Destiny 2, v3: Forsaken looming

So this popped up on my YouTube "recommended videos" today. I've been hearing a bit about how difficult this new Forge much so that Bungie has already dropped the power level of each enemy by 5. Lots of people bitching and whining that it's still too hard, and then I see this :

how much excuses do you want?
He's on PC doesn't have the bloom the PS4 / XB1 have
He's at 20-30LL above most other players
He's using shitty yr1 weapons that should've been left in yr1

I'm sure if other players set on their powerful engram bounties for a month like him they'd be at a LL to compete in that forge I'll be lucky to get past 610/615 this week.
Bro, your clan may be inactive, but there are still plenty of active players and clans out there. Start LFGing and make new friends. You'll have people to play with in no time.

It’s not that. I don’t feel like joining a new clan and I don’t want to dedicate my time this game as much anymore. Just bored of it.
It’s not that. I don’t feel like joining a new clan and I don’t want to dedicate my time this game as much anymore. Just bored of it.

Your tune has changed quite a bit my friend. I think kind of what @MASShole was getting at is exactly what you're saying now...after people have found a new clan / group for the umpteenth time, the thought of trying to find a solid, fun raid team / clan again can be overwhelming and not worth the hassle.

Here's your post from not so long ago :

That's a time issue preventing you from doing the "fun" stuff though. Not because you are a solo player which is what you implied in your previous post.

And looking for a team takes all of 2-10 mins depending on how specific and what you are looking for in a game. The longest I've spent looking for someone is a replacement (specifically a warlock with the Well of Radiance and lunafaction boots) when we were trying to kill Riven and that was about 15 mins or so. Most of time it is fast. Again looking for a team or creating and getting a team takes little effort and no time at all using the app. I've gotten a full raid team in less than 5 mins (as long as I am not picky). I've looked and join a raid team in all but 2 mins, join the game and chat room, asked if everyone knew what they were doing and we were off on our merry way raiding.

If you are taking forever (30 mins) to find a squad you are doing it completely wrong. The only thing that might take a long time to organize would be escalation protocol because you used to require a full server of 9 players for maximum results but players are so strong now it doesn't matter much and you can roll with 3-5 guardians now depending on which EP boss shows up.
I watched a few videos of the new raid...seems OK, but pretty short.

I really have to say I like the idea of a map where one person directs the action. The sparrow stuff is gimmicky but kind of a cool twist on the raid concept as a whole. I didn't think any of the boss fights were particularly exciting, but of course I've gotta love the use of TANKS!

Here's a video by Datto which shows the boss fights :
Your tune has changed quite a bit my friend. I think kind of what @MASShole was getting at is exactly what you're saying now...after people have found a new clan / group for the umpteenth time, the thought of trying to find a solid, fun raid team / clan again can be overwhelming and not worth the hassle.

Here's your post from not so long ago :

No it’s different from MASS thinking he couldn’t do everything in destiny. I know I can find a team to run anything I want. The fun and desire to do it isn’t there anymore though. That’s the difference. I’d rather play or do something else honestly.
Wow. That's pretty significant considering I always considered you a die- hard.

But I can relate. I mean in D1 I remember taking an eight month break from the game. When I came back I was refreshed and ready to grind out the new stuff.

I'm personally really enjoying the current state of D2 and still playing regularly, and I am really looking forward to the new raid, which I haven't tried yet (nor watched videos).
No it’s different from MASS thinking he couldn’t do everything in destiny. I know I can find a team to run anything I want. The fun and desire to do it isn’t there anymore though. That’s the difference. I’d rather play or do something else honestly.

I felt the same way too. I knew I could do everything, but it was always a hassle. Plus, I don't have the time to dedicate to it as the special things definitely take a lot of time.

I lost interest in the game. I was using the same guns all the time, doing the same boring things, and it just got way repetitive. I left D1 after the first year for a full year, then came back after The Taken King and enjoyed it because of all the changes. It wouldn't surprise me if I do the same for this game.
Wow. That's pretty significant considering I always considered you a die- hard.

But I can relate. I mean in D1 I remember taking an eight month break from the game. When I came back I was refreshed and ready to grind out the new stuff.

I'm personally really enjoying the current state of D2 and still playing regularly, and I am really looking forward to the new raid, which I haven't tried yet (nor watched videos).


I am lamenting at my state of disinterest because D2 had gotten way better. The events they’ve created is pretty cool and if my clan mates were around we’d be having a blast but it wasn’t meant to be. My clan was smallish already -6 total players and some were busy (night shift, one went to law school) and vanilla D2 was really bland. We tried and raided religiously but people just got disinterested and left. Forsaken came too late to save my clan. Honestly this game is enjoyed with friends you like to play with and I miss my original clan. I could look for a new clan but my clicked really well wth my clan mates. One is trying to play more PC so I am straying that way.

I don’t know.. I should be all in on this new raid and working towards it. I did the last raid 30-40 times and considered myself a really good raider but sigh. Just bored. Tired of grinding, tired of chasing and tired of carrying..

Maybe I just need a long break from this game... it was a hell of a run though..

