We were denied the fight we should have seen. Bernie Sanders VS Donald Trump


The sharpest poster on the Sher
Jan 19, 2007
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BUT IN A TWIST… This fight seems to be happening over healthcare.


Democrats Bullish on Bernie Sanders and Single-Payer Health Care

WASHINGTON — The last time Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced a bill to put every American in the government-run Medicare system, exactly zero of his colleagues supported him.

When the Vermont independent did it again Wednesday, he turned a Senate hearing room into a premonition of a 2020 presidential primary debate as some of the party’s biggest stars lined up to declare their support for an idea that has moved from the fringe to the mainstream with stunning speed.

Sanders announced that 17 Senate Democrats — a third of the caucus — had signed on to his bill, joining a majority of their colleagues in the House, who have already backed a similar bill.

For better or worse, the Democratic Party has now hitched its future to single-payer health care, an idea seen as so radical recently that their last president never seriously considered it and their most recent presidential nominee said it would “never, ever come to pass.”

On Wednesday, Sanders said, “I have no doubt, none whatsoever, that this nation, sooner than people believe, will pass a Medicare for all, single-payer system."

He was surrounded by multiple top-tier 2020 contenders


However Donald Trump seems to think people being able to access the healthcare that would help combat their cancer or any other plethora of different issues, is a curse to the American people.


So while single-payer healthcare does certainly seem very unlikely with this current administration, it does at least seem like Democrats are starting to get it through their thick skulls that to run on any other health care agenda at this point means to get flanked from the left by somebody who does.

Also let the record state that while Sanders is out doing all this work and garnering support for his bill, $hillary Cunton Is still out here promoting a book and making excuses for why she sucks so much Dick.

Also let the record show that Nancy Pelosi is still an incompetent, vapid, bought and paid for cunt.

I like the push, hope it gets popular. Sanders is good for one idea only, and this is it. Ok, maybe he's good for 2 or 3 ideas tops.
Two old ass white men running for President? Dems need someone young and fresh on the scene to run for them.
bernie didnt get a job until he was 40, he lived in his basement and wrote gangrape erotica, he got kicked off of a commune for being too lazy and not working

now he got a job where he literally talks and does nothing, doesnt even pass bills

he owes cities $450,000 for extra security during his campaign, but he wont pay them

bernie CANders is a joke

Bernie Sanders Once Kicked Out Of A Hippie Commune For Not Working

Research Associate, Reason Foundation

4:56 PM 04/19/2016

Sen. Bernie Sanders was once so work-shy, he got kicked out of a hippie commune in 1971 for avoiding duties and distracting residents.

So says the forthcoming book “We Are As Gods” by Kate Daloz, which documents the story of the Myrtle Hill Farm commune in northeast Vermont.

The Vermont senator and presidential candidate visited the farm in 1971 for research purposes. The 30-year old Sanders was writing an article on natural childbirth that appeared in a newsletter for the Liberty Party Union’s magazine Movement.

“Endless political discussion,” and a distaste for work allegedly resulted in Sanders being asked to leave the commune, according to a report from The Washington Free Beacon.

“Daloz writes that one resident, Craig, ‘resented feeling like he had to pull others out of Bernie’s orbit if any work was going to get accomplished that day,'” reports The Washington Free Beacon.

@Pwent put down the crack, homie

what did i say that wasnt true, he literally never had a fulltime job until he got elected to local office when he was 40. he lived in his basement, and once on a commune but got kicked out because he wouldnt work and just did nothing but talk

Everyone should have healthcare in a civilized country. I don't even see how this is a political issue. It's basic humanism.
The party is divided on the issue of a single payer or medicare for all type healthcare plans. Lots of them want to improve the system we have instead, so I wouldn't say the party is hitched to a medicare for all. That can certainly change though.

And the topic is a good one, so why did you have to hack it up and bring up Hillary and Pelosi? Hillary is done and Bernie is working as a fucking Senator, he should be doing work (and she can do what the hell she wants).
also, healthcare cant be a right, by the way rights are defined in our countries founding documents

it defines rights as natural and inalienable, meaning it can only support negative rights that youre born with. healthcare requires the actions of other private citizens. if you were isolated in a town of 10 people, and only one was a doctor, and he didnt want to treat you, the only way a government could enforce that right is by enslaving him/taking away his rights

you can argue for universal healthcare in a lot of ways, but saying its a human right is retarded
Why couldn't we have had Ron Paul in 2012?
Everyone should have healthcare in a civilized country. I don't even see how this is a political issue. It's basic humanism.

You would think so wouldn't you? Our society isn't based on compassion it's based on greed. It seems like we're chipping away though.
How can Murka call itself the "Greatest Country in the World" if it cant provide the same opportunities for its citizens as so-called "lesser countries" do?

It must change its name to the "Greatest Country in the World Only for Rich People" now.