Crime Use it in a Sentence (special counsel thread v. 25)

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I prefer the term "feral left". Being rabid implies being diseased, and it being out of the person's control. Being feral is simply a return to a more primitive mindset, which requires a level of choice.

What you're seeing from the far left on the news, in politics, in any real life discussions you had, and even on these forums, is a chosen behavior.

For the left, the Russian collusion conspiracy theories conclusion is actually going to be damaging to the mental health of many leftists.

Some on the far left want the Russian collusion conspiracy theory to be true.

The rest seemingly need it to be true.

When a person positions themselves in a place where they need something to be true, and there's a high possibility of that thing not being true, that person is setting themselves up for a potential breakdown and depression.

You’re right. They’re going to go insane if he wins 2020.
He's certainly doing nothing to help with his rhetoric, but that's why he's among the worst leaders in the history of the United States if not the worst.

Shame a sitting president can't be indicted for crimes. But I guess the standard now is "It's not like he killed somebody, and presidential dignity is overrated."
There is nothing in the Constitution that says a sitting president cannot be indicted for a crime. In fact the 'No man is above the law' premise within the Constitution directly conflicts it.

it is simply that it has been a Justice Department norm that they would not indict a sitting president based on the premise that it would be a big distraction from their otherwise necessary work for the citizens. The idea being that if a crime was in fact big enough that it could not wait for the Presidents term to end then he should be Impeached first and then the Charges could come later.

And that is what makes the most sense. IF an Impeachment process fails they can still look to charge him later, after his term is done, or even during if they really feel it is necessary.

And it would definitely go to the Supreme Court.
There is nothing in the Constitution that says a sitting president cannot be indicted for a crime. In fact the 'No man is above the law' premise within the Constitution directly conflicts it.

it is simply that it has been a Justice Department norm
Well then!
Since we as a Nation are dispensing with norms wholesale, roll dem bones and see which way the voodoo slides
Yeah, my understanding is that impeachment is merely a political tool, and not a criminal proceeding. I don't believe one has an effect on the other. I don't know, but considering a sitting President can't be indicted, it could actually serve the purpose to remove a President so that they can be charged. That might be part of the intention of impeachment.

The articles of Impeachment speak to what is supposed to be a VERY HIGH bar for impeachment define as 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors'. And in those cases an impeachment should commence.

There is, in fact, many lesser or smaller crimes, that while being crimes are believed to not be a reason to remove a President.

That is where the prohibition in the Justice Department basically comes from. So if a President lied about a blow job but Congress and the Senate choose not to impeach, then should the Justice department step in and make the President stand trial for something that was not viewed as serious enough by the Congress/Senate to remove him.

And then what? He is found guilty at trial but is still the POTUS. Can the judge sentence him to jail? Can he do his duties from Jail. You see the can of worms it would open.

That is why it is EXPECTED that if it rises to the level of High Crimes and MIsdemeanors the Congress/Senate will remove him first.

History will ultimately prove me correct. The more time that passes, the more the right will look back fondly upon President Trump. During that same time, the left will continue to demonize President Trump to an increasingly cartoonish level.
You defame Reagan with the comparison. Reagan was not cited and named by his own Justice Department as a criminal.

I love how you think I'm the one all worked up in this.

I'm talking about a political campaign slogan being terrible, and you read that as me being fearful of women taking over the planet, and fly right the fuck off the handle.

I recommend a little less soy in your diet.

He calls me a soy boy, confirming my assessment. Deus vult, amirite?
That is literally almost what is happening. Females can walk into a building and walk out impregnated by a machine which harvested semen from a man who was milked earlier that day or last year. The source of the semen could literally be dead and his product could still be impregnating people.

WHAT?!?!?! Are you talking about in vitro fertilization? Lol, you make it sound so sci fi. And no, women are not just magically pregnant after stuffing sperm up their pussies with a prod, which is what you seem to think goes on within fertility clinics...
WHAT?!?!?! Are you talking about in vitro fertilization? Lol, you make it sound so sci fi. And no, women are not just magically pregnant after stuffing sperm up their pussies with a prod, which is what you seem to think goes on within fertility clinics...

What are you even writing?
Well then!
Since we as a Nation are dispensing with norms wholesale, roll dem bones and see which way the voodoo slides

Imagine if the Justice Department does decide to file and proceed with their indictment and the Trump team has to argue that it is against the norm and therefore should not proceed in the Supreme Court.

Lol the Trump team. Those who refuse to produce Tax Returns which was the norm. The same team that attacks every level of gov't (CIA, Homeland, FBI, Justice Department) as all corrupt or incompetent or both which is against the norm.

Imagine if the Justice Department does decide to file and proceed with their indictment and the Trump team has to argue that it is against the norm and therefore should not proceed in the Supreme Court.

Lol the Trump team. Those who refuse to produce Tax Returns which was the norm. The same team that attacks every level of gov't (CIA, Homeland, FBI, Justice Department) as all corrupt or incompetent or both which is against the norm.
What a time to be alive, when total narcissism is exalted.

My country, 'tis of me
What are you even writing?

WHAT?!?!?! Are you talking about in vitro fertilization? Lol, you make it sound so sci fi. And no, women are not just magically pregnant after stuffing sperm up their pussies with a prod, which is what you seem to think goes on within fertility clinics...

WHAT?!?!?! Are you talking about in vitro fertilization? Lol, you make it sound so sci fi. And no, women are not just magically pregnant after stuffing sperm up their pussies with a prod, which is what you seem to think goes on within fertility clinics...

Don’t you have some alien conspiracies to be peddling? Maybe this time you were probed or something right?
Summary from my post, Post 2, in this thread.

The Case for Collusion

During campaign - Trump

- Trump does not think he will win and as such is using campaign to further business interests in Russia which he denies on campaign trail
- Trumps focus is his show piece Trump Tower Hotel in Moscow
- Trump now admits (since its been disclosed only) that he was pursuing business interests but that is not illegal
- Trump asks Russian to break into Hilary's emails
- Flynn on behalf of Trump broke the Logan Act telling the Russians to not act on Obama sanctions. Don't worry, we got ya, dog.

During the Campaign - Russia

- Russian engage in discussion and offer Russian bank VTB to finance the tower
- Since Russian bank is a State bank under sanctions they know that Trump will have to remove sanctions to get the money
- Russians realize Trump lied about their talks thus breaking the law and giving them huge leverage over him
- Russians immediately hack Hilary the day Trump asked hoping to get him in power as they have both leverage, and the bribe (Russian Bank funds) over him

Post campaign and as POTUS

- Trump continues to lie about 'no contact with Russians'' thus giving the Russian's ever more leverage over him
- Trump tried to remove sanctions and Magnitsky Act
- Trump is not finally admitting his ongoing talks with Russia but saying he was allowed to pursue business, which is true ONLY IF he was informing the voting public when he was doing it in the run up to the election.

(anyone wanting substantiation for any of this can refer to post 2 in this thread)
Just read on msn that the Trump campaign was contacted by at least 14 different Russian nationals that they know of so far during his campaign and transition. And almost all of them were offering to broker a meeting between him and Vlad. A completely benign nothing burger obviously.
Don’t you have some alien conspiracies to be peddling? Maybe this time you were probed or something right?
Why is it every time you get irritated you start talking about aliens? I told you, if you wanna talk Pyramids I'm down, but aliens are a bridge too far.

Is Mueller NOTW?
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