Name one policy of the opposite aisle that you agree with

Smart people don't have an "opposite side." Chimps do.


I tend to vote Democrat more often than not but the super liberal really piss me off. And the far right are disgraceful, egocentric human beings. I have no idea how someone can relate so heavily with either party.

Do we not have a two party system?
My views don't have an opposite aisle. The people who think about politics in these black&white terms are the reason why the middle and poor classes continually get fucked by the upper classes.

This causes an imaginary divide to pit common folks against each other to keep their best interests out of reach. The biggest fools in this game then become the ruling class' greatest tools for maintaining the divide.
I like the idea of a social safety net. I dont like the idea of people permanently living on welfare, but temporarily it should not be frowned upon for real bad situations.
It's tempting to be pedantic here, people have already beat me to it, but this isn't that difficult a question. Pick the political party you agree with the least and describe the policies you agree with the most.
Umm I guess the idea of the death penalty isn’t so bad to me.
Some welfare systems are a necessity but we don't give a shit about those struggling by either side. I don't know if that's democrat though.
The political spectrum is so skewed’s hard to even decipher were you stand compared to twenty years ago.

I was a liberal lefty 15 years by the lefts standards I’m an alt right nazi.

I’m for social welfare..
Fuck wars and corporate welfare...give the people healthcare,infrastructure,affordable living,affordable education.

I’m anti open borders, I’m pro abortion,I’m pro 2nd am, pro reform on gun control. I’m anti trump ,I’m anti Hillary..I’m union, anti nafta.
Anti public sector union..

including cops and fireman, everyone bashes teachers unions but don’t blink a eye to fire/police and there over the top contracts.

Anti sjw and identity politics, but do believe authorities in this country need to be held to higher standards .... our cops are becoming anxiety stricken,shoot from the hips buffoons.

I’m not left or right. But I am American.
I’m for the American people

“When you’re young your liberal,
When you’re old your conservative,
When you’re wise,your neither.”
I agree with things on both sides which is why I'm registered with no party affiliation.
From the left:
- Universal healthcare

From the right:
- Border security and tighter immigration laws
I can appreciate the conservative right wing's recognition that society needs a sense of cohesion and a moral framework to operate from, although I strongly disagree with their religious model for it.

"The left" has a serious problem committing to such a framework (even when you allow that the framework can and should change overtime) and acting as a cohesive whole. They often get preoccupied with splintering off into separate groups and administering purity tests and refusing to work with those who fail.

In essence, many on the left keep revising the moral framework before it's completed, and it becomes a "perfect document" that is never released, and in its absence, there is no moral framework except that of the flawed fading religious doctrine which has already been subsumed by the doctrine of unabated unrestricted capitalism which has but one tenant: wealth makes right.
This is way harder than the one about philosophy. Note that none of the answers actually relate to any policy other than I guess cutting military spending.

Since Bush, the GOP's policies have just been regressive, budget-busting tax cuts, deregulation, and increased militarism. All terrible.
The political spectrum is so skewed’s hard to even decipher were you stand compared to twenty years ago.

I was a liberal lefty 15 years by the lefts standards I’m an alt right nazi.

I’m for social welfare..
Fuck wars and corporate welfare...give the people healthcare,infrastructure,affordable living,affordable education.

I’m anti open borders, I’m pro abortion,I’m pro 2nd am, pro reform on gun control. I’m anti trump ,I’m anti Hillary..I’m union, anti nafta.
Anti public sector union..

including cops and fireman, everyone bashes teachers unions but don’t blink a eye to fire/police and there over the top contracts.

Anti sjw and identity politics, but do believe authorities in this country need to be held to higher standards .... our cops are becoming anxiety stricken,shoot from the hips buffoons.

I’m not left or right. But I am American.
I’m for the American people

“When you’re young your liberal,
When you’re old your conservative,
When you’re wise,your neither.”

what gets you labeled as an alt-right Nazi?
Im going to agree with pretty much everything said here minus universal health care (in the current state of its evolution by liberals) and your usage of affect.

^--- This is the type of person who is bad for our country or any country. A mindless, partisan, hateful hack.

I believe there are a whole lot of Libertarian minded people who have sort of decided the GOP is the less of 2 evils
My views don't have an opposite aisle. The people who think about politics in these black&white terms are the reason why the middle and poor classes continually get fucked by the upper classes.

This causes an imaginary divide to pit common folks against each other to keep their best interests out of reach. The biggest fools in this game then become the ruling class' greatest tools for maintaining the divide.

Except one side is much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, worse for "the middle and poor classes."

Yes, one side is better. Namely, the side whose policies are consistent with those recommended by economists, policy experts, scientists, social scientists, public interest groups, and academics - and not the side whose policies are panned by those groups and who is currently dismantling the public sphere to sell it off to crooks and profiteers.
I believe there are a whole lot of Libertarian minded people who have sort of decided the GOP is the less of 2 evils

What we see a lot more of is people who are right-wing on identity politics and media consumption and left on policy. @funcrusher2007's post is a good example. On literally every policy issue he mentioned, he's a pretty much normal Democrat, but because he hates "SJWs," he claims not to know where he stands.
As someone who is pretty libertarian.

I disagree with open borders and am fine with a wall

I'm also kind of warming to universal healthcare. As I think the private government mixture we have is the worst possible way to go