I am lamenting at my state of disinterest because D2 had gotten way better. The events they’ve created is pretty cool and if my clan mates were around we’d be having a blast but it wasn’t meant to be. My clan was smallish already -6 total players and some were busy (night shift, one went to law school) and vanilla D2 was really bland. We tried and raided religiously but people just got disinterested and left. Forsaken came too late to save my clan. Honestly this game is enjoyed with friends you like to play with and I miss my original clan. I could look for a new clan but my clicked really well wth my clan mates. One is trying to play more PC so I am straying that way.

I don’t know.. I should be all in on this new raid and working towards it. I did the last raid 30-40 times and considered myself a really good raider but sigh. Just bored. Tired of grinding, tired of chasing and tired of carrying..

Maybe I just need a long break from this game... it was a hell of a run though..

Like I said I took a year off from D1, and came back and really enjoyed it. When you buy the future expansions they give you at least one "upgrade to the newest light level" token to use on your characters.
I have to say I am really happy with the new forge weapons. The Hammerhead LMG and the Ringing Nail Energy AR. They handle nice and both hit hard. The weapon design is good on these two IMO.

I also have the Sniper but haven't tried it yet. I'm presently working on the Hand Cannon too. My clanmate told me it's deadly.
I have to say I am really happy with the new forge weapons. The Hammerhead LMG and the Ringing Nail Energy AR. They handle nice and both hit hard. The weapon design is good on these two IMO.

I also have the Sniper but haven't tried it yet. I'm presently working on the Hand Cannon too. My clanmate told me it's deadly.
I'm working on my secord frame for that handcannon the first one has a pretty meh roll hopefully the next one is better. As for the LMG mine came with shield disorient and genesis so I've been using it alot on those gambit wizards.
Damn yes, that's a killer roll for gambit wizards. Godrollish really.

I LOVE the Autorifle. So good. I can't wait to try it in Gambit after work tonight.
Got the basic edition for free last month. Played it for about 4 hours. Can't get into it.
Damn yes, that's a killer roll for gambit wizards. Godrollish really.

I LOVE the Autorifle. So good. I can't wait to try it in Gambit after work tonight.
good roll on the wizards I ran my warlock through and got on with feeding frenzy and rampage that one isn't so good. With my second run on the hand cannon got one with rangefinder and rampage with a stability masterwork then on the 3rd try got it with sheild disortient and disruption break which is an odd roll for a hand cannon.

I am lamenting at my state of disinterest because D2 had gotten way better. The events they’ve created is pretty cool and if my clan mates were around we’d be having a blast but it wasn’t meant to be. My clan was smallish already -6 total players and some were busy (night shift, one went to law school) and vanilla D2 was really bland. We tried and raided religiously but people just got disinterested and left. Forsaken came too late to save my clan. Honestly this game is enjoyed with friends you like to play with and I miss my original clan. I could look for a new clan but my clicked really well wth my clan mates. One is trying to play more PC so I am straying that way.

I don’t know.. I should be all in on this new raid and working towards it. I did the last raid 30-40 times and considered myself a really good raider but sigh. Just bored. Tired of grinding, tired of chasing and tired of carrying..

Maybe I just need a long break from this game... it was a hell of a run though..
That is the exact same situation as mine. My clan has fallen apart, 90% of my friends from the clan stopped playing the game and they even didn't buy the Forsaken. Right now there are maybe 5 or 6 members that are still playing.

I am a day 1 Destiny 1 player, I played that game for 3 years and a sticked with it in the best and the worst periods.

As primarily a PvP player I was dissapointed with D2 version of Crucible. I also hated the Leviathan raid because all of the gimmicky mechanics and I deleted the game after only 2 months. I returned when they brought back 6v6 and the game was fun untill the last few days.

Honestly, this game doesn't have anything to offer anymore. It is the same old grind with the awful exotic drop rate, forge weapons are just meh. I am tired of chasing good rolls on some weapons and doing the same old and boring weekly bounties with hope of getting some new exotics.

Finally, the crucible is now ruined with the unbalanced classes and supers and I don't have a will and patience to deal with all the shotgun sliding retards while I am being punished for not playing the META.

Bungie and Destiny don't deserve my money, support and my time anymore.
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Hm. Well our clan is still busy and growing, and we're still having fun. In fact we added three new members yesterday.

Tried the new raid last night and made it to the last boss, but of course we didn't finish it.

It's fun. Challenging to get into our groove and especially at our light levels. We have a couple guys that are 650 but most of us are about 630, 640.
the game seems buggy twice today I got killed in PvP while using chaos reach once by an axion bolt & once by a guy using an antiope-D. I had full health and sheild and my resilience is at 7 yet it was an insta death with the antiope-d and with the axion bolt I was still casting the super. Did the turn the attunement of control into a glass cannon subclass in the last update when they screwed with it?
Not sure man. I did play some crucible but I suck so bad that I am used to getting instakilled anyways.
I really hate the stupid ass jump puzzles in this game if you're going to have jumping shit in the game why not have ledge grabs all the fucking time not just randomly.
Frig man, what a clan I belong to. My bro walked into a Gambit match and finished all my Malfeasance Team Kills in two. Beastmode.

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