Another Day, Another Congressman Insulted by Trump

Be funny if one of these politicians told trump "fuck you fight me irl"

I would die laughing.
The funny thing is trump fans think no matter how much trump insults you, in the end the other person should be the bigger person and do the right thing. Buy he is never expected to be the bigger person. Human nature tells you when you go over your way to treat someone like shit. They gonna eventually try to fuck you up given a chance. Trump is creating republicans who is determined to fuck him with his insults
That's it Libs. Ride Bob Corker's coattails into the White House. It's a solid strategy. The people care about Bob Corker. This will not stand.
There you go again projecting that everyone you hate has as much militant love for Trumps enemies as you love him.
Be funny if one of these politicians told trump "fuck you fight me irl"

I would die laughing.
Just hit Trump with the "you're a punk, or you gonna see me with gloves?" like Pac did to Puffy.
Repeat after me:

I'm with Corker.

You should be supporting your own country's leader.

He'd kick Trumps ass too. Instead you nut hug our beta president instead. Makes you a double cuck imo

Thanks for the laugh this morning. The typical group is here flailing about it seems
His supporters will praise these tweets. The more vulgar, rude and sensitive he is they like him more. Trump could insult their mother and they would love him more. It's a weird fascination that can only be explained by insecure, low IQ Trump supporters. They can and will never admit they were conned and for some reason they enjoy seeing American democracy at it's worst because.... butthurt liberals.
Thanks for the laugh this morning. The typical group is here flailing about it seems

We're flailing about but it's the Trump bots who cry and wonder why the GOP isnt carrying out Trumps agenda. "EVERYONE IS AGAINST HIM FOR NO REASON!!!"

Seems like I keep repeating this but Trump's childish behavior sure as fuck won't help him get policy passed.

Corker and Ryan said they won't vote for tax cuts that add to the deficit and the current guess is the maverick McCain will be a no plus the hand full of moderate Republicans are iffy (depends on details). Without any Democrat support seems like tax cuts are going to be a really heavy lift, so why is the President shitting on potential allies! Plus, there is still no plan and they want to vote before Thanksgiving!

Art of the Deal motherfuckers!
His supporters will praise these tweets. The more vulgar, rude and sensitive he is they like him more. Trump could insult their mother and they would love him more. It's a weird fascination that can only be explained by insecure, low IQ Trump supporters. They can and will never admit they were conned and for some reason they enjoy seeing American democracy at it's worst because.... butthurt liberals.
I see a lot of parallels with Conor.
A champ whose mouth is largely responsible for his position, ensured by a fan base of sycophants who worship his money.
I just wanted to post in this great thread and topic
I see a lot of parallels with Conor.
A champ whose mouth is largely responsible for his position, ensured by a fan base of sycophants who worship his money.

A champ, who is champion for defeating other champions.

Much like Trump haters, Conor haters also gleefully ignore reality, and form their own narrative to justify their irrational criticism.