Star Wars Rebels on DisneyXD

that was very lack luster imo. maul finally has the chance to redeem himself.....the emotions were tense....then in the blink of an eye, it was over. there was so much potential for that episode.... i mean, despite their age, their strength in the force would still be great, if not greater than in their younger years.

I think the point was that Obi Wan got stronger and Maul didn't. I mean, we all love Maul. But his head has hardly been in the game the last few years it seems. His obsession got the better of him.

You also have to figure, theres no dramatic stakes since we know Obi Wan has to win by default. A big long uber saber battle wouldnt be very satisfying since we know the ending. What they gave us was a huge surprise, but at the same time made perfect sense when seen in the context of the characters and their place in their lives.

Although I do feel there could have beena cool moment where Obi Wan tells Maul something like "Look where your hate has gotten you. You family is dead, youve lost your legs, your title and youre an old broken man chasing your first enemy into the desert. Its not too late to change". Obviously he wouldnt accept the offer to turn to the light, but I thought it would have been a cool moment, obviously done in a much more eloquent presentation than I gave.
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that was very lack luster imo. maul finally has the chance to redeem himself.....the emotions were tense....then in the blink of an eye, it was over. there was so much potential for that episode.... i mean, despite their age, their strength in the force would still be great, if not greater than in their younger years.

It was an entirely accurate portrayal of their power levels
that was very lack luster imo. maul finally has the chance to redeem himself.....the emotions were tense....then in the blink of an eye, it was over. there was so much potential for that episode.... i mean, despite their age, their strength in the force would still be great, if not greater than in their younger years.
Although epic light saber battles are amazing, this fight was all about light vs dark. Obi Wan shows why he is Jedi Master, unemotional, yet compassionate. They both knew Luke was the chosen one. Maul wanted to use him to help him destroy the emperor. Obi wan wanted to protect Luke for his love of Anikan, and to bring balance to the force, which in turn would bring down the emperor.
Right, but definitely not 'Rebels'

Originally it was the Rebellion so the show was Rebels. Now it's the Resistance so the show should be.... uhh.... Resistors I guess? Hopefully they come up with something better.
Late to the party, was busy with lots of things so finally watched the finale last night. Those last five episodes were some great television.

Parts that got me choked up from the final few episodes, Ezra turning around to see the Loth Wolf, which turns and leaves, then Ezra says "Goodbye Kanan!" Holy crap I had to fight off the man tears

Also, Ezra at the beginning of the finale episode where he brings up the pic of his parents and he's talking to them, saying he knows what he has to do, and how he has a new family now, that was a great moment as well

Commander Rex being confirmed at the Battle of Endor, also Hera

I'll come back with more thoughts. Currently reading the novelization of TLJ, and the latest issue of Vader comic dropped today. The last few issues had him building his classic lightsaber hilt
Oh yeah, also, Ezra holding back while watching Kanan in the portal episode, that was great too

My buddy @Myrddin Wild mentioned that Filoni says that Ahsoka's outfit in that final scene was crafted to have some deeper meaning. Will have to break that down soon too after some research
Seems like it could just start up again as a new season. I suppose its to keep the stories going for books. Oh, well. I wonder if any of the characters will show up in Filonis new show.
Yeah, I would totally dig watching their side story happen during the events of Rogue One & the original trilogy. So many cool ways they could tie into the movies... plus getting more of the lovely Ahsoka Tano's backstory after being spit back on Malachor without a ship.
We also know they ended the show, because Disney wants exclusive Star wars content for its new streaming service. I read a post episode Q&A and it was pretty much confirmed without outright saying, that they would be making this the next series. Would be kind cool if they made it a live action series....
When you say "making this the next series"... are you saying that they're going to continue the adventures of the Ghost & show what they were doing during Rogue One & the original Trilogy? Would be awesome if true!

Everyone wants & needs a sexy live action Ahsoka Tano... so that would be sweet if live action. If they bring her in for Ep 9 she'll be in her 70's so won't be quite the thrill as seeing her in her prime cougar yearz during the original Trilogy.

Do you have a link to that Q&A you're referring to? I'd like to see that.
someone posted about Ezra as Snoke, and that's actually still got a chance. they are wide open with what they can do with him.
The height is always a big part of the "who is Snoke theories." Short little Ezra doesn't stand a chance in that possibility. I suppose they could alwayz make the height be due to a robot body or something, but I think most of us would rather he just be that tall without a robot body boosting him up.

Edit: oh yeah, if it was a robot body, then cuttingTeleportation, him in half at the waste wouldn't of killed Snoke. I'd say Snoke was definitely not Ezra. Of Course the way they're bringing in new thingz like ForceGhost lightning, Bi-Location, & time portals... who's to say they won't bring in some "Elongation" yeah? :D
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Where the fuck was Ahsoka during the original trilogy?
Well, as it standz... she's stranded on Malachor without a ship.

