Justin blunders all over India

God this guy is cringe...

Imagine if a Chinese delegate came to America in full camo w/nascar shirt or

Middle eastern went to Scotland with bagpipes and a kilt lmao.

That’s what this dude is doing .

Idi Amin-style


What country country gave Steven Seagal that carrot? You guys need to send Trudeau there.

This is not an isolated incident. Trudeau and his liberal party have been embarrassing themselves since they were elected. Many Canadians are beyond tired of this nonsense. The bizarre thing is that there always seems to be a terrorist involved.

From Canada's Global News:

COMMENTARY: Trudeau’s disastrous India trip won’t be forgotten any time soon

There are indeed multiple storylines to this fiasco, but the one that trumps all others by far is the fact that a man convicted of the attempted murder of an Indian politician in B.C. three decades ago, and who had previously belonged to a banned Sikh extremist group, was invited to separate events on the PM’s tour.

How on earth does something like this happen? If we’re trying to foster closer economic and political relations with India, pretty much the worst thing we could do is to send a message that we’re cavalier about – or worse, cozy with – Sikh extremists. Job number one should be putting the Indian government at ease about such matters, and the Trudeau government accomplished the exact opposite.

Ahead of Friday’s meeting with India’s prime minister, there were furious attempts by the government to dig themselves out of this mess, which, in keeping with the theme of this trip, really only made matters worse.

Amid the frantic search to find a scapegoat for this whole mess, veteran reporter Kim Bolan (who has covered Sikh extremism for decades and wrote a book about the Air India bombing) revealed Friday that information about Atwal was passed along to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service a week ago. That’s not the sort of thing that can be blamed on backbenchers or “rogue elements.”

Is this big news in Canada?
Trudeau is ridiculous. This may have been posted already but here is what Michelle Obama wore to India as a comparison:


Dressing in drag is way classier than Trudeau.
Even VICE (puke) is mocking Trudeau.

Justin Trudeau’s Celebrity Schtick Has Finally Blown Up in His Face

Trudeau’s Indian misadventure was an epic misfire.

Nobody seems to know. It isn’t to ink any major trade deal—those negotiations have been going on since at least 2010, and there is no immediate end in sight. It was also suggested that this trip might be aimed at soothing Indian security concerns about Khalistani nationalism among Canadian Sikhs, or some other foreign policy purpose. And then there is the cynical hypothesis: that this is a royal family vacation on the public dime, largely undertaken to get lavish photo-ops for the next federal election. Harsh, admittedly—but it would explain why the Trudeaus brought their own celebrity chef.

...somehow, things really came off the rails. Convicted attempted murderer and former Khalistani terrorist Jaspal Atwal showed up in several photos with Sophie Trudeau and Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi at a function in Mumbai. When it further turned out that Atwal had received a formal invitation to the Canadian High Commission dinner in Delhi, the Indian press exploded. If the prime minister actually was on that side of the globe to demonstrate how serious the Canadian government takes Sikh separatism, this is a Curb Your Enthusiasm-level trainwreck.

Given that his bad week in India comes not long after “peoplekind” made the rounds in the world media, it may not be a bad idea for Trudeau to take time out from the globetrotting glamour thing and, I don’t know, do some governing. That’s the thing about style—the novelty wears out very quickly and you are forced to reckon with substance. And I’m not sure how much self-awareness is part of the Trudeau brand.
From Indian politician Omar Abdullah:

From Indian politician Omar Abdullah:

I read that as if you wrote it, so now I assume you are indian. Did you know their first superstar actress died today at the age of 53?
Imagine if a Chinese delegate came to America in full camo w/nascar shirt or

Middle eastern went to Scotland with bagpipes and a kilt lmao.
I love how the equivalent of traditional garbs in the USA is camo and nascar shirt LOL
Them and a rather large proportion of India.
Listen up. I know you and the other dolts have run out of anything positive you can say to defend Trump so you've realized the best way to distract from what an utter corrupt failure he is is to try and trash Trudeau at the slightest opportunity, but wait until he does something truly egregious and then you won't destroy whatever little credibility you have on this site.
This shit is stupid. The Indians don't give a fuck and neither should we. He walked away from this trip with a huge trade deal and Indian media portraying the visit as an overall positive for both countries; that's what is important here.
You seem to be obsessed with Trump in a thread that has nothing to do with him.
BTW $1 billion in deals is essentially nothing. That's the capex or merger and acquisitions of a mirror cap company. At least the Saudis got a couple ten billion worth of deals for Trump. India couldn't even make more than a quarter of a billion. And with massive corporations like Tata, it shows that Canada and Justin can't attract foreign investment
I love how the equivalent of traditional garbs in the USA is camo and nascar shirt LOL
Lol, it was tongue in cheek but in honesty...I had to use an example that was a caricature of America because Bollywood wedding outfits are a caricature of India.
You seem to be obsessed with Trump in a thread that has nothing to do with him.
You seem to think there's no agenda behind the daily Trudeau hate threads, but you and I both know that there is.