Crime Use it in a Sentence (special counsel thread v. 25)

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VON SPAKOVSKY: Cohen and Trump didn't violate campaign finance law

Those hoping the president’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, will provide the evidence needed to impeach the president and perhaps even “lock him up” are likely headed for a bitter disappointment. The Cohen guilty pleas are likely irrelevant to the fate of President Trump.

That’s because – as someone who served for two years as a member of the Federal Election Commission – the campaign finance law violations that Cohen pleaded guilty to committing, allegedly at Donald Trump’s direction, aren’t really violations.


Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison by a federal judge and was also ordered to pay almost $2 million in fines, restitution and forfeitures after earlier pleading guilty to multiple counts of business and tax fraud. Those crimes have absolutely nothing to do with Trump, but rather involve Cohen’s own business dealings.

In addition, Cohen was sentenced on his guilty pleas to violating campaign finance law on Trump’s behalf – an action that, as I will explain, was not really a crime at all.

And finally, Cohen’s sentence included punishment for his guilty plea to making false statements to Congress regarding failed efforts to build a Trump Tower in Moscow.

The applicable federal sentencing guidelines for the crimes Cohen pleaded guilty to call for a prison sentence ranging from just over four years to just over five years.


Many campaign finance law experts and fellow former commissioners of the Federal Election Commission agree with me that Cohen’s did not commit an actual violation of federal law.

Cohen has stated he arranged hush-money payments to two women – adult-film actress Stormy Daniels and Playboy model Karen McDougal – to not make public their unproven allegations of extramarital affairs with Donald Trump years ago. Trump has denied the allegations.

As a former Federal Election Commission member that such payments were not “campaign-related” – and therefore the rules and regulations governing campaign contributions don’t apply.

In fact, the only time the Justice Department has ever tried to make such a claim before – against former Democratic presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina – the Justice Department lost.

Furthermore, the Federal Election Commission – an independent federal agency responsible for civil enforcement of campaign finance law – didn’t consider the hush-money donations to the Edwards campaign to be campaign-related expenditures when it audited the Edwards campaign.

The bottom line: Cohen was “persuaded” to plead guilty to an action that was not an actual violation of the law.

Convicting Donald Trump of a criminal campaign finance violation will be extremely difficult, if not impossible. Just as Edwards was found not guilty, the same is likely to happen to President Trump if he is charged while he is president or after he leaves the White House.

As for the claim the hush-money payments would be an impeachable offense, members of Congress would have to explain why prior cases in which campaigns like that of Barack Obama paid civil penalties to the Federal Election Commission for violations of federal campaign finance law were not grounds for impeachment.

It certainly is possible that Cohen and others have provided some kind of evidence to Mueller that will prove that the Trump campaign somehow colluded with Russian officials. But if so, this evidence has not yet been publicly revealed.

In sentencing Cohen, U.S. District Judge William H. Pauley agreed with the prosecution’s claims that Cohen was motivated by “personal greed and ambition.”

But nothing in the charges Cohen pleaded guilty to provides any evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government to affect the outcome of the 2016 election, or that Trump violated campaign finance law. And even Trump’s bitterest opponents don’t claim he had any role in Cohen’s taxi business.

So while the headlines blare and Trump opponents line up on TV to say the Cohen plea could mean future criminal charges against President Trump and serve as grounds for impeachment, don’t be so sure.


Awaiting the arrival of the Liberal-clown car. Yay.

And, the hilarious part is now Fox News' own Sean Hannity (and Michael Cohen client) and chunks of conservative media are saying the same "don't snitch" anti law enforcement things that made O'Reilly mad in the original "u mad" meme.

Back the blue....... unless they are investigating you or someone you know...... then don't snitch. Lmao

I really cannot understand why that would be a crime. Buying a salacious story so it doesn't leak.
As long as Trumpo used his own money and not campaign money, I don't think that would amount to an "impeachable offense". Unless there's more...
I really cannot understand why that would be a crime. Buying a salacious story so it doesn't leak.
As long as Trumpo used his own money and not campaign money, I don't think that would amount to an "impeachable offense". Unless there's more...

It doesn't matter if you understand it. There are career professionals at the highest level of legal affairs in the USA working on this case, and they say their findings prove Donald Trump committed at least two felonies.

I mean really, if committing felonies to get the job in the first place is not an impeachable offense, what is?

We have not reached anywhere where we can see the bottom in this shit. That is all but guaranteed, given the absolutely amateur nature Trump's people cover things up. They've got the Trump org. ledgers, and methinks they'll find some shit. And then there's that whole Russia thing....
I really cannot understand why that would be a crime. Buying a salacious story so it doesn't leak.
As long as Trumpo used his own money and not campaign money, I don't think that would amount to an "impeachable offense". Unless there's more...

