Game of Thrones discussion v26: Season 5 Finale edition (NO SPOILERS)

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Looks like she kissed a double. A stunt-mouth, if you will. I don't think you're allowed to kiss 16 year olds on screen.


Myrcella actress is very pretty but dat age...

we don't want to become a bunch of Meryn Fuckin' Too Old Trants
Daario > ramsay

Dude would mess ramsay up and go home to bang danny
That smirking whore from Sesame Street.
Fine work on the Myrcella gif but in no way did I intend to paint a picture of that scene having any sexual value. I've just always been a sucker for 'Kiss of Death' scenes in media. I'm assuming that's how the poison was administered.
Tons of bastard Targaryans running around.
And it wouldn't be for surprise's sake, considering dude has been trying to get a targaryan on the throne for like 20 years

Varys just wants what's best for the realm. He had jorah spying on her to set up assassination attempts before he started liking her, and he probably only likes her because all the decent people are dead, and the ones ruling are running the seven kingdoms into the dirt.
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