Crime Shooter on Ohio State University

You guys want it to be a muslim, sjw's want it to be a white guy. You two are one of the same. Pathetic.
I seen the videos on that attack. It was pretty gnarly to watch people getting stabbed.

So the alleged suspected is named Mohammad Ali. I wonder if msm will bury the story or report the aftermath.

Not a true Muslim, that much is clear.
CNBC has confirmed the attacker was a Somali refugee, Religion of peace is back in play
Tons of Somali refugees in Columbus, second highest Somali population in the US actually. Lots of them have mental illnesses, as should be expected. There may be other, more significantly contributing factors than religion of peace.
So just one nutjob with a knife then? And he was killed?

According to the latest, yeah. Worst injured was the first person hit by the car (went flying apparently, critical injury), the other 6-9 have relatively minor wounds from the knife attack.