Trump's cult is dangerous for democracy.

I'm not particularly worried about it, but I will say that I never thought I'd see a cult of personality like this in American politics. There's some really unhinged Trump supporters out there, and formerly, in here.


I thought for sure people would turn as more stuff comes out. I honestly didn't even expect to see Flynn or Manafort go down this year, but now that they have...and people still blindly follow's disturbing.
I thought for sure people would turn as more stuff comes out. I honestly didn't even expect to see Flynn or Manafort go down this year, but now that they have...and people still blindly follow's disturbing.
I still don't think they'll take to the streets when it all finally comes crashing down, but The Deplorabots have opened my eyes to the possibility of real political violence in the US. I agree that it's disturbing.
Why would you say people don't care about it? There were multiple things I didn't like. I just disliked Hilary more. I voted more for scotus picks.

Also you may not like "But Hilary" but when she is the other candidate it is a legitimate response. But you should also call out your candidates flaws. Anyway to the top part of this post.

He didn't mock the disabled. He mocked a disabled persons the same way he has mocked numerous others without disabilities. Regardless he shouldn't mock people.

"Let me" and there are so far zero credible claims that he assault someone. It was still a stupid and bad thing to say but it was a private conversation and I'm sure many people have horrible sounding statements in private.

You are right, I don't care whatsoever about his tax returns.

All candidates were slinging mud. Hilary included. He sounded like an ass at times. I would have preferred him not to do that.

His uni stuff did bother me.

He offered his tax brackets and commitment to help small business. Something that affects me. There were other things he laid out as well but it would have been nice to hear more potential policies.

Yes bothersome.

He didn't start them but it was stupid to pursue it.

As she should be locked up. People have been locked up for less.

Don't really remember that but I'm sure there was more to it.

Meh shouldn't have said it but you are right, not high on my list of give a shit. Especially when the "protestors" outside were rioting, assaulting people, burning and destroying property, false imprisonment(restricting free movement).

He didn't call all Mexicans those things. He called some illegal aliens those things and it is true. Murder, drug trafficking, human trafficking, kidnapping, rapists, general crime, etc.

I found his comments (pow) on John McCain absolutely despicable.

I find many of his Twitter ramblings to be face palm worthy.

I'm not a fan of him but I feel your post is a bit disingenuous.

Can confirm I've never bragged about sexual assault, even in private. Soooo, no...not everyone has those conversations in private.
Can confirm I've never bragged about sexual assault, even in private. Soooo, no...not everyone has those conversations in private.

I didn't say that. I said "many people have horrible sounding statements in private."
I didn't say that. I said "people have horrible sounding statements in private."

Yeah we all do, but in what world should someone be saying those things even in private? It clearly wasn't a joke on his end.
Can confirm I've never bragged about sexual assault, even in private. Soooo, no...not everyone has those conversations in private.
Neither did he. He bragged about sexual escapades with willing participants. You being so judgemental about it points a finger at what you're hiding in your own past.
I still don't think they'll take to the streets when it all finally comes crashing down, but The Deplorabots have opened my eyes to the possibility of real political violence in the US. I agree that it's disturbing.

The deplorabots were the ones to open your eyes to that?
Neither did he. He bragged about sexual escapades with willing participants. You being so judgemental about it points a finger at what you're hiding in your own past.

Being judgemental about someone bragging about sexual assault means I've sexually assaulted someone? You're trying way too hard to protect someone who doesn't give a shit about you. Sad.
It's all set up, they put Obama in place twice to set all this up, people are so against Obama around here where I live it's amazing, like he's the literal anti-christ in the flesh. These folks were driven over the edge into madness by their hate for Obama, now they are mindless puppets supporting whatever the other side wants them to.
Being judgemental about someone bragging about sexual assault means I've sexually assaulted someone? You're trying way too hard to protect someone who doesn't give a shit about you. Sad.
He never did what you're accusing him of. You're tring way to hard to sling shit at someone that by your own admission doesn't give a shit about you.
I don't know, did I type that legibly?

Just wondering at what point in the election you came up for air. It certainly wasn't democrats being attacked or getting their rallies shut down.
...Those with European heritage are under attack right now make no mistake. I don't think we have ten years even before unthinkable forced genocidal transformation starts taking place in our every day lives...

Genocide of Whites and Christians LOL! You are living in terror. Take a deep breath, and try to relax a little. This state of abject fear can't be healthy.
He never did what you're accusing him of. You're tring way to hard to sling shit at someone that by your own admission doesn't give a shit about you.

He never said "just grab them by the pussy?". You don't think that's sexual assault as long as the person didn't explicitly say no?
The millions who voted for Trump didn't care that he:
  • Mocked the disabled
  • Bragged about sexual assault
  • Refused to release his tax returns like every other candidate.
  • Engaged in junior high level name-calling of his primary(and general election) opponents
  • Sued(and settled) for running a sham university
  • Offered no policies or legislative agenda other than repealing ObamaCare, building "a wall" and "bombing terrorists"
  • Had(and still does) one of the lowest fact-check records of all politicians.
  • Started Obama-birther theories.
  • "Lock her up".
  • Wanted reporters locked-up for...reporting.
  • Encouraging protesters be beat up.
  • Calling Mexicans murders and rapists.

After becoming POTUS his followers still refuse to jump ship despite the following:

  • His entire inner-circle is being investigated for collusion.
  • He refused to sell off his interest in his company.
  • Leaked classified info to Russian officials in the oval office.
  • Publicly Argues with a military widow.
  • Fired the FBI director
  • Apparently confessed to obstructing justice(via twitter).
  • Defended neo-nazis

Now, its one thing to support the candidates because of their policies, or political ideology. But other than "undo-Obama" what exactly is Trump's political ideology?

Even IF trump had a tangible political agenda, what does it say about his supporters when they are still willing to follow him despite all of his non-sense and illegal behavior? I find it funny how his supports complain about the NFL protests being disrespectful to the flag, when the man they voted for called America "a dump" and said the world is "laughing at us".

Despite all of the above - 35% of the country still approves this guy. If they have followed Trump this far, why wouldn't they approve of Trump suspending elections and declaring himself emperor?

Good thing Fabricio Werdum does not have a dual Citizenship in the USA or he will be throwing Boomerangs at the Trump!
He never said "just grab them by the pussy?". You don't think that's sexual assault as long as the person didn't explicitly say no?
No, he said "When you're rich and powerful women let you walk up and start kissing them. You can even grab them by the pussy". That's only sexual assault if the woman grabbed says it is, none did until coerced to by politicians well past the statute of limitations.

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