Terminator 2: Judgment Day vs. Predator

Which is the better movie?

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The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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This is a clash of Arnold movies, which are probably his two best films. Who will take it, I don't know. From the looks of the past polls, it should be close.

Terminator 2, no contest
Too close to call. I really love Predator.
Both are great films. T2 has better acting and story you telling but predator has more testosterone. Both have a mini gun but predator used it better.
Didn't we just have this thread?

No wait, DieHard....


I'd say Terminator 1 vs Predator is the better match-up.

But in this scenario, Predator all the way.

Eddie Furlong (and to a lesser extent, his buddy Montana Max) kinda ruined T2, IMO.
I'd say Terminator 1 vs Predator is the better match-up.

But in this scenario, Predator all the way.

Eddie Furlong (and to a lesser extent, his buddy Montana Max) kinda ruined T2, IMO.

The reason I put T2 is because it beat T1 in the other poll I made between T1 vs. T2.
Predator via not having to listen to Edward Furlong's annoying fucking voice all film.
I prefer Predator. A lot more classic quotes and more comedy value.

Predator is a great action movie, one of the best of the decade. But both Terminators are a tier above it.
This is a clash of Arnold movies, which are probably his two best films. Who will take it, I don't know. From the looks of the past polls, it should be close.


He did good movies. T2 was fucking epic. They need James Cameron back in future terminator movies. Arnold saved the franchise in the last movie compared to the previous nonsense movies they put out.
Wtf predator is winning?

Its a good movie, but T2 is just top tier, GOAT sci fi movie imo.
T2 is on another level than Predator. It really depends on what kind of film you're in the mood for. The 5.1 surround on T2 is incredible and I still use it as a benchmark for home theater systems; CGI is well done for it's time.

Predator on the other hand has a slight camp value too it, which can be funny in some instances:

In other scenes it's bewildering, Dutch is cracking corny puns like "Stick around" and what not, shooting up the whole village but then is all "I didn't sign up for this shit" afterwards. It just doesn't have the story/acting/effects that T2 had, but is still a fun B movie.
How is everyone wrong all the time?

T2 is far superior.
Arnold wins no matter what.

This one is easy. Predator is a great film but clearly a step or two below T2.
How about Predator vs Robocop? That is a close call for me.
I have a question about Predator.

In that scene where Billy senses something is watching him, and he's looking up at the trees. It shows a shot of the jungle that billy is looking at. Is the predator visible in that scene? I've always thought i could almost see it in that part, but never could quite tell for sure. I eventually decided it wasn't visible but the director wanted u to search for it, thinking it might be visible.

But then the other day i saw a video on how they directed the movie and the narrators drew attention to that scene and said the predator is cloaked but visible, crouching on a branch in the foreground. And i think i actually saw it.

Edit: starting @6:21 is that the predator crouching on that big crooked tree right in the center of the frame, like the narrator says?

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T2 is probably objectively the better movie but damn it i love me some Predator. Damn you ts for making me choose. Damn you. Gotta go with T2