Are Muslims a more common sight in Europe these days?

They are being imported by globalists on an industrial scale. The "rescues" on the oceans happen literally off the coast of Africa. Essentially ships from Italy go to Africa and pick people up for transport.

lmao, educate yourself

Do you think Israel should be importing hundreds of thousands or millions of migrants per year?
Leftists give Israel and Japan a free pass from diversification plans showing their hypocrisy. They also forget Merkel welcomed them, open border policy, and a ferry service helping them along the way. Media and policing bias, threats from EU against other countries against importing them, yet leftists still try and mitigate damage suggesting no one is helping them lol. These are documented and reality.

Regressive left live in wonderland.

So a fucking .gif is your response? There are maps that show where the 'rescues' happen. Ships are literally going from Europe to North Africa to pick up people. The transportation of migrants is facilitated by globalists every step of the way, and they are even paying the Italian mafia to help.

But hey, facts are dangerous to your fragile liberal mind. God forbid you do a search for the truth.
Homeless people, transients and trash literally on the street. Diversity is strength!

Remember, the homeless migrants who don't work are the key to your economy in the future!

I never said they were migrants who were the homeless? I can only speak for where I live, but they are predominantly white, English males, oftentimes drug users.

Now, on the flipside for instance, I recently visited Amsterdam, cleanest city I have ever been to, didn't spot one single homeless person and, that is one of the more culturally diverse cities in Europe I would wager.

Not saying that diversity is always a good thing, but nor am I gonna say homogeny is always good thing, depends very much on the person/people involved and how much integration is involved by them. And how much the government may bend over backwards to accommodate them even at the damage to their own citizens, which is very much a problem.
German here, my whole neighborhood changed. I moved here 7 years ago and before it was a calm area which mostly elderly people walking around and some families with small children.
Now there are a lot children but 99% aren't German. Teenagers enter my building every week too smoke, eat snacks and vandalize. We get rid of a group, some time later another one emerges like cockroaches. The janitor says he can't do nothing because they will scratch his car.
There is a football field behind the school, refugees play football there from Monday to Sunday. Learn German? What for?
There is a Arabic grocery store near my house which used to be always empty, now people stand in lines to enter it.
Young girls and women don't feel safe walking during the night anymore.
A friend of mine moved out because she was tired of the constant harassment.
People get mugged in a daily basis. Bikes are stolen from inside of the buildings.
Last time my bike and my gfs bike were stolen, both had thick locks.
I'm just waiting for a better job opportunity to move out of the city. If things continue like this I'm ready to leave Germany.
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So a fucking .gif is your response? There are maps that show where the 'rescues' happen. Ships are literally going from Europe to North Africa to pick up people. The transportation of migrants is facilitated by globalists every step of the way, and they are even paying the Italian mafia to help.

But hey, facts are dangerous to your fragile liberal mind. God forbid you do a search for the truth.
And once in the schengen zone they get shipped to countries of their choosing for the best welfare. They're not too keen on staying in Spain and Italy.
So a fucking .gif is your response? There are maps that show where the 'rescues' happen. Ships are literally going from Europe to North Africa to pick up people. The transportation of migrants is facilitated by globalists every step of the way, and they are even paying the Italian mafia to help.

But hey, facts are dangerous to your fragile liberal mind. God forbid you do a search for the truth.

German here, my whole neighborhood changed. I moved here 7 years ago and before it was a calm area which mostly elderly people walking around and some families with small children.
Now there are a lot children but 99% aren't German. Teenagers enter my building every week too smoke, eat snacks and vandalize. We get rid of a group, some time later another one emerges like cockroaches. The janitor says he can't nothing because they will scratch his car.
There is a football field behind the school, refugees play football there from Monday to Sunday.
There is a Arabic grocery store near my house which used to be always empty, now people stand in lines to enter it.

They say Germans aren't having enough babies to take care of Germans. So your leaders import millions of people who don't work and wont assimilate to save your economy. Of course this makes no sense. Sad!

Times are so scary and terrible that Donald Trump is actually a good option. I mean, the situation you describe is what Hilary wanted for me.
You're naive, like a small child.

