Favourite Political Rant on Youtube?


Steel Belt
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Man, this rant by Stefan Molyneux was great.

He talks about how self-destructive European leftists are, just sleep-walking off a cliff and how they need to wake up. He also talks about feminism, the importance of borders, Hilary Clinton, evolution, it's so good and hard-hitting.

Timestamped at 31:00, from where he goes on his rant.

Gavin McInnes also has had good rants. And Paul Joseph Watson's videos are good, too. But, this one by Molyneux is so poetic. His analogies are so on point.
Yeah, he's a real intellectual heavyweight. And we know why...

Did not watch video, so I hope you are sarcastic. You probably are, but there are posters here that think Shapiro is a heavyweight. Lol, I know.
Stefan Molyneux, Gavin McInnes and a reference to Red Pilling.

TS is a manly man lol
Act now people of Europe or in the year 2452 Muslims might become a majority in your country.....

Even if this was true, why would I give a shit what happens in your hovel?


I don't think this is going how you planned.

Sorry you worship charlatans and pseudo-intellectuals on the video square.
I avoid the political outrage of otters and focus on mine.

Obvious autocorrect left in because fuck otters and everything they stand for

I watched the video because I'm open to new ideas. I like philosophy and getting the TRUTH as opposes to "winning" the argument.

But his ideas are misleading.

White Britons are already an ethnic minority in London ... just typing that is crazy to think about.

He says that 10% of Europe will be Islamic in 2050 ... but that doesn't take in to account that a large number of the native European population will be 60+ years old and the Muslims will be mostly young ... so that percentage is going to increase all the time.

I wish I was wrong, but Europe is staring down the barrel. Especially with Africa's population set to quadruple this century. Look at Paris, look at London ... unrecognisable already ... It will only get worse.