Maul had that same problem when his ship crash landed on Malachor... & he waz stranded there for a few years with no contact to the rest of the galaxy. Ezra & the inquisitors showing up was the first people he had seen in years.

I do of course hope they don't lazily write her off like that, but to create an interesting side story that ties in with the original trilogy. At some point she definitely gets off of Malachor & ends up with that cool robe & staff. Filoni said that every part of that outfit & staff were carfully created & has meaning... so I expect they have some interesting story to tell with her.

By the way, does the clothing or staff mean anything to anyone? I think it likely there's no precedent for it & it will have meaning that ties in with a new story, but it is possible that there's clues we all ready know about in there. I don't see anything in particular... but she's also got another ring on her belt. The youtube review people keep calling for Gandolph... lol.... but that doesn't really tell me anything unless middle earth is now a location in the Star Wars galaxy.

The more I think Ahsoka could now be the missing link in Luke’s training between ESB and RotJ.


That's definitely an Elephant in the room that I'd like to see them tie up. I always had to overlook that the same way I had to overlook the original death star being blown up by one bullet. Waz pretty stoked when Rogue One explained that one away.

Even if the new series carries on after the battle of Endor, they can still do flashback stuff. I don't see a problem with a new series overlapping & tieing into the original Trilogy... but it might be better to keep it fresh with a whole new adventure.
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I just read that Hera’s son is actually Jacen, and not Jason. A nod to the EU name . Will have to rewatch with the captioning, always dropping little pearls like that
Well, as it standz... she's stranded on Malachor without a ship.

Maul had that same problem when his ship crash landed on Malachor... & he waz stranded there for a few years with no contact to the rest of the galaxy. Ezra & the inquisitors showing up was the first people he had seen in years.

I do of course hope they don't lazily write her off like that, but to create an interesting side story that ties in with the original trilogy. At some point she definitely gets off of Malachor & ends up with that cool robe & staff. Filoni said that every part of that outfit & staff were carfully created & has meaning... so I expect they have some interesting story to tell with her.

By the way, does the clothing or staff mean anything to anyone? I think it likely there's no precedent for it & it will have meaning that ties in with a new story, but it is possible that there's clues we all ready know about in there. I don't see anything in particular... but she's also got another ring on her belt. The youtube review people keep calling for Gandolph... lol.... but that doesn't really tell me anything unless middle earth is now a location in the Star Wars galaxy.

She can make some sweet bubbles with that

Oh yeah, also, Ezra holding back while watching Kanan in the portal episode, that was great too

My buddy @Myrddin Wild mentioned that Filoni says that Ahsoka's outfit in that final scene was crafted to have some deeper meaning. Will have to break that down soon too after some research
Yeah, that scene of him accepting Kanan's death was a real tear jerker for me as well. I kind of wonder if he could've waited until a second after he force pushed their ship away from the explosion & tried to reach in & grab him then... but it all happened so quickly that I'm not sure there was time... & Ezra could've been fried in the explosion as well if he tried it.

Yeah, that cool outfit at the end of Rebels that Ahsoka is rocking is supposed to mean something, but I haven't found anything yet. Cloaked white robe... & staff with a circle... with another circle on her belt is about all we have to go by & I haven't stumbled across anything yet.

I don't buy the Gandolph talk. The only thing similar is white robe & staff with something on the top. Both staff tops are different & Gandolph didn't have a hood on his robe, so I think that's stretching it a bit.
I just read that Hera’s son is actually Jacen, and not Jason. A nod to the EU name . Will have to rewatch with the captioning, always dropping little pearls like that
Yeah for sure. Closed captioning during Ezra's walk through the Lothal Jedi temple actually even reveals who was saying each thing & what they were saying... so that's really cool. It's nothing new, but cool to know who's saying what.

Wookieepedia sayz this about Jacen

Jacen was a name shared by:

1st one's out cause he wouldn't be old enough & Corbit worked for the Empire.

Jacen Qe-Kora or Jacen Unimar could possibly be Jacen Syndulla... maybe he changed his name to remain anonymous or something. Not sure which Battlefront game those Jacen's were in... but the last game "Renegade Squadron" happens "many years after the battle of Endor..." Not sure exactly when, but 4 or 5 year old Jacen could be a player as early as a pre-teen. Ezra was only 14 when he joined the crew of the ghost. This is a bit of a stretch, but might be possible.

Jacen Solo yeah, it could just be a shout out to the EU character.

Jacen Yar was a bounty hunter during the pre-quil era. (rise of the empire era)

Lol at the last one. Allana Solo named it Jacen so she could talk to it when pops wasn't around.
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Man that was something, what a rollercoaster. It was surprisingly gentle, I was expecting a lot more characters to die.

What do we think would have happened if Ezra went through the door to his parents? Was that a World Between Worlds type door or just a trap?


If Palp all ready had the ability to manipulate time, then he wouldn't of needed to get into the Jedi temple... imo. He was trying to trick Ezra into opening it for him because he couldn't. Ezra would've been seriously disappointed as Palps did one of his devious laughs.
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