It appears that Trump and Cohen found a way to fuck it up and make it illegal.
It doesn't matter if you understand it. There are career professionals at the highest level of legal affairs in the USA working on this case, and they say their findings prove Donald Trump committed at least two felonies.

I mean really, if committing felonies to get the job in the first place is not an impeachable offense, what is?

We have not reached anywhere where we can see the bottom in this shit. That is all but guaranteed, given the absolutely amateur nature Trump's people cover things up. They've got the Trump org. ledgers, and methinks they'll find some shit. And then there's that whole Russia thing....

I think even if he's impeached in the house, this will unlikely pass the senate with 2/3rds, so Trump will join Johnson and Bill as the 3rd impeached president in history, but might just be symbolic. Trump's base and average public won't wrap their head around the egregious nature of such a technical crime(buying a story about yourself so as not to embarrass you family/wife). It's not an immoral crime to prosecute, so majority of public won't get on board, IMO. Felony or not. Now if there was actual Russian coordinaton etc...might be a different story, cause afterall this investigation was about that and not about paying hookers to not dick shame.
It appears that Trump and Cohen found a way to fuck it up and make it illegal.

I bet these guys are deluded enough to still think he's some great dealmaker.

Don - Chuck, you wanna shut down the government!
Chuck - No, you do.
Don - I'll totally shut it down if I don't get what I want.

Don -
I think even if he's impeached in the house, this will unlikely pass the senate with 2/3rds, so Trump will join Johnson and Bill as the 3rd impeached president in history, but might just be symbolic. Trump's base and average public won't wrap their head around the egregious nature of such a technical crime(buying a story about yourself so as not to embarrass you family/wife). It's not an immoral crime to prosecute, so majority of public won't get on board, IMO. Felony or not. Now if there was actual Russian coordinaton etc...might be a different story, cause afterall this investigation was about that and not about paying hookers to not dick shame.

Republicans in the Senate can block his impeachment at their political peril. If Trump thinks he can get off by winning re election, his ass will get hit with a sealed indictment.

The American public, maybe not his base, can grasp paying people off to influence an electoral outcome. It is not too complicated. The scope of the investigation is broad, and has precedent in the Clinton affair. He can complain about it all he wants, it won't save him.
I bet these guys are deluded enough to still think he's some great dealmaker.

Don - Chuck, you wanna shut down the government!
Chuck - No, you do.
Don - I'll totally shut it down if I don't get what I want.

Don -

Yeah, that was like watching Mir bait Sylvia into taking him down, and Sylvia taking the bait.

Republicans in the Senate can block his impeachment at their political peril. If Trump thinks he can get off by winning re election, his ass will get hit with a sealed indictment.

The American public, maybe not his base, can grasp paying people off to influence an electoral outcome. It is not too complicated. The scope of the investigation is broad, and has precedent in the Clinton affair. He can complain about it all he wants, it won't save him.

Clinton impeachment was a fiasco and a disgrace, for sure. Public didn't want it, but Gingrich being a sad clown that he is went ahead anyways.
I think if Trump wins reelection before this whole thing resolves, it would be madness to bring any kind of indictments or impeachment actions. Hell, it would be a real mess even close to the election, let alone after.
You guys really need to locate the "like" button more when it comes to my welcome posts in here. Remember that for next time lol.

Carry on CNNers.
You guys really need to locate the "like" button more when it comes to my welcome posts in here. Remember that for next time lol.

Carry on CNNers.
Lol go back to melting the last few brain cells you have left on fox news
"Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) - a law passed in 1971 that limits the financing of campaigns for federal elections. The law requires that candidates and their political committees let the public know who gives them money and how they spend that money. The law also regulates the public funding of presidential elections."


Still don't see the big deal. Reminds of that whole John Edwards saga.<{vega}>
Still don't see the big deal. Reminds of that whole John Edwards saga.<{vega}>

With Edwards the DOJ couldnt prove intent that it was a campaign contribution. Here Cohen and AMI admitted that was their intent.

The Edwards defense doesnt apply in this case.
Nah, that's not cool. Gold-digging is her prerogative as far as I'm concerned. And if she was just a gold-digger then I would feel very sorry for her, as she didn't sign up for this.

However, she's also shown that she's a conceited piece of shit human, so fuck her.
The FBI is in collusion with the Democrat party and MSM to smear Donald Trump for 4 years.

THAT is the collusion.

Not to mention prior Democrat/Obama admin collusion with Russia, money flowing everywhere from Fusion One donations to all of the same members: Mueller, Hillary, Obama.

The whole leftist/FBI establishment is going down, eventually.

It's coming.
You're about to collude with an aneurysm if you keep it up.
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