Social Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: Paul Ryan Was Elected at 28 and Called 'a Genius' While I'm a 'Fraud'

Wanting adulation just because somebody else got it? That's just not how I read her Tweet. I read it as her calling out the partisan response to two young people being elected, and the pettiness of the attacks. When the media talks about her clothes, it does not reflect badly on her, it reflects badly on the media.

I already said I don't agree with her politics. I'm not on a side with her, I would never vote for her for any position.

What American politician talks about being treated unfairly the most?

Yeah, it's pretty obvious what she's talking about. Just a couple months ago there was an article in the National Review, which is supposed to be the apex of right-wing intellectualism and professionalism (lol at deluding oneself into thinking that exists in the West) titled "The non-serious face of a non-serious movement," very clearly trying to undermine her popularity with, in addition to silly desk pounding about minor brain farts that every politician has (lol @ the last two GOP presidents), focusing on her facial appearance and calling upon gender stereotypes to take her down.

Meanwhile, Paul Ryan, despite never being remotely impressive or intelligent or anything but a whore for his betters, got the leader-in-waiting treatment.
Agree. She should be judged on what she says and does, not a standard of how people acted towards Paul Ryan however many years ago.

If she wants to try to be the new unofficial face of the democratic party, then she's better be a little more careful about the words she chooses in public.
She'll always be defended by the progressive types, especially the minority ones like @panamaican .

She relates to them, she's a latina (which usually i would be a huge fan of), she's a woman, she's a socialist and she really drives home the white hate. Here is a snippet of something really stupid she has said to pander and fear monger to get elected:

Six days from now, we can defeat the brutal white supremacist forces of anti-Semitism, anti-immigrant nativism, and racism. We can hold accountable the cold-hearted monsters who have repeatedly attacked our health care. We can send a message to the bigots and billionaires that this country belongs to all of us. We can win if we show up on November 6. We must end Republican control of Congress and begin to reclaim our nation.

"She iz sewper smart guez she got 2nd place and she done got a bachelors!!".

We should all msg her on twitter and tell her how special of a snowflake she is by calling her a genius.

No one cares what a halfwit thinks about ideologies or policies he does not understand. Notice how, during the heyday of Jersey Shore, nobody was asking Mike the Situation about his opinions on neo-classical economics and anarcho-syndicalism.

Bush is clearly smarter than Ryan. And it's not close. Although both are smarter than you are, you angry little weirdo derelict.

Are you Christian? What don't I understand about Christianity?

He is clearly not smarter. See, I can just declare things too.
Wanting adulation just because somebody else got it? That's just not how I read her Tweet. I read it as her calling out the partisan response to two young people being elected, and the pettiness of the attacks. When the media talks about her clothes, it does not reflect badly on her, it reflects badly on the media.

I already said I don't agree with her politics. I'm not on a side with her, I would never vote for her for any position.

What American politician talks about being treated unfairly the most?
You complain about the media picking on someone then allude to Trump... for fucking shame. We all know the media sucks, do you not agree with Trump on that?

Oscasio is that you?
You complain about the media picking on someone then allude to Trump... for fucking shame. We all know the media sucks, do you not agree with Trump on that?

Oscasio is that you?

I'm confused now, because you seem to be saying it's okay for Trump to constantly claim victimhood but it's not okay if Cortez says it? You said we need to shut her down, or she'll keep doing it. But Trump's been doing it for years, and that's fine?

You can't call me a partisan after saying something like that. We could make a megathread of Trump claiming to be a victim.
Do you agree with Ocasio on this matter? I personally think she is tooting her own horn and just enjoys the spotlight Ive seen her interviews and she talks about nothing its like ramblings that you usually hear from college students who learn something new from their professor and adapt their ideology. But cant really find solutions.

Abby Gardner,Glamour

While a historic number of women were elected to Congress in November, that doesn't mean that sexism itself has been booted from office. But Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has quickly become the Chrissy Teigen of political social media clapbacks, isn't just going to give it a pass.

Most recent case in point: She called out the double standard between herself and outgoing Speaker of the House Paul Ryan. Ryan was 28 when he was first elected, the same age as Ocasio-Cortez was when she won her New York primary race over the summer. But as Ocasio-Cortez noted on Twitter, the similarities end there—and she doesn't just mean their opposite political views. (He's a conservative Republican; she's a Democratic Socialist.)

"Double standards are Paul Ryan being elected at 28 and immediately being given the benefit of his ill-considered policies considered genius; and me winning a primary at 28 to immediately be treated with suspicion & scrutinized, down to my clothing, of being a fraud," she tweeted on Monday along with a Vox article titled "Paul Ryan's Long Con."

Ocasio-Cortez has been scrutinized and criticized—especially by the right-wing news media—since her primary victory in New York's Fourteenth Congressional District catapulted her onto the national stage. And to the women watching her rise, it's no surprise that her achievements have been questioned while those of a "fresh-faced" white man were applauded and validated. He got to be a man "on the rise." To some of her critics, she's a woman who doesn't "know her place."

See: a recent photo that Eddie Scarry, a writer for the Washington Examiner, took of Ocasio-Cortez and proceeded to share on Twitter in order to question her socio-economic status. (“I’ll tell you something: that jacket and coat don’t look like a girl who struggles,” he wrote in the now deleted tweet.)

But Ocasio-Cortez had a brilliant comeback for him too. "If I walked into Congress wearing a sack, they would laugh & take a picture of my backside," she tweeted. "If I walk in with my best sale-rack clothes, they laugh & take a picture of my backside. Dark hates light—that’s why you tune it out."

It's such a relief to see these double standards and sexist barbs called out for what they are—attempts to tear women down and count us out. Whatever work there is to be done (and there is still so much work), we have at least arrived at a moment in which we can be honest about the uphill climbs women face.