I think it's more likely millions of people live in shit conditions and are getting tired of it and are seeking to improve them since the internet has taken hold in those regions and they can see better conditions not too far away and it's not a vast globalist illuminati human trafficking fantasy you guys have cooked up here.
German here, my whole neighborhood changed. I moved here 7 years ago and before it was a calm area which mostly elderly people walking around and some families with small children.
Now there are a lot children but 99% aren't German. Teenagers enter my building every week too smoke, eat snacks and vandalize. We get rid of a group, some time later another one emerges like cockroaches. The janitor says he can't nothing because they will scratch his car.
There is a football field behind the school, refugees play football there from Monday to Sunday.
There is a Arabic grocery store near my house which used to be always empty, now people stand in lines to enter it.
Young girls and women don't feel safe walking during the night anymore.
A friend of mine moved out because she was tired of the constant harassment.
People get mugged in a daily basis. Bikes are stolen from inside of the buildings.
Last time my bike and my gfs bike were stolen, both had thick locks.
I'm just waiting for a better job opportunity tom move out the city. If things continue like this I'm ready to leave Germany.
Just out of sheer curiosity, where would you consider leaving to? Considering it's sort of a western phenomenon in general.
I think it's more likely millions of people live in shit conditions and are getting tired of it and are seeking to improve them since the internet has taken hold in those regions and they can see better conditions not too far away and it's not a vast globalist illuminati human trafficking fantasy you guys have cooked up here.

I saw an interview with a man who was complaining about the conditions in Germany. He said he was "promised" better housing and better food. He complained that things were better at home, and he was upset that "they" wouldn't help him get back home.

And why are migrants allowed in by the millions anyway? Why must Europe fall on the sword for 3rd world people?

Did you know that no amount of immigration can ever solve 3rd world poverty?

Immigration must be stopped. We need to help poverty by addressing it the home countries of the 3rd world.
I saw an interview with a man who was complaining about the conditions in Germany. He said he was "promised" better housing and better food. He complained that things were better at home, and he was upset that "they" wouldn't help him get back home.

And why are migrants allowed in by the millions anyway? Why must Europe fall on the sword for 3rd world people?

Did you know that no amount of immigration can ever solve 3rd world poverty?

Immigration must be stopped. We need to help poverty by addressing it the home countries of the 3rd world.

I don't think it's allowed, it's just happening.

They're doing the best they can with a poor situation that they weren't prepared for.
I've been living in Paris and it's suburbs all my life. They're everywhere.

Islam wasn't the problem though. They already were a cancer, bullying, stealing, assaulting, raping, selling drugs etc.. Islam has only been a thing since 2001.

True, white French Catholics commit no crimes, it's only Arabs/Muslims.
I saw an interview with a man who was complaining about the conditions in Germany. He said he was "promised" better housing and better food. He complained that things were better at home, and he was upset that "they" wouldn't help him get back home.

And why are migrants allowed in by the millions anyway? Why must Europe fall on the sword for 3rd world people?

Did you know that no amount of immigration can ever solve 3rd world poverty?

Immigration must be stopped. We need to help poverty by addressing it the home countries of the 3rd world.

Maybe if those same "first" world countries hadn't colonized, plundered and enslaved so many "third" world countries and their people I'd have some sympathy.
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So a fucking .gif is your response? There are maps that show where the 'rescues' happen. Ships are literally going from Europe to North Africa to pick up people. The transportation of migrants is facilitated by globalists every step of the way, and they are even paying the Italian mafia to help.

But hey, facts are dangerous to your fragile liberal mind. God forbid you do a search for the truth.
That's because Italy has islands near North Africa so a shipload of people from Libya being picked up in "North Africa" are most likely being picked up in an Italian island.
Why are brits/euros/whites called expats but asians, arabs/muslims, africans called immigrants?
Good question. No idea. I'm none of the above, but am an immigrant. The terminology doesn't bother me.
I've been tripping over burqa wearing brood mares and their six kids in every tourist spot for the last I've been in London and Vienna.... Rude as all hell for the most part, parking in doors with baby carts and sitting there chastising their kids taking up the whole street. Not sure this means anything, but it's irritating as hell.