If you have seen STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI, how would you rate it?

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Exellent post, to me TLJ is the nadir of the current Hollywood culture of not respecting the writing process, that the script doesn't really matter when you throw a couple of hundren million at it. I do very strongly suspect though that Disney had a HEAVY hand in that script, to me it seems like its basic ideas are potentially solid but end up vastly simplified, avoiding any real challenges and shoehorning a lot of irrelevant nonsense in. I mean Johnson wrote Looper, maybe not the best film ever made but still he clearly has talent beyond what we saw here.

I actually think that Abrams invented a style of film making that deliberately tries to bamboozle audiences/critics on first viewing that fed though into this film. Basically events keep happening so quickly that its very difficult to really digest them and your kind of left scratching your head as to whether it was anygood or not. I think beyond hype/corruption/politics that actually kind of helps explain the critical reaction to TLJ, if your already biased on favour of the film its easy in the above situation to believe you'd just seen greatness.
You should read Film Crit Hulk's take on JJ Abrams. Article One. Article Two. There are more, and in more recent years he abandoned the ALL CAPS gimmick. Essentially: Abrams is mostly TONE.

I don't think Abrams invented a style of filmmaking so much as he doesn't really know what he's doing, but doing his best impression of Steven Spielberg. Just like Zack Snyder is trending his way to becoming pop culture's Terrence Malick. It's not so much disrespecting the concept of story but focusing on story mechanics rather than substance and text. Abrams, like Snyder, conceives story visually. Unlike Snyder, who is more about cool-ass imagery, Abrams strives for tone and structure -- the former to make the audience feel and the latter to incite and pique anticipation in his so-called "Magic Box" theory. Hitchcock was the same way in crafting a story, working with writers to develop a cogent story based on what technology and creativity could muster at the time -- to spin the "correct" sequence of images. And speaking of Hitchcock -- this kinda came up in the visually stunning films thread -- a lot of the noir was a result of hiding set shortcomings. For STAR WARS, it is the opposite: there is no limit to Disney's + Lucasfilm's visual capacity. Moreover, audiences KNOW that CGI can render anything and we're also living in a generation of Complain First Reassess Maybe -- so story standards are much, much higher and excuses are not at all tolerated. The problem here is that just because there is greater access to technology and imagery -- this doesn't mean people come up with stories that much better. This is not to say Abrams/Snyder/et all are doing poor poor jobs -- it's just that there are levels to this shit. <30>

I think we as audiences tend to focus on the plot/text aspect of story. The What Happens. Some people can enjoy the technical craft, but it takes a backseat to formal plot points. I personally hate the notion that learning more about craft makes one more critical of films. Some will warn, "After you take more XYZ course on film, you'll see all the flaws of every film you'll see." I don't think that's true, except in cases of bias confirmation where it's just whiners gonna whine no matter what.
Actually that thing about there being another dreadnaught was an argument presented by one of you resistors. They were making a point to me that it was obvious that the First Order had more military & so my information about the 30 Star Destroyers they have was worthless.. lol... So he argued the fact that there was obviously at least one more dreadnaught... which somehow in his mind is equal to my information.... lol....

That said.... I think you are completely ignoring what I said about all the star Destroyers not being destroyed in that impact... & you don't need anything but the movie to prove it. That Raddus impact only ripped through one area. The other Star destroyers were not in a perfect line behind that exact spot... lol... Please tell me you are not going to argue that. Here's a picture from the movie.

You can not only see that all the star destroyers were not directly behind that spot... but most of them are also flying a significant distance under the Supremacy.

In the next picture you can not only see that but you can very easily see 2 star Destroyers way way over there to the right. The supremacy is 30 miles long. That little blue light you see on the left is the Raddus just as it impacted the Supremacy. So those 2 star Destroyers on the far right are at least 10 miles away from the impact. Those 2 on the far left are around 7 miles from impact... so it's safe to say that you have 4 star destroyers that are in tact. If anything some debris bounced off of them or something causing very minor damage if any.

