I put a Rockstar REVOLT Killer Grape! energy drink in the FREEZER - how much time do I have


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
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It's room temperature and I want to drink it cold, nice and chilled, even if it starts to have slushy ice bits form in it, but not frozen solid or exploded.

Is 3 hours too long? I won't have access to this freezer til then unless I sneak out

Does anyone know science?

It's also in a shopping bag which I think will appropriately hinder the freezing process to obtain optimal chill
Best friends best friends are we let's be best friends
Let me tell you a story.

Last week I designated a can of soda as my armpit can, putting it in the freezer and cooling it down.

I forgot about it later that day.
I got to it when both ends of the can had pooched out and the can looked like a cylinder with distended ends.

I forgot about it again after setting it in the sink. About three in the morning, I'm woken by a loud *POP!*.
The thing had burst, spraying soda all over every surface in the kitchen.
2 hours is the maximum. Deoending on the temperature of your freezer.

Youre talking to a guy who's burst cans and glass bottles in the freezer.
2 hours is the maximum. Deoending on the temperature of your freezer.

Youre talking to a guy who's burst cans and glass bottles in the freezer.

Thanks friend I'll move it to the fridge in an hour and a half maybe?
I put a dr pepper in my freezer. The first dr pepper i bought in 20 years.
I forgot about it and in the morning it had exploded and covered all my frozen veggies
And now i havent had a dr pepper in 21 years

Does that answer your question?
Give it like two days, then leave it on your couch to defrost. But only if you have a really nice couch. Otherwise just tape it to you calf and practice front kicks.
Did it explode?

Apparently. I walked into the lunchroom and I heard people saying "Oh My God, it's everywhere! Who left that in the freezer?" So I acted like I was just looking out the window and pointed out some pigeons to make it seem casual and then I left. Didn't get my Rockstar :(
It's room temperature and I want to drink it cold, nice and chilled, even if it starts to have slushy ice bits form in it, but not frozen solid or exploded.

Is 3 hours too long? I won't have access to this freezer til then unless I sneak out

Does anyone know science?

View attachment 395601

Are you a prisoner in your own home?
Just pop it open and then put it in the freezer.

No explosion.
Just pop it open and then put it in the freezer.

No explosion.

That is so fucking clever I can't even handle it

It won't go flat????

I don't want to lose ANY amount of flabour or fizz or carbination
That is so fucking clever I can't even handle it

It won't go flat????

I don't want to lose ANY amount of flabour or fizz or carbination

You're losing that carbonation by freezing it. What do you think causes it to explode?