Women like Ocasio-Cortez are the future, and if that means cutting through all the sexist noise with wit, brains, and a voice that doesn't sound like it's been run through 47 political consultants before posting a tweet, I'm in.

Full Article here

this is the same woman who criticised all US moms for driving their kids to school in minivans and said they should use public transportation. She thinks every city and town has subway systems and bus terminals.

Im sure she will be president eventually because we are living out the movie Idiocracy.
Yeah, it's pretty obvious what she's talking about. Just a couple months ago there was an article in the National Review, which is supposed to be the apex of right-wing intellectualism and professionalism (lol at deluding oneself into thinking that exists in the West)

Some decent right-wing sources:

All better than the National Review, though they have occasionally decent stuff.
This is entirely irrational.
I have to admit, she's seems representative of pretty much everything I hate about the left. Socialism, buzz words, impossible promises, white hate/guilt etc
It was a rhetorical question. My problem with Cortez playing the victim card is that she is a minority woman who has lived an extremely privileged life, is now living an even more privileged life and yet her politics is about attacking the very system that granted her the privileges and opportunities she has enjoyed in her life. Cortez comes from an entirely different privileged world than the struggling people she claims she identifies with, but because of the narrowness of identity politics and the #Woke morons who lap it up she gets to ignore class differences and place herself into the same category as minority women who are legitimately struggling with issues the wealthier classes do not have to deal with.
What policy proposals does she hold that are contradictory? I think you're really confused.
I have to admit, she's seems representative of pretty much everything I hate about the left. Socialism, buzz words, impossible promises, white hate/guilt etc

Certainly you can come up with better ways of criticizing her than saying she's a "fucking creep" and you "hate her" though right?

She’s such a fucking creep. I hate her.
He definitely was, and in a much more significant way. He was actually making proposals based on bad math.

Etc. If you weren't aware that Ryan is notorious for bad math, just Google his name and math.
  1. Paul Ryan was a 28-year-old elected in 1998 (your Googles turned up 2010, 2013, 2014)
  2. I'll gladly accept the implied nod Cortez is a buffoon and that you equate her intellectual abilities to your own estimation of Ryan's
6 pages of men arguing about a woman's intelligence.

Bunch of queers.
Comparing yourself to someone else, and then whining that they weren't attacked like you are, is indeed painting yourself as a victim.

Another White Knight emerges...

The “whining” spin is your bias showing. From almost any other poster, this “whining” interpretation could be taken into consideration. However, your modus operandi in the War Room is a singular focus on rushing into threads to defend our much-aggrieved and perpetually victimized President Trump. Now, I may be wrong, but I don’t recall ever seeing you criticizing Trump for his self-portrayals as a victim (of which there are numerous examples, going by your own criteria).

You are the archetypical “white night,” for a POTUS that isn’t even your leader. The hilarity of a Canadian continually tripping over his own feet to get into a thread to defend Trump at all costs is part of the reason you are never taken seriously and considered an empty poster and simple sycophant.

Now, delve a little deeper into your posting history and the other alt-right creeps in this thread. Let’s not deny there is more than a tinge of misogyny coloring this double standard. The War Room is a den of hyper-compensating lost males who lack masculinity in their careers and relationships; you are a great example of this. We’ve got men who work meaningless office jobs, or don’t work at all and mooch off their wife and play video games (sound familiar?) This is why so many are drawn to MMA fandom, alt-right movements, and exude petty misogyny. You, of all people, dismissing someone as “white night” is the apex of irony.
The “whining” spin is your bias showing. From almost any other poster, this “whining” interpretation could be taken into consideration. However, your modus operandi in the War Room is a singular focus on rushing into threads to defend our much-aggrieved and perpetually victimized President Trump. Now, I may be wrong, but I don’t recall ever seeing you criticizing Trump for his self-portrayals as a victim (of which there are numerous examples, going by your own criteria).

You are the archetypical “white night,” for a POTUS that isn’t even your leader. The hilarity of a Canadian continually tripping over his own feet to get into a thread to defend Trump at all costs is part of the reason you are never taken seriously and considered an empty poster and simple sycophant.

Now, delve a little deeper into your posting history and the other alt-right creeps in this thread. Let’s not deny there is more than a tinge of misogyny coloring this double standard. The War Room is a den of hyper-compensating lost males who lack masculinity in their careers and relationships; you are a great example of this. We’ve got men who work meaningless office jobs, or don’t work at all and mooch off their wife and play video games (sound familiar?) This is why so many are drawn to MMA fandom, alt-right movements, and exude petty misogyny. You, of all people, dismissing someone as “white night” is the apex of irony.

Certainly you can come up with better ways of criticizing her than saying she's a "fucking creep" and you "hate her" though right?
The quote from her that Palis posted a few posts back- in all honesty, I find stuff like that cringeworthy and disgusting.
I have to admit, she's seems representative of pretty much everything I hate about the left. Socialism, buzz words, impossible promises, white hate/guilt etc
"If you have hate in your heart; let it out". - Clayton Bigsby
  1. Paul Ryan was a 28-year-old elected in 1998 (your Googles turned up 2010, 2013, 2014)
  2. I'll gladly accept the implied nod Cortez is a buffoon and that you equate her intellectual abilities to your own estimation of Ryan's

1. Yeah, that's even worse. If OCA is still saying stuff as dumb as Ryan was in 2010 12 years from now, the case for comparing them will be much stronger.
2. She's definitely been saying some dumb things, though for reasons that others in this thread have pointed out, I believe she's likely much smarter than Ryan.

Also note that Ryan had a decade of embarrassingly fawning MSM coverage, while OCA has been getting slammed constantly. It's fair to wonder why that it is (though I think the answer is much lower standards for the right).