Each Star Destroyer has 70,000 people & 144 tie fighters on it.
x4 that means that the First Order has an absolute minimum of 280,000 people & 576 Tie Fighters.

You can also see from the movie that at least 15 - 20 miles of the Supremacy was un-damaged, so however many people were over there... & how ever much equipment & tie fighters were in there will be added to the military.

& that is all assuming that those other 6 Star Destroyers were all just completely annihilated... which I find very unlikely.


but all of this is just to appease your insistence that outside canon can't be discussed. Because the actual fact is that the entire miliary of the First order had 30 of those Star Destroyers & only 10 of them were present in this movie... So adding onto the miliary we know survived the impact from the Raddus is 20 more star Destroyers which hold a combined total of 1,400,000 people & 2,880 Tie fighters.

Irrelevant. It neither enhances the story nor kills it. I will digress that Maz should not had made such a big deal out of the limited amount of people who could do it.... but again, that's a minor thing & so what. Fact is they spent about 5 seconds of the movie with them noticing that dude with the flower... & that's it. So I'm not sure what you're talking about with that being a big time waster.

The way they showed Finn being in awe of the place was very important to Finn's character development because when Rose showed him the ugly side of Canto Bight & the slaver & child abuse, you get a feel for how Finn will eventually go from someone who just wants to save his friend Rey... to really understanding the value of the Rebels & making a switch to being a full on member. Now in the next movie, we will understand why Finn stays instead of going back to wanting to run away. it's also important for us the viewers to understand why the Rebels & the New Republic are the good guys. They are trying to get rid of that corruption & abuse. It's clear who the movie wants us to view as the bad guys... but it's only in scenes like that where we as the audience can agree that yes, that's f*cked up & I want the people trying to change that to win.

I disagree. I see tremendous growth & character development in almost all the main characters that they introduced. As mentioned above.... Finn's journey is a parallel to why the viewing audience understands who the bad guys are & his slow but steady switch from being a storm trooper to joining the rebels explains that perfectly.

We know a lot about Kylo. I really don't get anyone who says he's under explained. I will admit we don't know what he's going to do with the first order, but it's only been about a half a day since he was in charge... & so we gotta wait for the final act for that answer, but we know a lot about him other than that. Like deep psychological stuff that run him from behind the scenes. I'm not sure what more you could want.

Same with Rey. We got to see what was mind fooking her & driving her this whole time, & when you see her give up on that in a therapeutic chat with the villain you see a character who is now been made free of that having power over her. She's got a tremendous backstory having to become an elite staff fighter to survive & learn about ship mechanics by being a scrapper for a living... & now the force awakens in her & she has to figurre it all out. It's a fascinating story.

Well I & a lot of people disagree.

I mean, I could go on... but I just keep getting the feeling you don't really want to hear any of it. maybe you're happier chatting with people who just want to sh*t on everything & agree with you that it sux yeah?

If I wasn't interested in conversation I wouldn't of bothered to read your posts, or taken the time to write a reply.
I'm not sure where this characterization of me came from as i am not throwing out any personal insults, and am giving exact reasons why I didnt like things, and not simply saying "this movie sucks"
I appreciate your passion, and respect the time you put into your posts while remaining civil, so I am not about to take the time qnd energy to read or write anything for nothing

As far as the dreadnaughts go. main point wasn't about how many exactly are left. Again, you keep going back to the source material. You need to look at this from a viewer's perspective, a viewer that has read no source material.
I am a casual Star Wars fan. All I have is what i watch on the screen. If you have read the books, then the lack of onscreen details will likely be easier for you to swallow---but how can you expect a person that has none of that outside information to give the movie the same leeway?

Lol I see the pictures you posted, and i just watched the clip of the scene that @One MMA Fan posted....was I supposed to count how many ships are left in real time? Look at that clip. Despite whatever numbers are left according to your calculations from the source...looking at that scene makes me think that that fleet is done. Not that ALL their ships are destroyed, but that they received a fatal blow that would make their threat to the galaxy over.

