So I went to a weed store

My first legal purchase was almost as bad as having to meet some dude behind a convenience store having to do the hand props secret transfer of money/weed.

I walk in and there is a reception type desk with two people wearing the shit-eating-est grins I have ever seen on a human. They ask me if it's my first time, I say yes, they say something really up their own ass like "ooh! Super! Right this way."

So I walk into this wide open room with really high ceilings where about 20 people are shouting over each other and every individual sound echos three times. It was loud enough that I almost just peaced out right then.

Before I turned around a left some young 4ft tall girl with a nose ring and a bunch of normie tatts comes up to serve me. I could tell her entire life was building up to the moment she could talk about weed all day and get paid for it, because when she asked me what I wanted and I replied with "a lil of the best sativa and indica you have," she hit me with a sales pitch like she was trying to sell me a Ferrari. She went on and on and on just laying every ounce of knowledge she had on the two strains she was going to sell me.

If she had started one more monologue about the weed she was literally preventing me from buying, I don't know if I would have bought any at all.

After all that she walks me up to the counter, the lady picks up my order and places it in a very nice paper bag that I will totally use to give someone their Christmas gift in, probably my Christian nephews, I tapped the thing with my credit card and bugged out. The shit eating grinners suggested I have a good weekend just before I busted out the door like the Kool Aid jug.

The weed was quite potent.

Your use of the word "super" encouraged me to read the rest of the post. What I want to know is how much is "a lil of the best sativa and indica you have"?
Man there ain't nothing to be ashamed about @Clippy there is a weed store on every corner here in Oregon
That's why I'm holding off because I don't want like 200 assholes waiting behind me while the cashier explains how that shit works to me

I should look and see if there are meetups in town where they break in newbies

I would start with a hybrid of indica and sativa, and don't go anywhere near 20% THC before you know if you have a tendency for paranoia. Everyone is different, some people like the robust sativas with high THC contents to give them energy for the day, and some like the heavy purple indicas and just want to sit in the bath and listen to sounds of whales... I would actually recommend trying a medical strain that is like 5 to 2 THC to CBD, as CBD will work to reduce any anxiety you might feel when the THC hits you for the first time (it raises your heart rate and blood pressure), plus with that mix you will feel incredible and you could pick a fight with anyone and not feel any hadouken shit they throw at you. First time smoking weed can be a bit weird for some people too, best to do it with people you feel comfortable with and/or in a place where you feel comfortable. MMA and weed go really well together.
I read your whole story Clippy, every word.

I went to one today too. Always funny to see a homeboy with 13 tattooed on his face in the same store as some middle aged white guy wearing slacks and a tie, both waiting in line to be rung out by one of the several young skanks working behind the counter.
Your use of the word "super" encouraged me to read the rest of the post. What I want to know is how much is "a lil of the best sativa and indica you have"?

I already had 7 grams I bought from my buddy a few days prior, so I just got an 1/8th of each. 7 grams for $75. I would never have paid my traditional behind the convenience store dealer that much, but I was promised that the quality would be well worth the extra $25.

Jury is still out on the Indica, but the Sativa was definitely worth it. I am a tenured smoker and this stuff gave me the giggles and a perma grin. It is definitely what the reception people were smoking.
Did you use adderall after the weed to type that fucking thesis you posted
So guys, as you may know, weed is legal in Canada now. As of Oct 17th. We have weed stores. Dedicated stores that sell marijuana, legally. So it's legal to consume weed now, like Colorado. So I went to one of these ....

I haven't bought weed in YEARS since I been married but back in the day I used to smoke a bit too much .... in the last bunch of years I would only partake at parties if it was being passed around. So I was watching the news and man the line ups of these places. Some older 50 year old guy was interviewed and he said he hasn't done it in 20 years but it's legal so he might as well have fun. And why not? It's just smoking a plant, I'm not doing crack or anything.

