3 package bombs kill two in last 10 days. Austin - Update: Suspect Exploded

I've been trying to be at the forefront of this all morning... so you stealing my glory is rude...

If you could delete your post.
You have to earn those stripes. :)
Has trump gone on twitter to call for a ban on white people till we figure this situation out?
Police only release a name after they've disabled all social media accounts.
I doubt much would have been learned that they won’t be able to figure out.

This guy doesn’t strike me as a wizard. He’s no Unabomber.

They'll find his message board history like they found the Boston Bomber on Sherdog...
Mark Anthony Condit is the name Fox is reporting.
Hey now, I'm funny sometimes. You're in Chicago yeah? I'm performing at North Bar Thursday night

Someone didn't watch the video.
Someone is now on my ignore list.

Ain't reading no more trolling from some cum belt troll bruh.

From what I've been reading someone heard his name on the scanner, cross referenced it to the person.

and if you look at the pics it matches. The thread 404'd before I could find out his IG though, if I can find the scanner archives I'll link to them.

Legit laughed.

Watched the video. Interview near the ends explains exactly what I said about Antifa there assaulting and macing people on the first night of the march. And everyone knows it, except BLM and Marxist types like yourself. Happy to make your ignore list, keep turning up the volume in that echo chamber.
Geraldo explaining why the bomber was probably a conservative. Fox viewers melting down online because of him.

Wait what?


In what world are race issues mellowing out? Who were you hoping was the killer?

I don't know who I was hoping for, but the last thing I wished to see was that it was a racist piece of shit. Spurned lover trying to set off a dozen bombs so that the one that kills his ex-girlfriend is just a statistic and not investigated for personal motivations? Nut job who got fired from FedEx? Anything would have been better than racism motivated attack. I haven't heard yet if that's officially what this was or not

We don't have Black Lives Matter riots burning down communities, nor douchebags with tiki torches looking for "opportunistic" self defense and running counter protesters over with cars, so I would say the issue is mellowing out at least somewhat.

Of course I know tensions are still high, but it seems the violent actions have at least gone down since where they were last summer and that's a start that can lead to some better discussion which I have seen lately
Took a look at Fox site, 90% of the comments are blaming LIBRULS!!!!!. Do all conservatives belong in mental institutions or just some?