Twitter is actually banning people posting the ‘NPC’ meme for “dehumanizing speech"

But it's ok because they are a private company !!!!! They arent infringing on your first amendment rights!!!!
Luckily the supreme Court is about to hear a case for expanding the 1st amendment, which will stop all this bullshit Twitter is doing.
They've started making right wing NPC memes which are also funny.

I am against any kind of ban on the internet. Well, to the gorvenamais organs to supervise if someone comments on a crime in the cybernetic environment
You interested in debating issues or personal attacks?
The post I replied to had nothing worth debating, and I don't even know why he mentioned me in the first place.
I don't have twitter, never have and never will. Facebook, either. I don't give two shits about twitter or who posts on it or gets bant.
I just find the meme pointedly concise and it obviously struck a nerve with it's target.
If you're this fucking emotionally weak then you're beyond help. This type of helplessness isn't even accepted out of small children, and these are grown adults ffs.

I'm telling you man people are reverting. Adults with infant minds!
Clearly, this is the most pressing issue facing mankind, and the only logical response is to elect politicians who deny climate change is a man made phenomenon and want to end Social Security.

Climate change? Do you care about the environment and support mass immigration and endless economic growth?