And this goes back to my point of what the movie shows vs what blanks you're filling in with your imagination and source material
The movie does not make me feel like The Order is still a credible, scary threat at the end of the movie. I felt like the rebels had a close win, if anything. If that wasn't the intent, then the movie did an awful job of making me feel that the Order was anything to worry about

DJ---- . Canto was a waste of time because Finn and Rose had to go to the casino to look for a guy that wasn't even there, then they get arrested for a parking violation to look for this guy that wasn't even there, and then they have to go on a prison break and chase to escape a jail cell without even getting the guy they came for. That entire plot was a waste of time. There are literally countless ways they could have better spent that time. The problem isn't that they went to Canto, it's the stupid crap they did when they got there.

So with Finn seeing the corruption and who the bad guys are, and why fight for the rebels, all that is fine. But that is extremely shallow development . I mean, really...slavery is bad. ..? Animal abuse is bad? Is that really a big revelation? It's pretty clear who the bad guys are.
Finn is aware of that from TFA when he is ordered to fire on civilians. Who doesn’t understand the Order is bad? A trilogy needs to go a lot deeper than that. Finn is a former stormtrooper. How does he have nothing to say about that life? Or about his new freedom? He is an extremely shallow character

Kylo..we don't know what he wants. That is key for me. The biggest issue i have with his character is that he doesn't seem to know what he wants. And his actions in TFA don't add up to his actions in TLJ. bland. I don't find anything fascinating about her, or her story. So she just became an elite staff fighter and mechanic because .....? Can i do the same if i get stranded on some desert planet? Who taught her? Did she train herself? Her just knowing how to do everything is not interesting.
If I wasn't interested in conversation I wouldn't of bothered to read your posts, or taken the time to write a reply.
I'm not sure where this characterization of me came from as i am not throwing out any personal insults, and am giving exact reasons why I didnt like things, and not simply saying "this movie sucks"
I appreciate your passion, and respect the time you put into your posts while remaining civil, so I am not about to take the time qnd energy to read or write anything for nothing

As far as the dreadnaughts go. main point wasn't about how many exactly are left. Again, you keep going back to the source material. You need to look at this from a viewer's perspective, a viewer that has read no source material.
I am a casual Star Wars fan. All I have is what i watch on the screen. If you have read the books, then the lack of onscreen details will likely be easier for you to swallow---but how can you expect a person that has none of that outside information to give the movie the same leeway?

Lol I see the pictures you posted, and i just watched the clip of the scene that @One MMA Fan posted....was I supposed to count how many ships are left in real time? Look at that clip. Despite whatever numbers are left according to your calculations from the source...looking at that scene makes me think that that fleet is done. Not that ALL their ships are destroyed, but that they received a fatal blow that would make their threat to the galaxy over.

And this goes back to my point of what the movie shows vs what blanks you're filling in with your imagination and source material
The movie does not make me feel like The Order is still a credible, scary threat at the end of the movie. I felt like the rebels had a close win, if anything. If that wasn't the intent, then the movie did an awful job of making me feel that the Order was anything to worry about

DJ---- . Canto was a waste of time because Finn and Rose had to go to the casino to look for a guy that wasn't even there, then they get arrested for a parking violation to look for this guy that wasn't even there, and then they have to go on a prison break and chase to escape a jail cell without even getting the guy they came for. That entire plot was a waste of time. There are literally countless ways they could have better spent that time. The problem isn't that they went to Canto, it's the stupid crap they did when they got there.

