Overwatch Official Discussion, v2: ELO Hell (hello darkness my old friend)

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Welp, dipped into the 1700s today after being 2366 around two weeks ago.. This game is an absolute blast, win or lose, when everyone is actually trying to win and not being some sort of toxic dipshit. If Blizzard can fix the matchmaking element of the game it'll be around for quite a while.

Other than that, reading across a few forums of people quitting the game because of this crap matchmaking. What's with the "50/50 win ratio" anyways? If people are playing well do they get thrown into a batch of shitty players?

In any event, Sombra and new maps be damned, I'm giving it up for a while. Look forward to everyone's thoughts on Sombra and any new shit.

Yikes that is bad. I do agree they need to make the match ups a bit better. They should not only look at Rank but what level you are. That way you don't get matched up with some guy who just finished his qualifying matches. When I was done with qualifying matches I was like 2333 but nowhere near that good. I shouldn't have got matched up with those people. There should be a max rank from qualifying matches and it should be somewhere in the 1700's, 1900 max.
Every time they try to fix something they end up changing something that never needed to be fixed in the first place.
No knockback on Pharah's rockets is a huge problem. The knockback stopped her being immediately shot out of the sky by a decent player.
Completely change qp to 1 of same hero limit, and toss in the no limit mode to arcade with no achievements or stat tracking, instead of doing the smart and easy thing and after you choose qp you can choose either 1 hero limit or no limits (even add in a 2 hero limit).
They already weakened Lucio's speed boost, but now they dampen his healing boost.

Every step forward ends up with a step back. Just like when they were playing with McCree seemingly with every update over the summer.
I enjoy the change they made to quickplay, now I can hop into a game of quickplay and don't have to deal with my teammates picking 3 Hanzo.
They nerfed Lucio's healing!? I hope not.

Anyone enjoying the 1 v 1 and 3 v 3 modes? I'm especially liking the latter. It's very interesting to try to choose 3 complimentary characters and work together to take out the other team. Roadhog seems to always be picked though.
They nerfed Lucio's healing!? I hope not.

I believe they only nerfed the "Amp It Up" heal by 10%.

No big deal. He's picked for the Speed Boost more than anything, so he'll continue to be a high-90s pickrate character (at higher SR at least).

Had my first encounter against Sombra. So nice of an enemy player to refuse to switch off her despite having no idea what they were doing. Free SR for me! I never got individually hacked, but did get EMP'd twice. Honestly, it didn't really affect my Lucio much at all. Passives are still active, so I was able to keep Wallriding. Also, the song (heal or speed) keeps working through hacks; you just can't Crossfade. But if she had saved her EMP to counter my Sound Barrier, then we would've definitely been hosed.

Season 2 ends in a week and I'm thinking I might not be reaching my SR goal for the season (spent the entire Halloween Terror season grinding QP for the "prestige" reset and loot boxes). I've been on a good run lately though, so if I can keep those losses at bay, I might have a chance.
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So is anyone enjoying the 3 vs 3, 1 vs 1, and other arcade stuff? I'm loving the 3 v 3 and the other 6 v 6 arcade options (though seriously, fuck that "Justice Rains from Above" mode). I'm finding some success using Mei, Junkrat, Zenyatta, and Zarya in 3 vs 3. Zarya's especially good if you have a Roadhog to take the lead and shield as soon as he takes damage (or, as is often the case, gets hooked by their Roadhog). Mei can be great if you can manage to flank and get behind the other team and Junkrat is great at crushing Roadhog and Rein's shield if they go Rein + Bastion (or some variation of that).
Didn't think I was gonna make it in time, but I managed to hit my goal of Diamond last night. It was pretty rough there for a while though. Whenever I'd lose a match, it would take about 2 wins to get back to even. Eventually managed to find myself on a 6 or 7 win streak that finally pushed me over the threshold into Diamond. Hopefully I can hit Master rank next season.
Had fun playing over the weekend. Thinking about buying it.
Yeah I got it bc it was on sale, really enjoying it, liking d.va the best so far
Every time they try to fix something they end up changing something that never needed to be fixed in the first place.
No knockback on Pharah's rockets is a huge problem. The knockback stopped her being immediately shot out of the sky by a decent player.
Completely change qp to 1 of same hero limit, and toss in the no limit mode to arcade with no achievements or stat tracking, instead of doing the smart and easy thing and after you choose qp you can choose either 1 hero limit or no limits (even add in a 2 hero limit).
They already weakened Lucio's speed boost, but now they dampen his healing boost.

Every step forward ends up with a step back. Just like when they were playing with McCree seemingly with every update over the summer.

The Pharah knockback was a huge issue to me. I can't believe they did that. The best thing about Pharah is whenever a team would group up really well I could just pick her and easily get them to disperse now it's much harder. Although I've found workarounds with Sambra as well because it's usually Reinhardt that's causing the issue.

I like the fix to QP makes it more realistic to comp so I can get practice in without have to risk going into comp with idiots.

Either way I've noticed a growing number of people leaving the match during comp now. Had it happen to me and my cousin three games in a row. Sometimes we weren't even doing that bad. In one game we could have won if they guy would have stayed.
Man the decay is brutal. Haven't played the game in about 10 days, SR starts decaying after 7 days. Logged in to see my SR go from 3650 to 3430. Seeing that just makes me not want to play comp again.
This game is just not good for competitive play imo, I pretty much exclusively play 6v6 mystery brawl these days. I want my OW as casual as possible.

The new Symmetra changes sound promising. D-Va is broke as fuck atm she needs to get hit with the nerf hammer.
I'm not good at FPSers, so I've been playing the popular support characters to try and contribute. I know they're probably considered the noob classes, but I mostly play Lucio, Rheinhardt, and Junkrat. Occasionally I use Winston and Torbjorn depending on the map and group comp.
Sucks that I'm forced to play Herpes of the storm to get that badass Genji skin...
I really hope they start playing 3v3 games at pro competitions. It's a much more interesting mode than the usual 6v6 stuff. I'd also like them to remove ults from the game. I'm sick of seeing fuckin McCrees hiding on ledges for most of the match.
Finally got a chance to play some games after this latest patch. 76 and Dva are ridiculous now. For DPS, I usually main McCree but 76 just feels so much better now. The damage output even at medium to long range is insane, especially if you can hit headshots.

Dva just has too much health. If 3 tanks wasnt meta before, it is now.

I do like the increased time on ult charge, dealing with Mei ult every push on payload maps was the worst. Now players have to rely more on aim and team play rather than just ults.
Man the decay is brutal. Haven't played the game in about 10 days, SR starts decaying after 7 days. Logged in to see my SR go from 3650 to 3430. Seeing that just makes me not want to play comp again.

Ouch didn't know that, thanks for the heads up.
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