Overwatch Official Discussion Thread.

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Overwatch is amazing btw for anyone interested. The variety of characters, guns and abilities is insane and extremely thoughtful.
I honestly can't remember the last time a FPS felt this fun for me.

10/10 easily for me.

Team Fortress says hello.
Team Fortress says hello.
I love the shit outta TF2 (I've played since you had to PAY for it, and have the Proof of Purchase badge to boot), but OW has the potential to be the best team-based online FPS of all time, IMO.
I love the shit outta TF2 (I've played since you had to PAY for it, and have the Proof of Purchase badge to boot), but OW has the potential to be the best team-based online FPS of all time, IMO.
Hey, I thought you were cooling off to it as well?

I think inside the lines there is nothing to push this game over the top.
But if blizzard goes all in supporting competitive play it could have potential just based on the community.
At the very least you should be able to play a character of each role
Hey, I thought you were cooling off to it as well?

I think inside the lines there is nothing to push this game over the top.
But if blizzard goes all in supporting competitive play it could have potential just based on the community.
I just wanted to tone it down a bit, and instead of playing every day, like I was before, I'm doing it like 2-3x a week.

Also, my complaints about it (not enough maps, and no discernible story mode) is at least going to have the former addressed.
Boring as shit when I play by myself...fun as HELL with a group of friends. Mccree is teh pwnerer.

I agree with this man.

I major in Tracer, and minor in Lúcio and Bastion.

"You should switch to ____" can GTFO. I play who I like to play, and am subsequently good at.

Yeah, play who you want. Just don't be one of those players that tell everyone else to play a specific hero just to compliment your character choice.
The game is meh. Called it from the beginning (although I played beta). Waiting on competitive, still playing here and there but comp needs to get here already. Gunna test it out on the PTR

Dude, you've been shitting on this game for the last month yet you've purchased the game and still post here and now you're waiting for competitive mode? Why would you even waste your time on a game you think sucks?

You know what I do with games that I think are "meh", I don't play them and I certainly don't wait for new modes whereas you've had a chance to play the beta, thought it sucked and still spent money on the game and are telling us that you're going to continue to play the game. There's like a million other games out there man, isn't it better to play one you actually enjoy?
I dont know if this is a gamebug or a mouse problem but on more than one occasion when i use the roadhog ult my aim would suddenly go straight up after a few seconds of using the skill. Its infuriating when that happens those times when you managed to get behind the enemy team and your ult is comepletly wasted when the aim derps out.
Dude, you've been shitting on this game for the last month yet you've purchased the game and still post here and now you're waiting for competitive mode? Why would you even waste your time on a game you think sucks?

You know what I do with games that I think are "meh", I don't play them and I certainly don't wait for new modes whereas you've had a chance to play the beta, thought it sucked and still spent money on the game and are telling us that you're going to continue to play the game. There's like a million other games out there man, isn't it better to play one you actually enjoy?

Boring, lazy and overused....

Not rustled just confused, the only guy in here that's rustled is you because people like the game and its been successful, a game which you've been advocating as garbage. Nobody says " competitive needs to come asap" for a game they don't even like. Admit it, you like the game and been playing it pretty much non-stop.

I just realized though I'm probably replying to a 15 year old that just learned how to post a gif, cool get it out of your system kid.
Boring, lazy and overused....

Not rustled just confused, the only guy in here that's rustled is you because people like the game and its been successful, a game which you've been advocating as garbage. Nobody says " competitive needs to come asap" for a game they don't even like. Admit it, you like the game and been playing it pretty much non-stop.

I just realized though I'm probably replying to a 15 year old that just learned how to post a gif, cool get it out of your system kid.
Fuckin Junkrat

Broken ass design. A "defensive" character who tops damage and kills on the reg. Nerf his launcher damage, give him more traps and mines make him an actual defense character.
Junkrat's the best when I just wanna chill out for a round and spam grenades off of walls...and win, get top damage, top eliminations, and POTG...
Second pet peeve with the game, getting hit by things that shouldn't kill you yet you die from them. I got shot twice in the leg by a soldier 76 or someone else with an automatic while I was jumping and it killed me. Also one shotted at full 200 hp by a Junkrat with his normal grenade weapon, which is supposed to do 120 damage. I don't have problems with Hanzo, I usually destroy him, but his hit box needs some reworking. The Reinhardt+Bastion combo can also be too much of a boon on defense in stages like the Temple of Anubis at the choke point in the beginning. I've never been on a team that goes that route, it'd feel like a cheap win. That stage and Hanamura can get pretty cheap on defense with that combo and at least one Torbjorn (and I've been up against that combo and 2 Torbjorns in both stages). I have no mic, so I have to type to communicate, which can be a problem.
i wish i could get on a team that doesn't blow ass more than once ever 20 games.
I hate to say it but Mcree feels a bit underwhelming after the patch. I feel like his left click is as strong if not stronger than his fan the hammer now.
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