Let's go to a weed store!! I still felt weird and dirty about it ... I didn't want to be seen at one of these places and even on day 2 it was lined up. Two weed stores in my city and one in a near by town. All out in the open and by grocery stores. You can buy a plum and a joint in one trip WTF. I so didn't want to be seen in a place like this so I went for a drive. I left my city and drove to another city, I shit you not. Unlike my city the neighbour city had their weed store far away from all other businesses, more secret like. I took the back road, 100 KM or so cause I like scenic drives and if I avoid the highway I feel more shifty about it. And the best part is the mall / weed store is right at the edge of the city so I don't have to drive in and face traffic, literally country, country country road CITY.

Found the weed store and it's lined up out the door but not too bad ... no parking spaces. Had to park on the street next to 50 other assholes who wanted to get high. I was surprised by the people I saw, I was expecting to see the typical stoner type looking people, long hair and so on, and there were a few, but there was older people, a balding old man dressed in a business suit, good looking girls dressed business causal, all walks of life. Very interesting.

As we work through the line more people pile up behind us. Someone outside sets up a cam on a tripod and I'm like fuck I better not be on the news. But the security guard chased them off click. No pictures! No pictures inside or out! Don't take your fuckin phone out! :eek:

Hardcore security man, I felt like I was visiting someone in a high security death row prison. A guard is at the door to go inside. They can only let so many in at once. As people leave they buss a door and talk on a walky to let more in. We go in ... to a smaller waiting room with a 2nd security guard and another thick metal door that finally leads inside. Take a number and wait.

To my left was a woman monitoring multiple cameras in the store and around and the security guard with a weird Jedi padiawn haircut. Man they were acting like they were stoned. Laughing at shit. Making strange observations like "What's with these floor tiles" and offering us water and he points to a dip in a table with no water and he's like "There's no water" ... ???

So we finally get inside and it's like an apple store. Weird layout with an open center and glass table counters all around filled with mysterious boxes of stuff. They were very helpful cause I didn't know what I wanted. The guy asked me what kind I wanted ... ummmm all I know about weed is weed, I don't know the flavours or types or anything. Some guy would just give me weed in a bag. Suddenly it's like Doritos and there's 50 different flavours!!

Man when you buy weed you don't know what it's laced with either. Some guy could be spraying harsh chemicals on it to kill lady bugs and you smoke that shit - not good! I would rather get the edibles than smoke it or the oils and put it on stuff but they didn't have that. I can't roll joints no good either so I smoke it out of a pipe, and they were selling packages of joints for 8 bucks ... none of that either. Fuck they didn't stock up enough.

Man when I bought weed from this guy I went to high school with it was just like Pineapple Express, no joke. I only saw the guy for weed and he would invite my into his house, prep the product, and talk and his mangy cat would come up to me and he would be like "pet my cat" and I'm like "I don't want to pet your cat, wtf why is it green and so mangy does the cat smoke dope too? It was like this whole fucked up cat situation and his place was a mess, like randomly placed couches sideways for no reason and coffee cups all over, like he never threw a coffee cup away in his while life. You know how it is.

Anyway the customer service at the place was nice, the guy explained how weed is broken up into 3 categories ... I forget what they are for some reason. One was relax with a picture of a meditating woman, helps you sleep or something. One was explore and there was a guy with a Conor McGreggor face and extra curly mustache looking at shit through a microscope. Like the kind of weed that makes you discover new elements or something but I didn't want to discover elements I just wanted to enjoy TV shows a little more. And the other was like conversation weed, or communicate weed that lets you talk to people or something???

So we talked and he recommended some light stuff and I bought 3 grams of weed. I got Shishkaberry which was suppose to taste like blueberries but it didn't. Sensi Star which I think was the best one and got me the best kind of high. And he gave me a more potent one called Indica? Something Kinky Kush. I don't know who names these or why but the stronger one didn't do it for me so good, it was all about that Sensi star.