So with Finn seeing the corruption and who the bad guys are, and why fight for the rebels, all that is fine. But that is extremely shallow development . I mean, really...slavery is bad. ..? Animal abuse is bad? Is that really a big revelation? It's pretty clear who the bad guys are.
Finn is aware of that from TFA when he is ordered to fire on civilians. Who doesn’t understand the Order is bad? A trilogy needs to go a lot deeper than that. Finn is a former stormtrooper. How does he have nothing to say about that life? Or about his new freedom? He is an extremely shallow character

Kylo..we don't know what he wants. That is key for me. The biggest issue i have with his character is that he doesn't seem to know what he wants. And his actions in TFA don't add up to his actions in TLJ. bland. I don't find anything fascinating about her, or her story. So she just became an elite staff fighter and mechanic because .....? Can i do the same if i get stranded on some desert planet? Who taught her? Did she train herself? Her just knowing how to do everything is not interesting.

While I agree with 99% of what you ha e there here are two of my take aways from it.

1. I thought the code breaker was there but they got arrested before they could talk to him.

2. The threat of the first order, I have pointed out before some of the movie clues that I thought let the audience know there is more First order out there besides the ones in this battle.

Poe talks about taking out a drednaught and they might not ha e another chance to take one out, implying that there are more dreadnoughts out there and more fleet too.

Snokes ship arrives, he said “that’s Snokes ship” , one would think that his ship arriving by itself, it was not alone where ever it was previously, again this is just my interpretation but follow me

The battle on Crait, how did the huge walkers etc get there? Obviously from more of the fleet that’s blown to shit.

The first order having ships left, and walkers etc, and the rebel scum only having the falcon and some wore out ass salt speeders seems like the first order is still a big threat to them.

Maybe not as much of a threat as they were with Death Star extreme and Snokes giant ship, but still enough for the rebels to worry about.

On some of myriads points, about the size of the rest of the rebel alliance, Leia reached out to people for help, implying that there is more military out there on the good side too.

I found ALOT lacking with what was presented by the movies, but the size of the NWO and the resistance not part of that.

But anyway alas, I 100% agree you should not have to read “source material” for the movies to be complete and make sence.

Let’s take for example Snokes backstory, we all wanted to see something from it, 2 years of curiosity killing cats like the doom slayer with the chaingun in an animal shelter level of cat killing curiosity, but now the way the movies have played out Snokes backstory is almost completely useless, as he is dead , so it doesn’t matter.

If someone publishes a snoke back story book, and you want to read it out of boredom and curiosity it could fulfill that desire. But it is no longer necessary to hold the film up.

The only thing it could possibly do now, is help with Kylo’s desire and direction if we fully understood their relationship, which I believe might be explained better at least by his actions in the upcoming film.

Is Kylo and apprentice of Ren, is Ren still alive and that’s why he killed him.

Or was he just so damn thirsty for Rey that he Merced his master in hopes of that sweet tang(this is the tract I think he was on myself)
what blanks you're filling in with your imagination and source material
I appreciate what you said in your opener about how you are willing to discuss things. I apologize for the heathens that have come before you that have made me so cynical. Typically when I take the time to write something out, it falls on deaf earz.

Now that I have digressed regarding that, I would like you to recognize that this is the 2nd or 3rd time you have mentioned me filling in blanks with "my imagination." Make no mistake... everything I tell you is canon... is to the best of my knowledge actual Canon. I'm not saying I won't f*ck up with the massive amount of information that's out there... but the only thing I ever fill in with my imagination is when we are clearly talking about speculation of a future movie. If I'm ever talking about the past... then I am not talking about "imagination."

So this buisiness about where Ep. 9 can take us is speculation... but I have supplied Canon that tells us where it might go do to the fact that the First Order has more military. If you want to have a discussion about how the movie stands on its own... then I can see your point that extra canon could be excluded. I don't experience star wars that way, but I understand that others do. However, if we're going to have a discussion about where Ep. 9 can go.... then you gotta quit being so strict about "movie only" information. You are literally speculating with blinders on.

