National Hispanic Heritage Month

Always pay homage to you're ancestors. If you don't know or you forget your history, It's sad.
What the right doesn't like is anyone living in Western countries retaining any sort of ancestral bonds. I am all for integration but do not support coercing or pressuring people to give up their culture or identity, especially if they are African American or Native American / Amerindian and Innuit.
What the right doesn't like is anyone living in Western countries retaining any sort of ancestral bonds. I am all for integration but do not support coercing or pressuring people to give up their culture or identity, especially if they are African American or Native American / Amerindian and Innuit.

This. The reality is that their is only one group of people in a America that gets so upset about showing love to ones culture. They think you can't be murican and pay homage to you're ancestors at the same time. It makes you un-American for some reason. /shrug
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I never said for you to forget your history.

That's what you do when you don't add African American, Mexican American , Irish American, Chinese American, etc..

Those prefixes are very important to always know where you're roots originated. Keeps you humble and hopefully reminds you that you are not better then anyone just because you were lucky to be born in America.
This. The reality is that their is only one group of people in a America that gets so upset about showing love to their culture. They think you can't be murican and pay homage to you're ancestors. It makes you un-American for some reason. /shrug
They don't have a problem with paying homage to one's culture as long as it is European culture. This is why the right gets irritated when Blacks give up Christianity and choose some other religion or when Blacks change their names to distinct Black names or African names or when Linguists classified Ebonics as a dialect.
That's what you do when you don't add African American, Mexican American , Irish American, Chinese American, etc..

Those prefixes are very important to always know where you're roots originated. Keeps you humble and hopefully reminds you that you are not better then anyone just because you were lucky to be born in America.
what if you dont have heritage

I'm not a fan of this.

Instead of calling yourself and "African American", a "Hispanic American" etc. Just say "I'm an American."
That's what African Americans said and were told they weren't, this was during the time when whites where hyphenated Americans(German, Irish, Italian, etc). I think instead of African American, American decadents of chattel slavery ADOS or ADOCS is a better and more accurate title.
That's what you do when you don't add African American, Mexican American , Irish American, Chinese American, etc..

Those prefixes are very important to always know where you're roots originated. Keeps you humble and hopefully reminds you that you are not better then anyone just because you were lucky to be born in America.
Plenty of people just simply call themselves "Americans" and they have not forgotten their history. I'm an American. And I know about my great grandparents and some great great grandparents. What some of them were able to do in their life etc.
What is that picture? Hahaha quite funny but how is it related to your post?

It's the "Amerimutt" meme intended to belittle Americans who are of mixed ethnic origins.
That's what African Americans said and were told they weren't, this was during the time when whites where hyphenated Americans(German, Irish, Italian, etc). I think instead of African American, American decadents of chattel slavery ADOS or ADOCS is a better and more accurate title.
Well it's about time that we move past all the victim status and "hyphenated-American" naming. It separates us.
He should have taken the month normally designated for hispanic heritage month and made it Russian heritage month to watch the democrats' heads explode.
Hispanic American is a manufactured classification, so it makes no sense, just as Asian American makes no dam sense as a racial classifier.
White and African American does make some scientific sense.

The reason we have Hyphenated American is because for most of America's history, society and government never viewed non-White Americans as Americans on par with White Americans. It is still the norm in Alt-Right circles to only consider Euro-Americans as true Americans.

Why does African-American make some sense, but not Asian-American?
Why does African-American make some sense, but not Asian-American?

Polynesians, South Asians and East Asians are in the same classification.

According to US census



Also Asian


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