So I locked myself in the party garage cause I don't want to disturb my neighbours. I got pretty lucky with my house cause no house is right next to my house, lots of breathing room. But some houses around me are like war houses and very close together and you can reach out your window and pat your neighbour in the head in their window. How do they change the siding on those tiny alleys? Anyway I swear more people are smoking out in public now since it's legal. Walking around neighbourhood you could smell EVERYONE doing it. I don't want to be that person.

So that brings up an interesting point. You can legally smoke weed in your property, lawn, garage, shed, house etc. And that's it. There is no weed bars ... yet where you can go to a bar to get high with people. Private property only. I wonder about Americans trying to cross the boarder and smoke some stuff. They have to befriend a Canadian to smoke on their lawn. Oh man if I lived on the boarder I would totally rent lawn space to Americans to smoke up. Apparently to anyone interested, you need legal ID and a passport to buy weed. All ages need an ID. You obviously can't take weed back with you. Do they have weed stores in Colorado?

Anyway the security at this place was nuts, like boarder security. Full uniforms and stuff. When I was in that middle waiting room with all the guards I thought I was in trouble. Like maybe weed wasn't legalized after-all and this was a trick to get all weed smokers off the street. Austin Kutcher would come out and me like "You got punked"

Man when I was locked in my party garage I got oddly inspired, I was moving everything around - coming up with new project ideas, good times. I have this awesome chair I found in there too so comfy.

I won't drive to another city again if I smoke all this stuff, they actually do delivery at your door. It's not Delivery, it's weed! I just hope the weed delivery vehicle is discrete and not like the Redbull van with a huge redbull logo on it etc. I saw a guy asleep in a Redbull van once it was ironic, Allanis Moresstee. Imagine trying to get a secret weed delivery and this huge van with a large weed emblem showed up. I would have to put on a show for my neighbours "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU"

I liked that they gave me a white paper bag with handles at the weed store and no logo. Descrete, quiet - nobody has to know. I paid with a credit card and the store clerk was like "I bet you never got to buy weed with a credit card before" so true - and I got airmiles! Woot woot

They come in pill bottles, so strange. Like it's doctor prescribed shit. Man I wish I could have got weed when my back was destroyed. The doctor basically told me to fuck off and gave me perkesets which is like Oxycottons with ... more oxycotton in it ... or something. Man I waited in that emergency room for two hours folded up like a tetris piece for some doctor who couldn't speak english to throw drugs at me.

But I feel great and reenergized lately. I only smoked it once but good times, good times. Got a lot of stuff done around the house lately. Moved totes all around my basement and found a mysterous crack in my foundation I have to look at. Always something but I love my house, I love my wife and I love my life.

The Canada Revenue agency robbed me of $191 after I registered on the marijuana website and that was suspicious tho ...

Man I went to East Side Marios and it was like stepping into a time machine. Wonderful Italian setting, so tiny and quaint with the tables and lamps. I complimented the waitress on how much more better this place is than the one in my said and she said she was renovating it next week to be modern and boring like ours :(

On the news already one of the places that grow the weed to supply the stores was robbed and the workers hogtied. Used to be the black market gangsters stole each others crops now they are hitting the government ones already fuck - this was suppose to stop the black market not fuel it LOL

So to my fellow Canadians, have you looked at these stores?

Anyone else would you go to one if you could?

TLDR: So I went to a weed store

I didn't read the OP but I went to a weed store in California during my trip. It was an experience. They were super professional and the girl at the counter explained everything in detail.
Used to have a medical card and never once did I really feel comfortable going to the shop. It's completely legal here, but I have not even come close to attempting to get any.
I already had 7 grams I bought from my buddy a few days prior, so I just got an 1/8th of each. 7 grams for $75. I would never have paid my traditional behind the convenience store dealer that much, but I was promised that the quality would be well worth the extra $25.

Jury is still out on the Indica, but the Sativa was definitely worth it. I am a tenured smoker and this stuff gave me the giggles and a perma grin. It is definitely what the reception people were smoking.

I'm in Texas.

Used to have a medical card and never once did I really feel comfortable going to the shop. It's completely legal here, but I have not even come close to attempting to get any.

Why didn't you feel comfortable?