That said... Ep. 8 is a wrap whether you believe there's more fleet left or not. The information I'm telling you is not necessary for Ep. 8 to be complete. It is however necessary to speculate about what might happen in Ep. 9. Hope that makes sense.
DJ---- . Canto was a waste of time because Finn and Rose had to go to the casino to look for a guy that wasn't even there, then they get arrested for a parking violation to look for this guy that wasn't even there, and then they have to go on a prison break and chase to escape a jail cell without even getting the guy they came for. That entire plot was a waste of time. There are literally countless ways they could have better spent that time. The problem isn't that they went to Canto, it's the stupid crap they did when they got there.
Oh my... twice you say that he wasn't there.

Bro... I've seen the movie 6 times. He was there. They saw him just before they got arrested.

I explained the importance of the canto bight scene regarding Finn's character development & you are dismissing it.

So with Finn seeing the corruption and who the bad guys are, and why fight for the rebels, all that is fine. But that is extremely shallow development . I mean, really...slavery is bad. ..? Animal abuse is bad? Is that really a big revelation? It's pretty clear who the bad guys are.
Finn is aware of that from TFA when he is ordered to fire on civilians. Who doesn’t understand the Order is bad? A trilogy needs to go a lot deeper than that. Finn is a former stormtrooper. How does he have nothing to say about that life? Or about his new freedom? He is an extremely shallow character
Are you one of these guys that feel like every movie should stand on it's own?

I ask because I hear a lot of that from people who insist that any information given on Snoke in act 3 is useless because movie 2 should stand on its own. (which I also have a problem with regarding leaving mysteries for the next movie.)

Well, you are here telling me that they gave an explanation to Finn's VERY IMPORTANT transformation in Ep. 7 & therefore it is un-necessary for them to put it in Ep. 8. So which is it? Do movies need to stand on their own, or can they borrow points made from other movies? and if you agree with the later, then what's the problem waiting for Ep. 9 to fill in a bunch of the blanks yeah?

I disagree though that the opening scene that made Finn defect, was enough for Ep. 8 as well. Reason being that at the end of Ep. 8, he was only in it to save Rey. Well, now through the happenings of this movie... he is a full on rebel... & so I feel we needed something to show why that is. In fact one of the resistance problems that people bring up constantly is that they don't buy finn's change. They bitch because he just wanted to run & then ended up risking his life. Well, right there at Canto Bight is when that transformation took place.
Kylo..we don't know what he wants. That is key for me. The biggest issue i have with his character is that he doesn't seem to know what he wants. And his actions in TFA don't add up to his actions in TLJ.
Not sure what your descrepancy is about Kylo's actions between Ep. 7 & 8... I'm not aware of any paradox's.

Regarding knowing what Kylo wants is only an Ep. 9 question. It was not a concern for Ep. 8. That answer was clear. he wanted to be taught what Snoke could teach him in order to expand his knowledge of the force. Once Snoke died, he went to kill the Rebels & then the movie's over. Sorry bro... but you're just gonna have to wait for the finale. Do you even see the problem with you wanting to know all the answers before the story is done being told? It's like if you would've watched a 2 hour movie but you stopped it at 1 1/2 hours & now you're super pissed because the movie had no conclusion... bland. I don't find anything fascinating about her, or her story. So she just became an elite staff fighter and mechanic because .....? Can i do the same if i get stranded on some desert planet? Who taught her? Did she train herself? Her just knowing how to do everything is not interesting.
Your first question is soooooooo obvious. Do you realize she grew up on Jakku that is a criminal based planet where you could die with the wrong words being spoken? You either learn to fight or you die. The force may not have awakened in her yet, but like Anakin was the only human who could pod race... she had an exceptional advantage that non-force sensitives do not have.

She was also a scavenger of parts in order to keep herself alive & buy food. Wasn't all that pretty obvious in the movie? You have to know what you're looking at if you are going to scavenge & sell parts. otherwise she's going to bring an empty beer can to Plutt & expect him to feed her. No bro... it's so very obvious that she had to know exactly what she was looking at. She had to know ships. So she taught herself & that's how she's able to fix the Falcon. It's very understandable... & self evident within the movie unless you just need every little thing spelled out. Which you don't.

