What's goin' down at Tocco's (video):

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I enjoy your dedication to the technical side of things. Thanks for the videos

So many gyms as you know rely on natural talent and physical endurance rather than elevating their fighter’s skill levels accordingly.
I enjoy your dedication to the technical side of things. Thanks for the videos

So many gyms as you know rely on natural talent and physical endurance rather than elevating their fighter’s skill levels accordingly.
The vast majority unfortunately.
They don't even learn people how to stand properly.
I enjoy your dedication to the technical side of things. Thanks for the videos

So many gyms as you know rely on natural talent and physical endurance rather than elevating their fighter’s skill levels accordingly.

The trick is extrapolating everything these simple drills can do. The purpose is almost always not merely what it looks like
I had a question on using the Cuban hook, Aside from being a sneaky shot that packs a wallop. I was watching some Cuban gym videos. In the vid it looked like the coach was using the Cuban hook like a stiff arm sort of approach to stuff an opponent and then to drop a sanctified right ( looked like mostly aimed for the bread basket). What do you think about that approach?

Also mixing it up with jabs like you often have that 1-3-2 combo. What about mixing it up like 1 head CH body or the reverse. Especially when trying to throw a higher amount of long punches. In my mind I am thinking about McCallum. He would throw what seemed like a flurry of jabs but were they really a mix of jabs and long hooks?
^I'll answer that soon. This is from tonight, my Utah transplant:

He hits hard as fuck, for sure
I formulated a whole team warm-up before sparring, which can also be used on competition days prior to fights. Here's one of the exercises:

I formulated a whole team warm-up before sparring, which can also be used on competition days prior to fights. Here's one of the exercises:

Interesting could you explain the function and utility of jumping up and throwing punches and how that warms up your boxers for competition?
Interesting could you explain the function and utility of jumping up and throwing punches and how that warms up your boxers for competition?

I'm not going to lay out every aspect of the drill, as I mentioned in Kickzilla's thread about the duck-step drill, when I share these anyone who wants to use them will have to do the work of figuring them out in full in order to make them count.

I will say that it's quite noticeable how some of the former Sovet Union and Cuban fighters seemed to have busier feet without having "happy feet" (unorganized and unproductive)...and when they fire punches, they seemed to step or give a very very subtle spring into the sequence. Now I know a few different ways they achieved that, this is one of them.
I see you are a proponent of the socratic method and of people developing their own critical thinking. I like that.
I see you are a proponent of the socratic method and of people developing their own critical thinking. I like that.

I am, unfortunately this cost me most of my first crop of students. Lol
That sucks. What crop of students are you on now 2nd or 3rd?

Probably 3rd. But then group I have now seem the most reliable and content not to do shit based entirely on their egos

I think the bounce is something that is weirdly misunderstood in kb/muay thai. There's obv a cadence and rhythm that gets used but I admit I'm still lost on the priority of how to use it. It makes footwork so much easier to perform but should one always have a bit of a bounce? Should it vary between standing and bouncing? Should it be more subtle most of the time? And obviously when you're in a prime position to tee off you want to sit down.
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