Best Nickname in boxing history

I always loved The Bronx Bull.

(yeah I know. Just let me cope, goddammit!)
Boxers with the surname Williams set the bar high....

"Prince" Charles Williams

Jeremy "Half man, half amazing" Williams

Paul "P Will" Williams

Danny "The Brixton Bomber" Williams. Though in the last few years he's been bombing in a different way than ten years ago.
Boxers with the surname Williams set the bar high....

"Prince" Charles Williams

Jeremy "Half man, half amazing" Williams

Paul "P Will" Williams

Danny "The Brixton Bomber" Williams. Though in the last few years he's been bombing in a different way than ten years ago.

Carl "The Truth" Williams, as well. What is it about dudes named Williams?
"Gunboat" Smith, baby.

"Hispanic Causing Panic" Juan Lazcano deserves a mention as well, imo.

edit; Oops Sun got to Lazcano already. Nice shout there.
"Razor" Ruddock
"the clones cyclone"
"Coolhand" Luke
"The drunken master"
"the Easton assassin"
"the galveston giant"
"Gentleman" Jim
"Mack the knife"
"Slammin" Sammy
"the Belfast spider"
Aaron "Hawk" Pryor
"The Explosive thin man"
Some great some awful but i feel like these deserve to be added to the list
"Poison" Junior Jones
Ezzard "Cincinnati Cobra" Charles
Fritzie "the Croat Comet" Zivic
"Cocoa Kid"
"Kid Chocolate"
"Oakland" Billy Smith
"Big Boy" Hogue & "Shorty" Hogue (brothers)
"Young Gene" Buffalo (real name Eugene Corker)

The old timers had better nicknames.
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I've always disliked "Riverside Rocky". Also, "Iron" Gassiev. Come up with something unique!
Manos de piedra

The hitman
Motor city cobra
Lights out