Who taught her & why she knows all that stuff is 100% inconsequential to the plot. You do not need to know that in order for the movie to stand on it's own. For those with a more curious nature, we have a nice novel that explains how the place she made her home had an active computer with all the information on a great variety of ships. It also had a flight simulator that she became so good at that she would set it to the hardest settings & the most obstacles & she mastered it. She learned many languages from that computer as well including binary droid language & wookiee. There were some Wookiee's who regularly frequented Jakku for trading & Rey befriended them... & so it was in her interest to master the language.

@One MMA Fan @EvilDDS
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I appreciate what you said in your opener about how you are willing to discuss things. I apologize for the heathens that have come before you that have made me so cynical. Typically when I take the time to write something out, it falls on deaf earz.

Now that I have digressed regarding that, I would like you to recognize that this is the 2nd or 3rd time you have mentioned me filling in blanks with "my imagination." Make no mistake... everything I tell you is canon... is to the best of my knowledge actual Canon. I'm not saying I won't f*ck up with the massive amount of information that's out there... but the only thing I ever fill in with my imagination is when we are clearly talking about speculation of a future movie. If I'm ever talking about the past... then I am not talking about "imagination."

So this buisiness about where Ep. 9 can take us is speculation... but I have supplied Canon that tells us where it might go do to the fact that the First Order has more military. If you want to have a discussion about how the movie stands on its own... then I can see your point that extra canon could be excluded. I don't experience star wars that way, but I understand that others do. However, if we're going to have a discussion about where Ep. 9 can go.... then you gotta quit being so strict about "movie only" information. You are literally speculating with blinders on.

That said... Ep. 8 is a wrap whether you believe there's more fleet left or not. The information I'm telling you is not necessary for Ep. 8 to be complete. It is however necessary to speculate about what might happen in Ep. 9. Hope that makes sense.

Oh my... twice you say that he wasn't there.

Bro... I've seen the movie 6 times. He was there. They saw him just before they got arrested.

I explained the importance of the canto bight scene regarding Finn's character development & you are dismissing it.

Are you one of these guys that feel like every movie should stand on it's own?

I ask because I hear a lot of that from people who insist that any information given on Snoke in act 3 is useless because movie 2 should stand on its own. (which I also have a problem with regarding leaving mysteries for the next movie.)

Well, you are here telling me that they gave an explanation to Finn's VERY IMPORTANT transformation in Ep. 7 & therefore it is un-necessary for them to put it in Ep. 8. So which is it? Do movies need to stand on their own, or can they borrow points made from other movies? and if you agree with the later, then what's the problem waiting for Ep. 9 to fill in a bunch of the blanks yeah?

I disagree though that the opening scene that made Finn defect, was enough for Ep. 8 as well. Reason being that at the end of Ep. 8, he was only in it to save Rey. Well, now through the happenings of this movie... he is a full on rebel... & so I feel we needed something to show why that is. In fact one of the resistance problems that people bring up constantly is that they don't buy finn's change. They bitch because he just wanted to run & then ended up risking his life. Well, right there at Canto Bight is when that transformation took place.
Not sure what your descrepancy is about Kylo's actions between Ep. 7 & 8... I'm not aware of any paradox's.

Regarding knowing what Kylo wants is only an Ep. 9 question. It was not a concern for Ep. 8. That answer was clear. he wanted to be taught what Snoke could teach him in order to expand his knowledge of the force. Once Snoke died, he went to kill the Rebels & then the movie's over. Sorry bro... but you're just gonna have to wait for the finale. Do you even see the problem with you wanting to know all the answers before the story is done being told? It's like if you would've watched a 2 hour movie but you stopped it at 1 1/2 hours & now you're super pissed because the movie had no conclusion...

