Fitness New Year's resolutions?

to simultaneously have 16 inch arms and be able to see abs. So far it's one or the other. I can't figure that shit out.
Come on guys, squatting is a waste of time. Do leg press, box jumps, step ups, and DB lunges instead. Shit, go for a run. Please leave the squat rack alone

Is it possible you just suck at squatting?
yes. to quit smoking and get into straightup BEASTLY shape. so, in other words, the same resolution i've had the last 12 new years.
i want to get my 10k time down to around 43 mins. my pb is 46.20 atm. i did my first half marathon last month in 1.48 so would like to get that a ways under 1.45 too.
not a new years resolution, more like a year round resolution...

lose 100lbs... got injured one year and a half ago, was unable to train and ballooned up... my doctor cleared me for training again last week and it's probably the best thing that happened to me this year...

train more in gi and get my blue belt

finish my book

film a documentary

get more tattoos

Coffee hasn't kicked in yet.

I thought your last line was "get more tacos".

Oh well, good luck anyways.
Doing a 10k then a polar bear dip today
I won't be able to lift for a long time due to an cervical surgery. I'll probably fatten up and lose lean mass.

My doctor allowed me to do nothing but lightbwalks, but that's enough only for weight control. I really hope he allows me something like pilates or maybe bodyweight exercises. Has anybody here dome pilates?
If people were serious about their health, they wouldn't have waited till the new year.
Why does having New Years resolutions about your health mean your in bad health? I'm in shape but goals change and the New Year may just be a time for new goals.
I love lists and goal setting. It doesn't mean I'm not also meeting goals the rest of the year.
The thread title should be 'What are your new years resolutions that you're going to forget about within 3 weeks?'
and not really goals but just stuff I'm going to work on (in terms of the physical.)
Going to do my first official workout of 2015 - just a light lifting session.

hopefully some bjj tomorrow and wednesday.
My goal is to get back into the shape I was in during my prime, I've got about 45 pounds I need to shed through diet, exercise and winstrol. It will be done.
Do you have a new year's resolution that is related with fitness?

What is it?

Mine is to do two marathons and get back into trail races.

I want to get a punching bag and start to use it again. I got to get one that will work in my garage though. Any suggestions?

1. Db clean & press (75lb dbs)-12 straight reps....@5reps now
2. squat 2x's bodyweight....40lbs short now
3. Not get fat while working towards first two

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