said 'fuck the team, I'm going to do whatever the hell I want' is petty. Well, 'petty' might not be the right word for that, but she was petty on TUF Talk.

I can see why they would be annoyed. The team agreed upon doing it one way by a vote and then later one person decided that she didn't care what the vote was. She didn't speak up when they were having the discussion about it, which is why they were calling her a coward. Randa went against the team and came off to them like she was only there for herself. Yeah, you can say it's not a team sport, but if you have that mentality, then go train by yourself while everyone else trains with the 'team'. Which, is not to say that Carla and Felice didn't overreact. They did. All 3 were petty about it. Stupid drama ensued, but at least TUF Talk was entertaining.

I think the problem for Carla and Felice is they didn't have a leg to stand on. In principle, you make a lot of good points. Carla and Felice were assertive where everyone else was either noncommittal, indifferent or too easygoing. So they got their way. They didn't exploit the system, they were the only ones who expressed a passionate viewpoint and Pettis DID outright ask for feedback. He got it.

To be fair Randa said she did like the way they were already doing the practices and wanted to keep it that way but she didn't push the issue and she made it seem as though she were cool with the change.

The problem is that nobody other than Carla, Felice, and maybe Penne thought the idea that they got voted through was actually a good one- Cush and that other coach immediately agreed with Randa that it didn't make sense to deprive fighters of training/gym time just cause of fear of being on display to an opponent (and again, Tecia and the others seemed to agree with Randa for sure).

And when the Pettis brothers caught wind of it- they seemed like they couldn't have given a shit less- because again, Anthony was aware of what Carla and Felice also knew but didn't really acknowledge- that it's just a few days more and that people want all the gym time they can get.
I hope that TUFTalk is on Fight PAss. Forgot to keep watching and missed it. The awkwardness of Tecia last week was pretty funny. She definitely looked uncomfortable the whole time and I thought at any second she would flip out

It's usually uploaded to youtube pretty quickly.
exactly, why stay in a room and try to sleep, knowing they want you gone? more stress IMO

She said that she never really stood up for herself, so she took that opportunity to do so. She wasn't going to let them push her around.