Your first question is soooooooo obvious. Do you realize she grew up on Jakku that is a criminal based planet where you could die with the wrong words being spoken? You either learn to fight or you die.

She was also a scavenger of parts in order to keep herself alive & buy food. Wasn't all that pretty obvious in the movie? You have to know what you're looking at if you are going to scavenge & sell parts. otherwise she's going to bring an empty beer can to Plutt & expect him to feed her. No bro... it's so very obvious that she had to know exactly what she was looking at. She had to know ships. So she taught herself & that's how she's able to fix the Falcon. It's very understandable... & self evident within the movie unless you just need every little thing spelled out. Which you don't.

Who taught her & why she knows all that stuff is 100% inconsequential to the plot. You do not need to know that in order for the movie to stand on it's own. For those with a more curious nature, we have a nice novel that explains how the place she made her home had an active computer with all the information on a great variety of ships. It also had a flight simulator that she became so good at that she would set it to the hardest settings & the most obstacles & she mastered it. She learned many languages from that computer as well including binary droid language & wookiee. There were some Wookiee's who regularly frequented Jakku for trading & Rey befriended them... & so it was in her interest to master the language.

@One MMA Fan @EvilDDS

One of your few posts that I agree with most everything to some level.

The point about Finn and canto bite, I agree with 100% previous to this mission he was about to jump into and escape pod to go find Rey , Thirsty as hell was his only motivation.

He’s been trying to flee almost every chance he gets up to this point, unless he was trying to save Rey, now he’s trying to do the right thing and save the many.

I just wish Canto bite had been shorter, it was too long imo but that’s my main gripe.

I also believe 7 showing her ex’s aging and fighting others on a criminal trade planet gave enough of a back story on its own to how she developed skills like staff fighting and identifying ship parts and systems so source material there is unnecessary imo.

Living and trading on a trade planet you would assume she learned many languages dealing with different types, as even at a much younger age anakin knew many languages as well, from living in a similar environment

What we have is Anakin, Luke and now Rey all growing up in very similar environments, Luke a little more sheltered to some stuff but still exposed to it(dealing with Jawas, going to Tashi Station etc) so there doesn’t need to be a whole lot of back story to prop up how she can handle herself or speak different languages imo. We’ve already been shown that twice before in similar environment.

The only thing that irked me was Rey thinking she need to translate Chewbacca for Luke.

It should have been obvious to her she would not need to in that situation.

Especially since Luke is responding to what Chewie is saying.

Made her look like a know it all.
A gif isn't a response. Luke changes his mind inexplicably and decides to help last minute. I don't mind force projection or the idea of using it as misdirection, but the fight itself I hated. It wasn't even a fight, just Matrix inspired dodgy bullshit.

Why did he die exactly? Because he tired himself out? That's lame as shit.
He paid the cost to be the boss. You sold him out for chicken change.

The only thing that irked me was Rey thinking she need to translate Chewbacca for Luke.

It should have been obvious to her she would not need to in that situation.

Especially since Luke is responding to what Chewie is saying.

Made her look like a know it all.
I caught that myself and felt it worked on a number of levels. Hubris, like you said, being one. Desperation was another; insisting on the imperative.
A gif isn't a response. Luke changes his mind inexplicably and decides to help last minute. I don't mind force projection or the idea of using it as misdirection, but the fight itself I hated. It wasn't even a fight, just Matrix inspired dodgy bullshit.

Why did he die exactly? Because he tired himself out? That's lame as shit.
that was explained in the movie by Kylo to Rey I believe when he said that they would've died if they did something like that.

@One MMA Fan @EvilDDS what's that reference I'm referring to? Chikinfooka forgot that was explained in the movie.
that was explained in the movie by Kylo to Rey I believe when he said that they would've died if they did something like that.

@One MMA Fan @EvilDDS what's that reference I'm referring to? Chikinfooka forgot that was explained in the movie.

Kylo: Who’s doing this? It can’t be you by yourself , the strain would kill you

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