Warhammer 40K SpaceHulk DeathWing in development

Pretty cool collection bro. Back in the day I got a bunch of Tyranids and Undead for Christmas but my painting was borderline criminal so I never got into collecting/playing

My favourite Warhammer game was Dark Omen so I'm holding out for Creative Assembly to make Warhammer: Total War

Was Dark Omen a Warhammer Fantasy game? I never could get into the fantasy stuff. I grew up on D&D, so the fantasy stuff was second fiddle to the original in my books. But the 40K, that sucked me right in.

I'd be down if the expansion was free to download, haha.

Haha, I hear you. Even if you want to get together for some standard PvP we could hook up, if you still play on Xbox 360. Add me up, same name.

fixed it for you

Indeed you did!
Dark Angles? Screw those guys. Salamanders FTW!

I'm more into Warhammer Fantasy.

What are your thoughts on the whole End Times thing they're doing now? I don't play fantasy, but it seems cool that they're advancing the timeline and the new models look quite good so far.
What are your thoughts on the whole End Times thing they're doing now? I don't play fantasy, but it seems cool that they're advancing the timeline and the new models look quite good so far.

I love it. I don't play the game, I just like the models and the storyline, so i'm not going to be upset if they kill a few factions and a bunch of characters. Hopefully they don't drop the ball like they did with Storm of Chaos.
40K is a deep, rich and detailed universe. It has so much potential and I never understood why it was never made into quality games and a quality series of movies by now.

The people who run GW are idiots.
Ahh, I didn't have my Sherdog filter turned on.
just looked at the stuff happening in End of Times, holy shit dude, not a good day to be a HE fan (me)
The good new is, this game is still under development.
The bad news is, we have to wait til 2016.

They have released new screenshots, which I still have not seen because my workplace blocks 90% of the internet.

Original link to forum:

We still got vermintide coming and space hulk which looks fucking fantastic

gore is on point
For what it was, I really enjoyed Space Marine on the Xbox 360. I am not a 3rd person shooter fan, but it was getting closer to what I wanted to see in a 40K game.

I am HIGHLY anticipating this Deathwing release.
Stop posting.

Space Crusade, Chaos Gate, Dark Omen, Shadow of the Rat and Dawn of War 1 and 2. Also Final Liberation. Come at me, Space Marine Brother.

And the Slitherine abortion is the best game of the currrent wave and sucks FL salty balls.
Anyone who gives a shit, can you watch this video and tell me if this is something I should be excited about?
Youtube is blocked here.

E3 presentation with gameplay:


Worthless video. It's a bad cam recording of a video screen that takes up less about 1/16th of the video screen and the shitty sound quality doesn't help the guy presenting speaking barely intelligible, heavily accented English.